Writings by Jean Charlot: a bibliography. Janine M. Richardson. 2014. Honolulu, Hawaiʻi: The Jean Charlot Foundation.
B1–B23 — Books and Booklets with Jean Charlot as Author or Co-author (excluding portfolios)
B24–B89 — Books and booklets by other authors with writings by Jean Charlot (including exhibition catalogs for other artists)
A1–A123 — Articles and other writings by Jean Charlot for magazines and journals
N1–N92 — Newspaper writings by Jean Charlot
T1–T112 — Honolulu Star-Bulletin "Art" column by Jean Charlot
S1–S69 — Spoken Word: interviews, films, lectures and program remarks with or by Jean Charlot
P1–P42 — Poetry by Jean Charlot
L1–L21 — Selected letters from Jean Charlot
U1–U3 — Unpublished books by Jean Charlot
U4–U49 — Other unpublished writings by Jean Charlot
Cover. Self-Portrait II. Jean Charlot. 1930. Wood engraving. 2.25 in wide × 2.5 in high. Morse no. 107.
Frontispiece. Hawaiian Drummer. Jean Charlot. 1970. Lithograph. 16 in wide x 21.5 in high. Morse no. 625
Writings by Jean Charlot: A Bibliography is intended to serve as a functional bibliography for researchers interested in artist and scholar Jean Charlot's (1898–1979) writings, and in the chronological appearance in these writings of his literary, artistic, and cultural interests. This is a bibliography researched and written not by a librarian, book cataloger, book collector, antiquarian, or artist, but by a researcher and writer with a background in literature and American history and an abiding interest in the context of the literary labors of writers from across the cultural spectrum. My interest in Jean Charlot began with my first encounters with his vibrant public art works in 1970s Honolulu, and continued with the editing work I did in 2010 on "Jean Charlot Interviews with John Charlot 1970–1978," and other pieces.
In terms of method, in general, each published piece of writing has been given a distinct item number. Unpublished writings by Charlot that stand alone—that is, have no direct link to a published work—have a distinct item number if they have been posted online on the Jean Charlot Foundation website and appear as a "head" entry in one of the website's tables of contents (see "Textes Français," "Escritos Sobre Arte Mexicano," and "English Texts"). "Spoken Word" items not directly associated with a published work have also been given distinct item numbers.
Frequently, a piece of writing exists in multiple published versions, for example, as an article in a magazine or journal, as a foreword, preface, or introduction in books by other authors, or in essay collections of Charlot's own writings. Each first appearance in a distinct publication genre, i.e. book, magazine, journal, exhibition flyer, lecture, film, etc. has its own item number. Drafts of writings that were later published, posted online, or cataloged by a library system (University of Hawaiʻi Voyager online catalog, or Worldcat) are listed with the first print publication of their associated piece. Published reprints or revisions of books, articles, and translations are listed with the original publication.
Because Jean Charlot wrote in different languages over many decades and for multiple genres and occasions, boundaries cannot always be neatly drawn around his individual writings. Therefore, while partial cross-referencing appears within some entries, for more complete cross-referencing readers should also consult the title index where more expansive linkages are given.
Introductions, prefaces, forewords, and other such written material contributed by Charlot to books by other authors are indexed under the title of the published book, as well as the title of Charlot's contribution. In entries where there was no specific title for Charlot's work, the piece is indexed under the item's generic label (for example, "Introduction"). In some cases, a foreword by Charlot to one of his own shows is listed in the bibliography. Such forewords are numerous and any inclusion here merely indicates that it has been posted on the Jean Charlot Foundation website.
Annotations for bibliographic items are intentionally brief and appear in brackets, as do unconfirmed dates and other editorial surmisals of facts. In annotations, "Morse number" refers to an art print's identifying number as assigned by Peter Morse in his Jean Charlot's Prints: A Catalogue Raisonné (1976). For extensive information regarding bibliographic items that have been posted online, the reader should consult the Jean Charlot Foundation website: Jean Charlot Foundation <https://jeancharlot.org> "Writings" section. Digitized versions of selected books authored or co-authored by Charlot are also available in their entirety at the Jean Charlot Foundation website (see website section titled "Books and Booklets").
Bronwen Solyom, the Jean Charlot Collection's curator, generously provided essential assistance throughout the various stages of this bibliography. Copies of most of the publications, manuscripts, and archival material listed in this bibliography may be consulted in the Jean Charlot Collection at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Hamilton Library. Duplicate copies of some items may be found either in Hamilton Library's Hawaiian or its Pacific Collections.
Thomas Peters II, the unofficial webmaster since 2009 for the Jean Charlot Foundation website, brought his careful attention and technical expertise to all things related to the final formatting, posting and printing of the bibliography. Thom brought those same qualities to the checking of sources for me in the final stages of the work.
The 1961 Charlot bibliography compiled by William J. Petesch, and the bibliographic work accomplished through 2011 by John Charlot provided me with my initial framework of items. John also kept this project on track from beginning to end.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge and thank the Jean Charlot Foundation for the material support they provided in 2012 and 2014 for work on this bibliography.
I have intended Writings by Jean Charlot: A Bibliography to follow conventions set forth by D. W. Krummel in Bibliographies: Their Aims and Methods (1984). In terms of organization and presentation, my model was Keith Sagar and Stephen Tabor's Ted Hughes: A Bibliography 1946–1980 (1983). Errors, as well as deviations in presentation, are strictly my own. Items that come to light after September 2014 will be assigned subsequent item numbers in an addendum. Corrections and comments are welcome.
Janine M. Richardson, Ph.D.
Haleʻiwa, Hawaiʻi
December 2014
AA | An Artist on Art: Collected Essays of Jean Charlot, 2 vols., 1972. B19 |
AMC | Art-Making from Mexico to China, 1950. B5 |
AMD | Art from the Mayans to Disney, 1939. B3 |
JCC | |
MMR | The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925, 1963. B10 |
# [Charlot, Jean.] Jean Charlot: A Catalog of Books, Portfolios, Writings, Murals. Honolulu: n.p., 1968. [Also see revised version with variant title printed in 1975, and 1986 revision by Zohmah Charlot and Peter Morse.]
# Charlot, John. "Jean Charlot's Hawaiian-Language Plays." Rongorongo Studies 8, no. 1 (1998): 3–24.
# Charlot, John. "Bibliography of Jean Charlot's Writings." Draft. JCC.
# Hawaii Voyager Catalog. http://manoa.hawaii.edu/library.
# Jean Charlot Collection. Archives, Manuscripts, and Publications. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Hamilton Library.
# Jean Charlot Foundation website: Jean Charlot Foundation. https://jeancharlot.org.
[See "Writings," then posting by language: "Textes Français," "Escritos sobre Arte Mexicano," "English Texts."]
# Krummel, D. W. Bibliographies: Their Aims and Methods. London and New York: Mansell Publishing, 1984.
# Luey, Beth. Editing Documents and Texts: An Annotated Bibliography. Madison, WI: Madison House, 1990.
# Morse, Peter. Jean Charlot's Prints: A Catalogue Raisonné. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii and the Jean Charlot Foundation, 1976.
# Petesch, William J. "Bibliography of Jean Charlot, 1898–." 1961. Photocopy of typescript. JCC. [Berkeley, University of California, course paper in reference, California School of Librarianship.]
# Sagar, Keith and Stephen Tabor. Ted Hughes: A Bibliography, 1946–1980. London: Mansell Publishing, 1983.
# Worldcat. http://www.worldcat.org.
#B1 The Temple of the Warriors at Chichen Itzá, Yucatán
Morris, Earl H., Jean Charlot, and Ann Axtell Morris. The Temple of the Warriors at Chichen Itzá, Yucatán. 2 vols. Vol. 1 [no subtitle]. Vol. 2, Plates. Publication no. 406. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution, 1931. [Vol. 2, Plates, contains reproductions of Charlot's art work done in the field from archaeological materials.]
"Bas Reliefs from Temple of the Warrior Cluster." The Temple of the Warriors at Chichen Itzá, Yucatán, vol. 1 (1931), 229–346. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Reproduction of pages 229–346.]
#B2 A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Cobá, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Thompson, J. Eric, Harry E. D. Pollock, and Jean Charlot. A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Cobá, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Publication no. 424. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution, 1932.
"Art Analysis of the Macanxoc Stelae." A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Cobá, Quintana Roo, Mexico (1932), 185–192. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"A Short Analysis of Stela 20 at Nohoch Mul." A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Cobá, Quintana Roo, Mexico (1932), 168. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B3 Art from the Mayans to Disney
Art from the Mayans to Disney. New York and London: Sheed & Ward, 1939. [Charlot's first essay collection of previously published work and one previously unpublished essay.]
Art from the Mayans to Disney. New York and London: Sheed & Ward, 1939; reprint, Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1969.
Art from the Mayans to Disney. New York and London: Sheed & Ward, 1939. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Sur Diego qu'on empêchait de peindre." [1923.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[English versions of this essay appear in print for the first time as "On the Completion of Rivera's First Mural," in Art from the Mayans to Disney (1939), 67–70, and later in An Artist on Art, vol. 2 (1972), 191–192.]
#B4 Charlot Murals in Georgia
Charlot Murals in Georgia. Introduction by Lamar Dodd, photographs by Eugene Payor, commentaries by Jean Charlot. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1945.
Charlot Murals in Georgia. Introduction by Lamar Dodd, photographs by Eugene Payor, commentaries by Jean Charlot. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1945. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B5 Art-Making from Mexico to China
Art-Making from Mexico to China. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1950. [Essay collection sequel to Charlot's Art from the Mayans to Disney (1939).]
Art-Making from Mexico to China. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1950. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B6 Dance of Death: 50 Drawings and Captions
Dance of Death: 50 Drawings and Captions. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1951.
Dance of Death: 50 Drawings and Captions. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1951. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B7 Choris and Kamehameha
Choris and Kamehameha. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1958.
Choris and Kamehameha. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1958. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B8 Mexican Art and the Academy of San Carlos, 1785–1915
Mexican Art and the Academy of San Carlos, 1785–1915. Foreword by Elizabeth Wilder Weismann. Texas Pan-American Series. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1962.
Mexican Art and the Academy of San Carlos, 1785–1915. Foreword by Elizabeth Wilder Weismann. Texas Pan-American Series. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1962. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B9 Naʻauao (The Light Within)
Naʻauao (The Light Within). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1963. [Publication line states "copyright 1962." Play premier by Honolulu Community Theatre, Ruger Theatre, Honolulu, April 1962. Also see B11.]
Naʻauao (The Light Within). [ca. 1962–1963.] Archival material. JCC. [Programs, newspaper coverage, early drafts, and Charlot's annotated stage copy bound with added cover stating "privately printed, 1963."]
"Kawelo, an Epic of Old Hawaii." [ca. 1957–1959.] Photocopied typescript. JCC. [Work in progress title for Naʻauao. Described as a five-page plot summary of an opera for the Ford Foundation.]
#B10 The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925
The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1963.
The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925. [2nd edition.] New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1967. [Corrected edition of 1963 first edition.]
The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925. [2nd edition.] New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1967. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925. [2nd edition.] New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1967; reprint, New York: Hacker Art Books, 1979.
El renacimiento del muralismo mexicano 1920–1925. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1963; reprint, Mexico City: Editorial Domés, 1985. [Some variation in illustrations and captions from 1963 edition. Possibly utilized portions of Charlot's manuscript that were originally in Spanish. See correspondence with Editorial Domés, JCC.]
El renacimiento del muralismo mexicano 1920–1925. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963; reprint, Mexico City: Editorial Domés, 1985. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925." [1947.] Manuscript carbon copy. JCC. [With penciled corrections by Charlot and related correspondence. This carbon copy was stamped "1952" by Stanford University Press when it was submitted for their consideration, but it is believed to be the original 1947 version which Charlot completed and Zohmah Charlot typed while in Mexico. Stanford, however, rejected the manuscript in November 1953 and returned it to Charlot. Several years later, the manuscript was accepted by Yale University Press and its planned publication was announced in January 1960.]
"The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925." [1962?] Manuscript. Jean Charlot Papers, 1960–1962. Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University, New York. [Draft copy with editing marks and notes throughout the manuscript. Title page of manuscript is dated 1962, but a penciled date follows the preface stating "September 1961." Also here is Charlot's sketchbook for the mural, Village Fiesta (1960), Shaw Dormitory, Syracuse University.]
"Aide-Mémoire Technique." [1923.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[See English version in MMR, and Spanish version, "Memorándum Técnico," below.]
"Memorándum Técnico." Apéndice III, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso Internacional de Muralismo: San Ildefonso, cuna del Muralismo Mexicano: reflexiones historiográficas y artísticas. Mexico City: D. R. Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, 1999, 280–281 (285–287).
"Memorándum Técnico." Apéndice III, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso Internacional de Muralismo: San Ildefonso, cuna del Muralismo Mexicano: reflexiones historiográficas y artísticas (1999). Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Short Writings Related to The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925." [1942 and 1944.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Excerpts from applications to Guggenheim Foundation for funding what would become MMR.]
"Appendix I: Fresco Painting In Mexico." [ca. 1946.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Cut from original MMR typescript.]
"Appendix III: The United States and the Renaissance." [ca. 1946.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Cut from original MMR typescript.]
"Passages Cut from the Original Typescript of The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925." [ca. 1946.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Edward and Mexico." [ca. 1946, revised 1961.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[From unpublished chapter on Edward Weston in Mexico for MMR.]
Appendix: "'Edward and Mexico' by Jean Charlot." Weston & Charlot: Art & Friendship, by Lew Andrews. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2011, 293–294.
"Chapter 25: Conclusion." [ca. 1946.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Cut from original MMR typescript.]
#B11 Three Plays of Ancient Hawaii
Three Plays of Ancient Hawaii. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1963. [Contains, in reverse order of composition, Naʻauao (The Light Within); Uʻi a uʻi (Beauty Meets Beauty); Moa a Moʻi (Chicken into King). See B9.]
Three Plays of Ancient Hawaii. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1963. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B12 Laukiamanuikahiki, Snare that Lures a Farflung Bird. A Bilingual Playlet, Hawaiian-English
Laukiamanuikahiki, Snare that Lures a Farflung Bird. A Bilingual Playlet, Hawaiian-English. Honolulu: n.p., 1964. [Produced by the Hawaiian Historical Society, McNeil Auditorium, Punahou School, Honolulu, May 25, 1964. Also see B21.]
Laukiamanuikahiki, Snare that Lures a Farflung Bird. A Bilingual Playlet, Hawaiian-English. Honolulu: n.p., 1964. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
Laukiamanuikahiki, Snare that Lures a Farflung Bird: A Bilingual Playlet, Hawaiian-English. Honolulu: n.p.,1964. [Annotated stage copy. JCC.]
Laukiamanuikahiki: Snare that Lures a Farflung Bird. 1964. Audiocassette. JCC. [Reading of Hawaiian-language play with English commentary.]
"Spirit Island." 1964. Typescript. JCC. [One-act play extracted from English-language version of Laukiamanuikahiki, Snare that Lures a Farflung Bird. Produced at the John F. Kennedy Laboratory Theatre, Honolulu, May 11–16, 1964.]
"Spirit Island." [1964.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Laukiamanuikahiki, Snare that Lures a Farflung Bird." [1973.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
Two Hawaiian Plays. Honolulu: n.p., 1976. Distributed by the University Press of Hawaii. [In English and Hawaiian. Contains Laukiamanuikahiki (Snare That Lures a Farflung Bird) and Na Lono Elua (Two Lonos). Revised and expanded, with a preface by Charlot. Also see B14, B15, B21.]
Two Hawaiian Plays. Honolulu: n.p., 1976. Distributed by the University Press of Hawaii. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B13 Posada's Dance of Death
Posada's Dance of Death. New York: Pratt Graphic Art Center, 1964. [With four relief engravings by José Guadalupe Posada; title page wood engraving by Fritz Eichenberg. Edition of 500.]
Posada's Dance of Death. New York: Pratt Graphic Art Center, 1964. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B14 Two Lonos [Na Lono Elua]
Two Lonos [Na Lono Elua]. Honolulu: n.p., 1965. [One-act play based on the death of Captain Cook. 100 copies printed.]
#B15 Na Lono Elua; Two Lonos
Na Lono Elua; Two Lonos. Honolulu: n.p., [1967?] [Three-act play in Hawaiian-English.]
Two Hawaiian Plays. Honolulu: n.p., 1976. Distributed by the University Press of Hawaii. [In English and Hawaiian. Contains Laukiamanuikahiki (Snare That Lures a Farflung Bird) and Na Lono Elua (Two Lonos). Revised and expanded, with a preface by Charlot. Also see B12, B14.]
Two Hawaiian Plays. Honolulu: n.p., 1976. Distributed by the University Press of Hawaii. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B16 Jean Charlot: A Catalog of Books, Portfolios, Writings, Murals
Jean Charlot: A Catalog of Books, Portfolios, Writings, Murals. Honolulu: n.p., 1968.
Jean Charlot: A Catalog of Murals and Monumental Sculpture, Books, Books Illustrated, Portfolios. Honolulu: n.p., 1975.
Charlot, Zohmah and Peter Morse. Jean Charlot: Books, Portfolios, Writings, Murals. Honolulu: n.p., 1986. [Revised and expanded.]
#B17 Los Peregrinos de Chalma
Los Peregrinos de Chalma. Mowentihke Chalman. The Pilgrims of Chalma. Honolulu: Mele, 1969. [Also see A122.]
Los Peregrinos de Chalma. Mowentihke Chalman. The Pilgrims of Chalma. Honolulu: Mele, 1969. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B18 El Artista en Nueva York
Orozco, José Clemente, and Jean Charlot. El Artista en Nueva York. Prologue by Luis Cardoza y Aragón. Mexico City: Siglo veintiuno: El Colegio nacional, 1971. [With appendix titled "Algunos Escritos de Jean Charlot" comprised of seven articles by Charlot not reproduced in the English edition.]
The Artist in New York: Letters to Jean Charlot and Unpublished Writings, 1925–1929. Letters and writings translated by Ruth L. C. Simms; foreword and notes by Charlot. The Texas Pan-American Series. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1974.
The Artist in New York: Letters to Jean Charlot and Unpublished Writings, 1925–1929. Letters and writings translated by Ruth L. C. Simms; foreword and notes by Charlot. The Texas Pan-American Series. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1974. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B19 An Artist on Art: Collected Essays of Jean Charlot
An Artist on Art: Collected Essays of Jean Charlot. 2 vols. Vol. 1, Miscellany. Vol. 2, Mexican Art. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1972.
An Artist on Art: Collected Essays of Jean Charlot. 2 vols. Vol. 1, Miscellany. Vol. 2, Mexican Art. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1972. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B20 Picture Book II: 32 Original Lithographs and Captions
Picture Book II: 32 Original Lithographs and Captions. Written and illustrated by Jean Charlot. Los Angeles: Zeitlin and Ver Brugge, 1973. [Edition of 1000 signed by Charlot and Lynton R. Kistler, published for the 40th anniversary of the original Picture Book: Thirty-Two Original Lithographs, inscriptions by Paul Claudel, translation by Elise Cavanna, illustrations by Jean Charlot (New York: Becker, 1933). Also see P33.]
Picture Book: Images and Verses by Jean Charlot. Preface by Lynton Kistler. Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1974. [Miniature reproduction with new text by Charlot and plates previously published in Picture Book: Thirty-Two Original Lithographs (1933).]
#B21 Two Hawaiian Plays
Two Hawaiian Plays. Honolulu: n.p., 1976. Distributed by the University Press of Hawaii. [In English and Hawaiian. Contains Laukiamanuikahiki (Snare That Lures a Farflung Bird) and Na Lono Elua (Two Lonos). Revised and expanded, with a preface by Charlot. Also see B12, B14, B15.]
Two Hawaiian Plays. Honolulu: n.p., 1976. Distributed by the University Press of Hawaii. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B22 Way of the Cross: 14 Original Woodcuts
Way of the Cross: 14 Original Woodcuts. Los Angeles: Lynton R. Kistler, 1977. [Reprint of the 1920 portfolio Chemin de Croix, with new foreword by Charlot.]
Way of the Cross: 14 Original Woodcuts. Los Angeles: Lynton R. Kistler, 1977. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B23 Cartoons Catholic: Mirth and Meditation
Cartoons Catholic: Mirth and Meditation from the Brush and Brain of Jean Charlot, with commentary by F. J. Sheed. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 1978.
Cartoons Catholic: Mirth and Meditation from the Brush and Brain of Jean Charlot, with commentary by F. J. Sheed. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 1978. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B24 Los pequeños grabadores en madera: alumnos de la Escuela Preparatoria de Jalisco
"Prólogo como presentación de un grupo de grabadores en madera." Los pequeños grabadores en madera: alumnos de la Escuela Preparatoria de Jalisco, by Carlos Orozco. Guadalajara, Jal.: Tip. Jaime, 1925. [With 30 woodcuts by Carlos Orozco. See A2 for condensed version of prologue.]
"Prologue ou présentation d'un groupe de graveurs sur bois." [ca. 1924–1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Prólogo como presentación de un grupo de grabadores en madera." [ca. 1924–1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B25 Danzas indígenas mexicanas
Prólogo. Danzas indígenas mexicanas, by José G. Montes de Oca. Tlaxcala, Tlax: Impr. del Gobierno del Estado, 1926. [See A5.]
#B26 Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 25, July 1, 1925 to June 30, 1926
"Quotation on Dais, Northwest Colonnade, Chichen Itzá." Quoted in "The Temple of the Warriors," in "Archaeology," by Sylvanus G. Morley. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 25, July 1, 1925 to June 30, 1926. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution, 1926, 262–63.
"Quotation on Dais, Northwest Colonnade, Chichen Itzá." Quoted in "The Temple of the Warriors," in "Archaeology," by Sylvanus G. Morley. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 25, July 1, 1925 to June 30, 1926. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution, 1926, 262–63. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Scan of selected pages.]
"Report on the Columns in the Temple of the Warriors." [1926.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Partly published in Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 25, July 1, 1925 to June 30, 1926 (1926).]
"Dais of the Temple of the Warrior." [1926.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Variant title, "Rapport 1926."]
#B27 Exposición de Pinturas de Fermín Revueltas
Prólogo. Exposición de Pinturas de Fermín Revueltas. Mexico City: Casa del Estudiante Indígena, 1927. [Catalog for exhibition December 9–12, 1927.]
"Fermín Revueltas." [1927.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B28 Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 26, July 1, 1926 to June 30, 1927
"Report of Jean Charlot on the Sculptures and Paintings in the North and Northwest Colonnades (Stations 8 and 10)." Quoted in "Archaeology," by Sylvanus G. Morley. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 26, July 1, 1926 to June 30, 1927. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution, 1927), 246–249.
"Report of Jean Charlot on the Sculptures and Paintings in the North and Northwest Colonnades (Stations 8 and 10)." Quoted in "Archaeology," by Sylvanus G. Morley. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 26, July 1, 1926 to June 30, 1927. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution, (1927), 246–249. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Scan of selected pages.]
#B29 Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 27, July 1, 1927 to June 30, 1928
"Report of Jean Charlot on the Sculptures of the Temple of the Warriors and the Temple of the Chac Mool." Quoted in "Archaeology," by Sylvanus G. Morley. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 27, July 1, 1927 to June 30, 1928. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1928, 300–302.
"Report of Jean Charlot on the Sculptures of the Temple of the Warriors and the Temple of the Chac Mool." Quoted in "Archaeology," by Sylvanus G. Morley. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 27, July 1, 1927 to June 30, 1928. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1928, 300–302. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Scan of selected pages.]
"Report of Jean Charlot on the Sculptures Copied in the Field Season of 1928." [1928.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Partially published in Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 27, July 1, 1927 to June 30, 1928.]
#B30 Idols Behind Altars
"Jean Charlot." Idols Behind Altars, by Anita Brenner. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1929, 305–308. [Chapter is paginated 303–313, Charlot's textual contribution is 305–308.]
#B31 Jean Charlot
[No title, but "1922" is given at head of essay.] Jean Charlot, by Paul Claudel. Peintres Nouveaux. Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, 1931, 7–10. [Later editions in 1932 and 1933 carried either the imprint of parent company Éditions Gallimard, or of "nrf."]
[No title, but "1922" is given at head of essay.] Jean Charlot, by Paul Claudel. Peintres Nouveaux. Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, 1931, 7–10. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Sans titre." Jean Charlot, by Paul Claudel. Peintres Nouveaux. Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, 1931, 7–10. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Conseils de Peintre à un Client Possible." [1922.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B32 Edward Weston
"An Estimate and a Tribute from a Painter." Edward Weston, by Merle Armitage. New York: E. Weyhe, 1932, 3–5. [Variant title, The Art of Edward Weston.]
"An Estimate and a Tribute from a Painter." Edward Weston, by Merle Armitage. New York: E. Weyhe, 1932, 3–5. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Edward Weston." AMD (1939), 168–174. [Combines "An Estimate and a Tribute from a Painter" with B34, the announcement flyer for 100 Photographs: Edward Weston, Increase Robinson Galleries, Chicago, 1933. Also see A37.]
"Edward Weston." California Arts and Architecture 57 (April 1940): 20. [See A37. Reprinted from B3, Art from the Mayans to Disney (1939).]
"Edward Weston." AA 1 (1972), 171–176. [Revised.]
"An Estimate and a Tribute from a Painter." The Charlot Collection of Edward Weston Photographs, by Van Deren Coke. Honolulu: Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1984. [Exhibition catalog. Catalog also has Zohmah Charlot's essay, "In Weston's World," 8–12.]
#B33 Back to Bouguereau
"William A. Bouguereau: Fifty Years of Painting." Back to Bouguereau. New York: John Levy Galleries, 1932. [Catalog for exhibition December 12–31, 1932.]
"William A. Bouguereau: Fifty Years of Painting." Back to Bouguereau. New York: John Levy Galleries, 1932. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Charlot Writes of New Interest in Bouguereau's Art." Art News, December 17,1932, 9. [Reprints Charlot's essay in full.]
#B34 100 Photographs: Edward Weston
Statement. 100 Photographs: Edward Weston. Chicago: Increase Robinson Galleries, 1933. [Announcement flyer for exhibition September–October 1933.]
Statement. 100 Photographs: Edward Weston. Chicago: Increase Robinson Galleries, 1933. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B35 Amero
"Emilio Amero." Amero. New York: Julien Levy Gallery, 1935. [Flyer for exhibition January 5, 1935.]
"Emilio Amero." Amero. New York: Julien Levy Gallery, 1935. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B36 Carlos Mérida
Foreword. Carlos Mérida. New York: Georgette Passedoit Gallery, 1937. [Catalog with Charlot print, Morse no. 383, for exhibition January 11–January 25, 1937.]
"Carlos Merida 1936, II." AMD (1939), 115–116.
"Carlos Merida." AA 2 (1972), 347–352. [Revised. See A115.]
"Foreword to Exhibition of Carlos Merida." [ca. December 1936.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Reconstructed from text for 1937 exhibition, Georgette Passedoit Gallery, New York City.]
#B37 Specifications and Drawings of Patents Application November 7, 1936
Carman, Albert and Jean Charlot. United States Patent Office. 2, 119, 041. Reproduction Process. Application November 7, 1936. Serial no. 109, 632. 3 claims. cl.101–211. Patented May 31, 1938. See Specifications and Drawings of Patents, May 31, 1938, part 2, 1–3. Summary in Official Gazette [Journal of the United States Patent and Trademark Office] May 31, 1938, 1072.
#B38 Plastic Speculations around Mexican Motifs: Julio De Diego
Foreword. Plastic Speculations around Mexican Motifs: Julio De Diego. New York: Bonestell Gallery, 1940. [Brochure for exhibition May 1940.]
Foreword. Plastic Speculations around Mexican Motifs: Julio De Diego. New York: Bonestell, 1940. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B39 Exposición de Pinturas—Stefa Brillouin
Prólogo. Exposición de Pinturas—Stefa Brillouin—del 6 al 16 de agosto de 1945, Foyer del Palacio de Bellas Artes. Mexico City: Dirección General de Educación Estética, Secretaría de Educación Pública, 1945. [Catalog for exhibition.]
"Stefa Brillouin." [1945.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B40 Cien grabados en madera/100 Original Woodcuts
Foreword. Cien grabados en madera/100 Original Woodcuts, by José Guadalupe Posada, with an introduction by W. S. Stallings, Jr. Mexico City: Arsacio Vanegas Arroyo, 1945; Colorado Springs: Taylor Museum, Fine Arts Center, 1947. [In Spanish and English, edition of 450.]
Foreword. Cien grabados en madera/100 Original Woodcuts, by José Guadalupe Posada, with an introduction by W. S. Stallings, Jr. Mexico City: Arsacio Vanegas Arroyo, 1945; Colorado Springs: Taylor Museum, Fine Arts Center, 1947. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Cien grabados en madera por José Guadalupe Posada." "Antología de Textos de Jean Charlot," selected and annotated by John Charlot and Peter Morse, in Mexico en la Obra de Jean Charlot, edited by Milena Koprivitzka and Blanca Garduño Pulido. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Arte, 1994, 46–55.
"Cien grabados en madera por José Guadalupe Posada." "Antología de Textos de Jean Charlot," selected and annotated by John Charlot and Peter Morse, in Mexico en la Obra de Jean Charlot, edited by Milena Koprivitzka and Blanca Garduño Pulido. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Arte, 1994, 46–55. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Cien grabados en madera de José Guadalupe Posada." [1945.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B41 Paintings by Jean Charlot
Foreword. Paintings by Jean Charlot. Springfield, MA: George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, 1945. [Brochure for exhibition March 4–March 25, 1945.]
Foreword. Paintings by Jean Charlot. Springfield, MA: George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, 1945. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B42 Eugene Payor
Eugene Payor. New York: Bonestell Gallery, 1946. [Catalog for exhibition April–May 1946.]
Eugene Payor. New York: Bonestell Gallery, 1946. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B43 Mexican Folk-Art Expressed in the Cut-Out Designs ofLola V. Cueto, Exhibited at the Southwest Museum during May 1946
Introduction. Mexican Folk-Art Expressed in the Cut-Out Designs of Lola V. Cueto, Exhibited at the Southwest Museum during May 1946. Pasadena: Southwest Museum, Pasadena Library, 1946. [Exhibition catalog.]
Introduction. Mexican Folk-Art Expressed in the Cut-Out Designs of Lola V. Cueto, Exhibited at the Southwest Museum during May 1946. Pasadena: Southwest Museum, Pasadena Library, 1946. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Lola Cueto: The Cut-Out Papers." AMC (1950), 171–175.
#B44 Estampas de Yucatán
Prólogo. Estampas de Yucatán, by Alfredo Zalce. Mexico City: La Estampa Mexicana, 1946. [In Spanish and English with eight original lithographs printed by José Sanchez at Taller de Gráfica Popular and signed by the artist. Edition of 100.]
Prólogo. Estampas de Yucatán, by Alfredo Zalce. Mexico City: La Estampa Mexicana, 1946. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"The Lithographs of Alfredo Zalce." AMC (1950), 183–186.
"The Lithographs of Alfredo Zalce." AA 2 (1972), 183–187.
"Prólogo: Alfredo Zalce, Estampas de Yucatán." [1946.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B45 Retrato de la América Latina hecho por sus artistas gráficos / Portrait of Latin America as Seen by Her Print Makers
Introduction. Retrato de la América Latina hecho por sus artistas gráficos/Portrait of Latin America as Seen by Her Print Makers, edited by Anne Lyon Haight, foreword by Monroe Wheeler, introduction by Jean Charlot. New York: Hastings House, 1946, vi–vii; 1–7.
Introduction. Retrato de la América Latina hecho por sus artistas gráficos/Portrait of Latin America as Seen by Her Print Makers, edited by Anne Lyon Haight, foreword by Monroe Wheeler, introduction by Jean Charlot. New York: Hastings House, 1946, vi–vii; 1–7. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Portrait of Latin America." AMC (1950), 83–97.
"Portrait of Latin America." AA 2 (1972), 135–145. [Revised.]
"Prólogo a Retrato de la América Latina hecho por sus artistas gráficos." [1946.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Spanish translation by Luis de Zulueta, Jr.]
#B46 Títeres Populares Mexicanos
Introduction. Títeres Populares Mexicanos, texto de Roberto Lago, con una introduction de Jean Charlot y cuarneta aquatintas de Lola Cueto. Mexico City: n.p., 1947. [Limited edition.]
"Lola Cueto: The Etchings." AMC (1950), 176–181.
"Lola Cueto." [The Etchings.] AA 2 (1972), 376–379.
"Aguatintas de Lola Cueto." [1947.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B47 Exposicíón de Grabados y Papeles de Lola Cueto
"Los Papeles 'Picados' de Lola Cueto." Exposicíón de Grabados y Papeles de Lola Cueto. Mexico City: Instituto Venezolana-Soviético, 1947. [Catalog for exhibition May 11, 1947.]
"Los Papeles 'Picados' de Lola Cueto." [1946.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Charlot's notes suggest the Spanish version is a translation by Roberto Lago. Also published as "Los Papeles 'Picados' de Lola Cueto," El Nacional (Mexico City), May 9, 1946. See N18.]
#B48 American Printmaking, 1913–1947: A RetrospectiveExhibition Presented by the American Institute of Graphic Arts
Introduction. American Printmaking, 1913–1947: A Retrospective Exhibition Presented by the American Institute of Graphic Arts. Woodstock, VT: William Edwin Rudge, 1947.
"American Printmaking, 1913–1947: A Retrospective Exhibition Presented by the American Institute of Graphic Arts." Print 5, no. 4 (1948): 45–51. [Reprinted from exhibition catalog.]
"American Printmaking, 1913–1947: A Retrospective Exhibition Presented by the American Institute of Graphic Arts." Print 5, no. 4 (1948): 45–51. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"American Prints: 1913–1947." AMC (1950), 213–227.
"American Prints: 1913–1947." AA 1 (1972), 151–164. [Revised.]
#B49 American Prize Prints of the 20th Century
Reese, Albert. American Prize Prints of the 20th Century. New York: American Artists Group, 1949. [Quotes Charlot on his lithograph, Mexican Kitchen, which is the frontispiece.]
#B50 Studies in Latin American Art; Proceedings of a Conference
"Art and Archaeology." Studies in Latin American Art; Proceedings of a Conference Held in the Museum of Modern Art, New York, 28–31 May 1945, Under the Auspices of the Joint Committee on Latin American Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies, the National Research Council and the Social Science Research Council, edited by Elizabeth Wilder. Washington, DC: American Council of Learned Societies, 1949, 47–52.
"Art and Archaeology." Studies in Latin American Art; Proceedings of a Conference Held in the Museum of Modern Art, New York, 28–31 May 1945, Under the Auspices of the Joint Committee on Latin American Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies, the National Research Council and the Social Science Research Council, edited by Elizabeth Wilder. Washington, DC: American Council of Learned Societies, 1949, 47–52. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B51 Ke Anuenue
Foreword. Ke Anuenue, by Juliette May Fraser. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1952. [Foreword in two parts; first by David Kaonohiokala Bray, second by Jean Charlot; glossary by Samuel H. Elbert.]
Foreword. Ke Anuenue, by Juliette May Fraser. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1952. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B52 Jean Charlot's Fresco Mural: Early Cultural Exchanges Between Hawaii and the Outer World
Jean Charlot's Fresco Mural: Early Cultural Exchanges Between Hawaii and the Outer World. [Honolulu: n.p., ca. 1953?] [Illustrated folder headed "The Waikiki Branch of the Bishop National Bank of Hawaii," with "Key to the Mural Motifs" based on Charlot's description in the transcription below. Multiple editions printed over the years. Mural was Early Contacts of Hawaii with the Outer World (1951–1952). Bishop National Bank's name became First National Bank in 1960, then First Hawaiian Bank in 1969.]
Jean Charlot's Fresco Mural: Early Cultural Exchanges Between Hawaii and the Outer World. [Honolulu: n.p., ca. 1953?] Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Two editions.]
"Mural in the Waikiki Branch of the Bishop Bank. Subject Matter: Early Contacts of Hawaii with Occidental Culture." [ca. 1951.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Explanation of the sketch plan of the mural later titled Early Contacts of Hawaii with the Outer World (1951–1952).]
#B53 Born Catholics
"Jean Charlot." Born Catholics, edited by F. J. Sheed. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1954, 96–113.
"Apologia." [1951.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Apologia." [1951.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Reading version.]
#B54 The Bachman Hall Frescoes, University of Hawaii
The Bachman Hall Frescoes, University of Hawaii. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, ca. 1954. [Illustrated brochure.]
The Bachman Hall Frescoes, University of Hawaii. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, ca. 1954. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B55 The Charlot Frescoes, Moreau Hall, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana
The Charlot Frescoes, Moreau Hall, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana. [Notre Dame, IN: Saint Mary's College, 1956.] [Illustrated booklet with explanatory text by Charlot. Also see A108.]
The Charlot Frescoes, Moreau Hall, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana. [Notre Dame, IN: Saint Mary's College, 1956.] Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Charlot at St. Mary's." Christian Art: A Monthly Review of Art Made for God's Greater Glory, August 1963, 5–7. [Excerpts.]
"Explanations Saint Mary's College." [1956.] Edited reconstruction. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B56 A Report on American Culture: A Symposium
"Art." A Report on American Culture: A Symposium Sponsored by the Thomas More Association and the Department of Library Science, Rosary College. Chicago: Thomas More Association, 1959, 63–75. [From a lecture given for "A Report on American Culture, a Symposium Sponsored by the Thomas More Association and the Department of Library Science, Rosary College, River Forest, Illinois, June 13–14, 1959." See S31.]
"Art." A Report on American Culture: A Symposium Sponsored by the Thomas More Association and the Department of Library Science, Rosary College. Chicago: Thomas More Association, 1959, 63–75. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Art." "A Report on American Culture." Special issue of The Critic 18, no. 1 (August/September 1959): 23–26, 79. [A101.]
"Art." "A Report on American Culture." Special issue of The Critic 18, no. 1 (August/September 1959): 23–26, 79. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"American Art Today (1959): A Survey." AA 1 (1972), 135–150. [Revised.]
#B57 Selections from Fornander's Hawaiian Antiquities and Folk-Lore
Translation of a Hawaiian chant from the Legend of Halemano. Selections from Fornander's Hawaiian Antiquities and Folk-Lore, edited by Samuel H. Elbert, illustrated by Jean Charlot. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1959, 3.
"Translation of a Hawaiian chant." [1959?] Edited transcription. [See "Derniers Poèmes, 1949–1979."] Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B58 Village Fiesta
Village Fiesta. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1960. Jean Charlot Foundation. [With remarks taken from Charlot's description of his mural, Village Fiesta, at dedication ceremonies held June 10, 1960. See S40.]
Village Fiesta. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1960. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
Sketchbook for Village Fiesta. Jean Charlot Papers, 1960–1962. Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University, New York. [With manuscript for B10, The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925 (1963).]
#B59 Conversational Hawaiian
Johnson, Kawena [and Jean Charlot.] "He moʻolelo nō ʻekolu pea (bears)." ["The Three Bears."] Conversational Hawaiian, by Samuel H. Elbert and Samuel A. Keala, illustrated by Jean Charlot. Revised and expanded 3rd edition. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1961, 65–66. [Student manual developed for classroom use in University of Hawaiʻi's Hawaiian language classes. Text teaches vocabulary and grammar, and features stories, songs, and poems. 4th ed., 1963. Also see B66.]
Johnson, Kawena and Palani [Jean] Charlot. "He moʻolelo nō 'ekolu pea (bears)." ["The Three Bears."] Conversational Hawaiian, by Samuel H. Elbert and Samuel A. Keala, illustrated by Jean Charlot. 5th ed. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1965, 65–66. [First edition to credit Charlot's contribution to this story, mainly the final lines which refer to the marriage of Goldilocks to one of the bears and the resulting hapa keiki (mixed race child).]
#B60 Painted Walls of Mexico: From Prehistoric Times until Today
Foreword. Painted Walls of Mexico: From Prehistoric Times until Today, by Emily Edwards, photographs by Manuel Alvarez Bravo. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1966, ix–x.
Foreword. Painted Walls of Mexico: From Prehistoric Times until Today, by Emily Edwards, photographs by Manuel Alvarez Bravo. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1966, ix–x. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B61 Britannica Junior Encyclopedia
"Engraving." Britannica Junior Encyclopedia. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, [1966.]
"Engraving." [1965.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Written for Britannica Junior Encyclopedia.]
"Fine Arts." Britannica Junior Encyclopedia. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, [1966.]
"Fine Arts." [1965.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Written for Britannica Junior Encyclopedia.]
"Lithography." Britannica Junior Encyclopedia. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, [1966.]
"Lithography." [1965.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Written for Britannica Junior Encyclopedia.]
"Mexican Painting." Britannica Junior Encyclopedia. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, [1966.]
"Mexican Painting." [1965.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Written for Britannica Junior Encyclopedia.]
"Rivera, Diego (1886–1957)." Britannica Junior Encyclopedia. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, [1966.]
"Rivera, Diego (1886–1957)." [1965.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Written for Britannica Junior Encyclopedia.]
#B62 New Catholic Encyclopedia
"Fresco." New Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: McGraw, Hill, 1967.
"Fresco." New Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: McGraw, Hill, 1967. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Orozco, José Clemente." New Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: McGraw, Hill, 1967.
"Orozco, José Clemente." New Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: McGraw, Hill, 1967. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B63 "The Thomas Jefferson Hall Frescoes, East-West Center"
[Comments.] "The Thomas Jefferson Hall Frescoes, East-West Center." Honolulu: East-West Center, October 1967. Mimeograph. JCC.
[Comments.] "The Thomas Jefferson Hall Frescoes, East-West Center." Honolulu: East-West Center, October 1967. Mimeograph. JCC. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Mural in Jefferson Hall: Occidental Apport to World Culture." [1967.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B64 The Donald Angus Collection of Oil Paintings by Madge Tennent
Statement. The Donald Angus Collection of Oil Paintings by Madge Tennent. Honolulu: Contemporary Arts Center of Hawaii, [1968]. [Brochure for exhibition February 22 to March 15, 1968. Text is from T59, "Art," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 12, 1967.]
Statement. The Donald Angus Collection of Oil Paintings by Madge Tennent. Honolulu: Contemporary Arts Center of Hawaii, [1968]. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B65 Public Speaking in Paint
Public Speaking in Paint. Chicago: Public Art Workshop, [1970?], 455–468. [Reprinted from "Public Speaking in Paint," American Scholar 10, no. 4 (Autumn 1941): 455–468.]
Public Speaking in Paint. Chicago: Public Art Workshop, [1970?], 455–468. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B66 Spoken Hawaiian
[Charlot, Jean and Kawena Johnson.] "He moʻolelo nō ʻekolu pea." ["The Three Bears."] Spoken Hawaiian, by Samuel Elbert, illustrated by Jean Charlot. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1970, 70–71. [Replaced B59, Conversational Hawaiian, as classroom text.]
#B67 Juliette May Fraser: A Retrospective
Statement. Juliette May Fraser: A Retrospective Honoring the Artist's 85th Year. Honolulu Academy of Arts, [1972]. [Brochure for exhibition March 30–April 30, 1972. Text based on N69, "Juliette May Fraser, Artist, Ambassador," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 20, 1964, 24.]
Statement. Juliette May Fraser: A Retrospective Honoring the Artist's 85th Year. Honolulu Academy of Arts, March 30–April 30, 1972. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B68 Xavier Guerrero y su obra
Xavier Guerrero y su obra. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, [1972]. [Catalog for exhibition January 4–28, 1972. Contains three paragraphs from N88, "Elogio de Xavier Guerrero," Excélsior, diorama de la cultura (Mexico City), January 16, 1972, 2. Also see A116.]
#B69 Juan Cordero 1824/1884: Exposición-Homenaje
Juan Cordero 1824/1884: Exposición-Homenaje. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, 1972. [Catalog for exhibition held December 11, 1972–January 11, 1973, Palacio de Bellas Artes. Charlot's contribution based on his 1945 lecture. See S7, A52.]
#B70 Doors to Many Mansions
[Comments.] Doors to Many Mansions. Honolulu: Punahou School, 1973. [On the thirty-two copper repoussé panels designed by Charlot and crafted by Evelyn Giddings for the entrance doors of the Robert Shipman Thurston, Jr. Memorial Chapel, Punahou School, Honolulu.]
Doors to Many Mansions. Honolulu: Punahou School, 1973. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B71 Artists of Hawaii
Introduction. Artists of Hawaii, with photographs by Francis Haar, and interviews by Prithwish Neogy. Vol. 1, Nineteen Painters and Sculptors. Honolulu: State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, 1974, xi–xviii.
Introduction. Artists of Hawaii, with photographs by Francis Haar, and interviews by Prithwish Neogy. Vol. 1, Nineteen Painters and Sculptors. Honolulu: State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, 1974, xi–xviii. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Isami Doi." Artists of Hawaii 1 (1974), 3–5. [See T39, "Art," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 30, 1966, B-1.]
"Isami Doi." Artists of Hawaii 1 (1974), 3–5. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Jean Charlot." Artists of Hawaii 1 (1974), 42–49.
"Jean Charlot." Artists of Hawaii 1 (1974), 42–49. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B72 Friends of Habilitat Cookbook
"Opihi Stew or Soup." Friends of Habilitat Cookbook. Kaneohe, HI: Habilitat, 1974, 35.
"Opihi Stew or Soup." Hawaiian Celebrities Cookbook. Kaneohe, HI: Habilitat, 1974, 28. [Revised 2nd edition with change of title.]
"Opihi Stew or Soup." Hawaiian Celebrities Cookbook. Kaneohe, HI: Habilitat, 1974, 28. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B73 Jean Charlot's Prints: A Catalogue Raisonné
Morse, Peter. Jean Charlot's Prints: A Catalogue Raisonné. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1976. [Charlot's writings on his work are quoted throughout.]
Morse, Peter. Jean Charlot's Prints: Supplement. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1983.
Morse, Peter. "Jean Charlot's Prints: A Catalogue of the Artist's Collection." 1971. Typescript. JCC. [Second-state draft.]
#B74 Jean Charlot: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints: An Exhibition
"Description of Athens Fine Arts Building Fresco, 1942." Jean Charlot: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints: An Exhibition, edited by Ethel Moore. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1977, 39–43. [Exhibition catalog, October 31–December 5, 1976. On title page is "Georgia Museum of Art Bulletin 2, no. 2, Fall 1976." See N10, A47, B4.]
"Description of Athens Fine Arts Building Fresco, 1942." Jean Charlot: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints: An Exhibition, edited by Ethel Moore. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1977, 39–43. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B75 Our Lady of Sorrows: 1927–1977
"Fresco in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington." Our Lady of Sorrows: 1927–1977. South Hackensack, NJ: Custombook, Inc., 1977, 22. [Abridged. See A106.]
#B76 1978 Tide Calendar
Charlot, Jean, and John Charlot. 1978 Tide Calendar. Inscriptions in Hawaiian and English, photographs by Robert Wenkam. Honolulu: Dillingham Corporation, 1977. [Traditional and contemporary proverbs.]
Charlot, Jean, and John Charlot. 1978 Tide Calendar. Inscriptions in Hawaiian and English, photographs by Robert Wenkam. Honolulu: Dillingham Corporation, 1977. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B77 Toward a People's Art: The Contemporary Mural Movement
Foreword. Toward a People's Art: The Contemporary Mural Movement, by Eva Cockcroft, John Weber, and Jim Cockcroft. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1977, xv–xviii.
Foreword. Toward a People's Art: The Contemporary Mural Movement, by Eva Cockcroft, John Weber, and Jim Cockcroft. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1977, xv–xviii. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B78 Posada's Mexico
"José Guadalupe Posada and His Successors." Posada's Mexico, edited by Ron Tyler. Washington, DC: Library of Congress/Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1979, 29–57.
"José Guadalupe Posada and His Successors." Posada's Mexico, edited by Ron Tyler. Washington, DC: Library of Congress/Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1979, 29–57. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"The Posters." Rupert Garcia: Artist-in-Residence. Honolulu: Institute of Culture and Communication, East-West Center, 1987. [From Charlot's draft for "José Guadalupe Posada and His Successors," in Posada's Mexico, edited by Ron Tyler (1979).]
#B79 Honoré Daumier: A Centenary Tribute
"Daumier's Graphic Compositions." Honoré Daumier: A Centenary Tribute, edited by Andrew Stasik. New York: Pratt Graphics Center, 1980, 55–95.
"Daumier's Graphic Compositions." Honoré Daumier: A Centenary Tribute, edited by Andrew Stasik. New York: Pratt Graphics Center, 1980, 55–95. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B80 Art in the Collection of Saint Francis Hospital
"Jean Charlot." Art in the Collection of Saint Francis Hospital, by Kenneth Kingrey, and others. Honolulu: Saint Francis Hospital, 1982, 6–41. [Charlot describes his work for Honolulu's St. Francis Hospital, 1958–1975.]
#B81 The Charlot Collection of Edward Weston Photographs
"An Estimate and a Tribute from a Painter." The Charlot Collection of Edward Weston Photographs, by Van Deren Coke. Honolulu: Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1984. [Exhibition catalog. Essay reprinted from B32, "An Estimate and a Tribute from a Painter," in Edward Weston (1932), 3–5. Catalog also has Zohmah Charlot's essay, "In Weston's World," 8–12.]
#B82 Rupert Garcia: Artist-in-Residence
"The Posters." Rupert Garcia: Artist-in-Residence. Honolulu: Institute of Culture and Communication, East-West Center, 1987. [From Charlot's draft for "José Guadalupe Posada and His Successors," in Posada's Mexico (1979), 29–57.]
"The Posters." Rupert Garcia: Artist-in-Residence. Honolulu: Institute of Culture and Communication, East-West Center, 1987. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B83 México en la obra de Jean Charlot
"Antología de Textos de Jean Charlot." Selected and annotated by John Charlot and Peter Morse, in Mexico en la Obra de Jean Charlot, edited by Milena Koprivitzka and Blanca Garduño Pulido. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Arte, 1994, 46–55. [Exhibition catalog, Colegio de San Ildefonso, Mexico City, April 12–June 19 1994; Palacio de la Cultura, Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, July 29–October 29, 1994; Museo de Monterrey, Monterrey, Nuevo León, January 17–March 27, 1995. Reprinted here are four essays by Charlot: "Un precursor del movimiento de arte mexicano" (1925); "El Movimiento actual de la pintura en México" (1923); "Las pinturas de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria" (1924); and Charlot's foreword to Cien grabados en madera (1945). See B40, A4, N3, N5.]
"Antología de Textos de Jean Charlot." Selected and annotated by John Charlot and Peter Morse, in Mexico en la Obra de Jean Charlot, edited by Milena Koprivitzka and Blanca Garduño Pulido. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Arte, 1994, 46–55. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B84 Memoria Congreso Internacional de Muralismo: San Ildefonso, cuna del Muralismo Mexicano: reflexiones historiográficas y artísticas
"Ideografía azteca y Gleizes." Apéndice I, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot, in Memoria Congreso Internacional de Muralismo: San Ildefonso, cuna del Muralismo Mexicano: reflexiones historiográficas y artísticas. Mexico City: D. R. Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, 1999, 280–281. [From "Notebook C: Notes sur l'art." See U24.]
"Ideografía azteca y Gleizes." Apéndice I, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot, in Memoria Congreso Internacional de Muralismo: San Ildefonso, cuna del Muralismo Mexicano: reflexiones historiográficas y artísticas. Mexico City: D. R. Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, 1999, 280–281. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Respuesta a Molina." Apéndice II, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 283–284.
"Respuesta a Molina." Apéndice II, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 283–284. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Réponse à Molina." [1923.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Memorándum Técnico." Apéndice III, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 285–287. [See "Aide-Mèmoire Technique," B10, The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925 (1963) in "Books" section of bibliography.]
"Memorándum Técnico." Apéndice III, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 285–287. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Composición de La masacre en el Templo Mayor. Extracto de Pictures and Picture Making, Ponencia VI, martes, 24 de mayo 1938." Apéndice IV, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 288–299. [See U1, S4.]
"Composición de La masacre en el Templo Mayor. Extracto de Pictures and Picture Making, Ponencia VI, martes, 24 de mayo 1938." Apéndice IV, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 288–299. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#B85 Ben Shahn's New York: The Photography of Modern Times
"Ben Shahn: An Appreciation." Ben Shahn's New York: The Photography of Modern Times, edited by Deborah Martin Kao, Laura Katzman, and Jenna Webster. Cambridge, MA: Fogg Art Museum; Harvard University Art Museums, 2000, 267–269. [From "Ben Shahn," Hound & Horn 6, no. 4 (July–September 1933): 632–634. See A27.]
#B86 Monografía de 598 estampas de Manuel Manilla2005
"Manuel Manilla, Grabador Mexicano." Monografía de 598 estampas de Manuel Manilla, grabador mexicano/Monograph of 598 Prints by Manuel Manilla, Mexican Engraver, by Mercurio López Casillas. Mexico City: Editorial RM, 2005, 206–207. [From "Manuel Manilla, Grabador Mexicano," Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas 1, no. 2 (November–December 1926): 18–21. See A11.]
#B87 Viva Posada: l'oeuvre gravé de José Guadalupe Posada
"Guadalupe Posada, précurseur de l'art indo-américain." Viva Posada: l'oeuvre gravé de José Guadalupe Posada, preface by Diego Rivera. Montreal: L'Insomniaque, 2006, 209–211. [French translation of "Un precursor del movimiento de arte mexicano: el grabador Posadas," Revista de Revistas (Mexico City), August 30, 1925, 25. See A4.]
#B88 Weston & Charlot: Art & Friendship
Appendix: "'Edward and Mexico' by Jean Charlot." Weston & Charlot: Art & Friendship, by Lew Andrews. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2011, 293–294. [See B10, The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925 (1963).]
#B89 Diego Rivera: The Italian Sketchbook 1920–1921
"Diego Rivera in Italy." Diego Rivera: The Italian Sketchbook 1920–1921. New York: Mary-Anne Martin Fine Art, 2013, 61–70. [Catalog for exhibition January 25–February 22, 2013. Reproduces "Diego Rivera in Italy," Magazine of Art, January 1953, 3–10, including magazine cover. Catalog also contains "Facsimile of The Italian Sketchbook with Diego Rivera's annotations; translations and commentary by Jean Charlot." See A81.]
#A1 "La jeune peinture mexicaine"
[Charlot, Jean] and Claude Blanchard. "La jeune peinture mexicaine." Le Crapouillot (Paris), September 16, 1922, 12–13 [?], 16–18.
[Charlot, Jean] and Claude Blanchard. "La jeune peinture mexicaine." Le Crapouillot (Paris), September 16, 1922, 12–13 [?], 16–18. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Note Bibliographique: 'La Jeune Peinture Mexicaine.'" [1922.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A2 "Los pequeños grabadores en madera"
"Los pequeños grabadores en madera." El Universal Ilustrado (Mexico City), March 12, 1925, 33, 50. [Condensed, see B24, "Prólogo como presentación de un grupo de grabadores en madera," in Los pequeños grabadores en madera: alumnos de la Escuela Preparatoria de Jalisco (1925).]
#A3 "El grabado en madera y los artistas tapatíos"
"El grabado en madera y los artistas tapatíos." El Universal Ilustrado, July 23, 1925, 33, 50.
"El grabado en madera y los artistas tapatíos." [1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A4 "Un precursor del movimiento de arte mexicano: el grabador Posadas"
"Un precursor del movimiento de arte mexicano: el grabador Posadas." Revista de Revistas (Mexico City), August 30, 1925, 25.
"Mexican Print-Makers II: Posada." AMD (1939), 85–93.
"Un precursor del movimiento de arte mexicano: el grabador Posadas." El Artista en Nueva York (1971), 150–154.
"Un Precursor del Movimiento de Arte Mexicano: El Grabador Posada." "Antología de Textos de Jean Charlot," selected and annotated by John Charlot and Peter Morse, in Mexico en la Obra de Jean Charlot (1994), 46–55. [One of four essays by Charlot reprinted here. See B83 for details. Book posted in full at Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"El grabador Posadas." "Jean Charlot: 1898–1979," in Memoranda: Revista de la subdirección general de servicios sociales y culturales del ISSSTE 6, no. 33 (November–December, 1994). [Extracts.]
"Guadalupe Posada, précurseur de l'art indo-américain." Viva Posada: l'oeuvre grave de José Guadalupe Posada, preface by Diego Rivera. Montreal: L'Insomniaque, 2006, 209–211. [French translation of "Un precursor del movimiento de arte mexicano: el grabador Posadas," Revista de Revistas (Mexico City), August 30, 1925, 25.]
"Guadalupe Posadas." [1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[In French.]
"Un precursor del movimiento de arte mexicano: el grabador Posadas." [1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[This essay introduced Posada to the world. Charlot spelled "Posada" "Posadas," at this time, as did others.]
#A5 "La estética de las danzas indígenas"
"La Estética de las Danzas Indígenas." El Universal Ilustrado, March 9, 1925, 28, 48. [Possibly published again in June 1926.]
"Esthetics of Indian dances/Estética de las danzas indígenas." Mexican Folkways (Mexico City), August–September 1925, 4–6.
"La estética de las danzas indígenas." La Epoca (Guatemala), September 3, 1925.
Prólogo. Danzas indígenas mexicanas, by José G. Montes de Oca. Tlaxcala, Tlax.: Impr. del Gobierno del Estado, 1926. [B25.]
"Aesthetics of Indian Dances." AMD (1939), 48–56.
"Aesthetics of Indian Dances." AA 2 (1972), 108–113. [Revised.]
"Sur la danse." [1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"La Estética de las Danzas Indígenas." [1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[With scan of El Universal Ilustrado.]
#A6 "El papel de Rafael Yela Gunther en el actual movimiento de arte"
"El papel de Rafael Yela Gunther en el actual movimiento de arte." Revista de Revistas, September 27, 1925, 26.
"El papel de Rafael Yela Gunther en el actual movimiento de arte." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A7 "Art Interpretations"
"Art Interpretations." Mexican Life, March 1926, 16–17.
"Art Interpretations." Mexican Life, March 1926, 16–17. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Mexico of the Poor." AMD (1939), 42–47. [Revised.]
"Mexico of the Poor, 1922." AA 2 (1972), 99–107.
"Mexico." [1922.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"México de los humildes o los ricos sin saberlo." [1922.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Reconstruction of Spanish translation from the French by Diego Rivera.]
#A8 "Para las gentes de buena voluntad"
"Para las gentes de buena voluntad." Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas 1 (Mexico City), no. 1 (October 1926), 34.
"Para las gentes de buena voluntad." El Artista en Nueva York (1971), 155–158. [See B18.]
"For People of Good Will." AMD (1939), 11–14.
"For People of Good Will." AA 1 (1972), 3–5.
"Para las gentes de buena voluntad." [1926.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A9 "Pinturas murales mexicanas"
"Pinturas murales mexicanas." Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas 1, no. 1 (October 1926): 10–12.
"Pinturas murales mexicanas." El Artista en Nueva York (1971), 159–162. [B18.]
"Pulqueria Paintings." AMD (1939), 62–66.
"Pulqueria Painting." AA 2 (1972), 118–122.
"Pinturas murales mexicanas." [1926.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A10 "Asimilando"
"Asimilando." Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas 1, no. 2 (November–December 1926): 9.
"The Indian Way I and II." AMD (1939), 59–61.
"The Indian Way." AA 2 (1972), 115–117.
"Asimilando." [1926.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[With extracts from original publication.]
#A11 "Manuel Manilla, grabador mexicano"
"Manuel Manilla, grabador mexicano." Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas 1, no. 2 (November–December 1926): 18–21.
"Manuel Manilla, grabador mexicano." El Artista en Nueva York (1971), 163–167.
"Mexican Print-makers I: Manila" [sic, Manilla]. AMD (1939), 76–82.
"Mexican Printmakers: Manilla." AA 2 (1972), 157–161.
"Manuel Manilla, Grabador Mexicano." [1926.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Nota sobre Manuel Manilla." [1926.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Unpublished. Written for a planned folio.]
#A12 "David Alfaro Siqueiros: Un verdadero rebelde en arte"
[Charlot, Jean] and Anita Brenner. "David Alfaro Siqueiros: Un verdadero rebelde en arte." Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas 1, no. 2 (November–December 1926): 22–25. [While published under Brenner's name, the article was written by Charlot for Revista de Revistas, then translated into Spanish and published with omissions, transpositions, and additions by Anita Brenner in Forma. See note in "Bibliographie," "Textes Français," Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014. https://jeancharlot.org/french-articles]
[Charlot, Jean] and Anita Brenner. "David Alfaro Siqueiros: Un verdadero rebelde en arte." Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas 1, no. 2 (November–December 1926): 22–25. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"D. Alfaro Siqueiros." [1924.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A13 "The Art of the Maya as Revealed by Excavations at the Temple of the Warriors, Chichen Itzá, Yucatan"
Bunker, Frank. "The Art of the Maya as Revealed by Excavations at the Temple of the Warriors, Chichen Itzá, Yucatan." Spec. Middle America issue of Art and Archaeology 23, no. 1 (January 1927): 3–10. [Charlot quoted on page 7. Article may have been reprinted in a brochure format.]
#A14 "Ilustraciones jeroglíficas"
"Ilustraciones jeroglíficas." Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas 1, no. 4 (1927): 29.
#A15 "Nota sobre la pintura mural de los mayas"
"Nota sobre la pintura mural de los mayas." Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas 1, no. 5 (January 1928): 24. [Appended to "Un jarro maya pintado," by Sylvanus G. Morley, 22–24.]
"Nota sobre la pintura mural de los mayas." El Artista en Nueva York (1971), 168–170.
"Nota sobre la Pintura Mural de los Mayas." [1927.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A16 "Une renaissance mexicaine"
Brenner, Anita, and Jean Charlot. "Une renaissance mexicaine." La renaissance de l'art français et des industries de luxe 11, no. 2 (February 1928): 60–68. [In English and French, with two reproductions of Charlot's work.]
Brenner, Anita, and Jean Charlot. "Une renaissance mexicaine." La renaissance de l'art français et des industries de luxe 11, no. 2 (February 1928): 60–68. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Une Renaissance Mexicaine." [1928.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Original manuscript was found in the papers of Anita Brenner.]
#A17 "José-Clemente Orozco"
"José-Clemente Orozco." Mexican Life, May 1928, 25–30. [English version of article later published in Spanish, see A18, "José Clemente Orozco: su obra monumental," below.]
"José-Clemente Orozco." Mexican Life, May 1928, 25–30. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Scan of publication with Charlot's penciled corrections.]
"Jean Charlot's Corrigenda to his 'José-Clemente Orozco.'" [1928.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Errata sheet for article published in Mexican Life, May 1928, 25–30.]
"Jose Clemente Orozco." AMD (1939), 100–108.
"José-Clemente Orozco." AA 2 (1972), 237–255. [Revised from 1928 Forma article, A18, and 1947 Magazine of Art article, A62.]
#A18 "José Clemente Orozco: su obra monumental"
"José Clemente Orozco: su obra monumental." Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas, no. 6 (June 1928): 32–51.
"José Clemente Orozco: su obra monumental." Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas, no. 6 (June 1928): 32–51. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Click on transcription with this title, scroll to the end, then click on "original pdf version."]
"José Clemente Orozco: su obra monumental." El Artista en Nueva York (1971), 171–180.
"José Clemente Orozco: su obra monumental." [1928.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A19 "Carlos Mérida y la pintura"
"Carlos Mérida y la pintura." Contemporáneos 1, no. 6 (November 1928): 262–266.
"Carlos Merida 1928, I." AMD (1939), 111–114.
"Carlos Mérida." AA 2 (1972), 347–352. [Revised from 1928 Contemporáneos article and foreword to 1937 exhibition, B36.]
"Carlos Mérida, maestro consciente de su arte." [1928.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A20 "The Art of the Maya"
"The Art of the Maya." Carnegie Institution of Washington News Service Bulletin, Staff Edition, no. 5, March 17, 1929, 25–31. [Article based upon Charlot's "study and observations" for the Carnegie Institution, with Charlot quoted in last paragraph.]
#A21 "Dances of Mexico"
"Dances of Mexico." Theatre Guild Magazine, September 1930, 48–49. [With watercolors by Charlot.]
"Dances of Mexico." Theatre Guild Magazine, September 1930, 48–49. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A22 "Aztec Motifs"
"Aztec Motifs." Design 32, no. 6 (November 1930): 138–139.
"Aztec Motifs." Design 32, no. 6 (November 1930): 138–139. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A23 "Opportunity Gallery"
Shemin, Augusta. "Opportunity Gallery." New York Art Center Bulletin, April 1931, 103. [Quotes "Mexican artist" Charlot on his perspective as a "foreign juror" for this exhibition.]
Shemin, Augusta. "Opportunity Gallery." New York Art Center Bulletin, April 1931, 103. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A24 "The Bas-Reliefs from the Temple of Warriors"
"The Bas-Reliefs from the Temple of Warriors." Art and Archaeology 31, no. 6 (June 1931): 311–316. [Journal table of contents added a third "the" to Charlot's title: "The Bas-Reliefs from the Temple of the Warriors."]
"The Bas-Reliefs from the Temple of Warriors." Art and Archaeology 31, no. 6 (June 1931): 311–316. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"The Maya of Middle America. Part IV—Bas-Reliefs from the Temple of the Warriors." Carnegie Institution of Washington, News Service Bulletin School Edition 2, no. 20 (June 7, 1931): 133–136.
"The Maya of Middle America. Part IV—Bas-Reliefs from the Temple of the Warriors." Carnegie Institution of Washington, News Service Bulletin School Edition 2, no. 20 (June 7, 1931): 133–136. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Los Bajorrelieves del Templo de los Guerreros." Los Mayas de la Regíon Central de América. Institucíon Carnegie de Washington, Publicaciones Suplementarias, no. 4. Washington, DC: Institucíon Carnegie, Sección de Publicaciones, Noviembre 1, 1931, 16–19. [Information from Charlot's work appears beneath illustration of "Una Columna Esculpida y Pintada."]
"Los Bajorrelieves del Templo de los Guerreros." Edited transcription. Los Mayas de la Regíon Central de América. Institucíon Carnegie de Washington, Publicaciones Suplementarias, no. 4. Washington, DC: Institucíon Carnegie, Sección de Publicaciones, Noviembre 1, 1931, 16–19. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A25 "Louis Eilshemius"
"Louis Eilshemius." Hound & Horn 6, no. 2 (January–March 1933): 242–245.
"Louis Eilshemius." Hound & Horn 6, no. 2 (January–March 1933): 242–245. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Louis Eilshemius." AMD (1939), 161–174.
#A26 "Pinning Butterflies"
"Pinning Butterflies." Review of The Art of Henri Matisse, by Albert C. Barnes and Violette de Mazia. Creative Art 12 (May 1933): 354–359.
"Pinning Butterflies." Review of The Art of Henri Matisse, by Albert C. Barnes and Violette de Mazia. Creative Art 12 (May 1933): 354–359. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Pinning Butterflies." AMD (1939), 151–160.
#A27 "Ben Shahn"
"Ben Shahn." Hound & Horn 6, no. 4 (July–September 1933): 632–634. [The article that first drew national attention to Shahn's work.]
"Ben Shahn." Hound & Horn 6, no. 4 (July–September 1933): 632–634. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Ben Shahn." AMD (1939), 189–192.
"Ben Shahn." AA 1 (1972), 183–186. [Revised.]
Morse, John D. and Jean Charlot. Ben Shahn. [ca. 1945?] [Hand-made book designed by bookseller and art dealer G. Alan Chidsey. Comprised of two major examinations of Shahn's work: the article by Charlot (1933), and an interview with Shahn by Morse that appeared in Magazine of Art, April 1944. The book is illustrated, mounted, and bound into linen boards.]
"Ben Shahn: An Appreciation." Ben Shahn's New York: The Photography of Modern Times, edited by Deborah Martin Kao, Laura Katzman, and Jenna Webster. Cambridge, MA: Fogg Art Museum; Harvard University Art Museums, 2000, 267–269. [Reprint of "Ben Shahn" (1933).]
#A28 "Franklin D. [sic, C.] Watkins"
"Franklin D. [sic, C.] Watkins." Hound & Horn 7, no. 1 (January–March 1934): 241–243. [Typographical error in middle initial.]
"Franklin D. [sic, C.] Watkins." Hound & Horn 7, no. 1 (January–March 1934): 241–243. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Franklin C. Watkins." AMD (1939), 180–188.
#A29 "Art, Quick or Slow"
"Art, Quick or Slow." Magazine of Art, November 1934, 571–576. [Also see Art Digest, November 15, 1934, 19.]
"Art, Quick or Slow." Magazine of Art, November 1934, 571–576. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Art, Quick or Slow." AMD (1939), 143–150.
#A30 "Mayan Art"
"Mayan Art." Magazine of Art 28, no. 7 (July 1935): 418–423.
"Mayan Art." Magazine of Art 28, no. 7 (July 1935): 418–423. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Mayan Art." AMD (1939), 17–25.
"Mayan Art." AA 2 (1972), 39–45. [Revised.]
"A Note on Maya Esthetic." [1928?] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Written for publication at the apparent request of Anita Brenner, but not published. Charlot later used it as the foundation for this 1935 Magazine of Art article.
#A31 "A Death God in Stone"
A Death God in Stone." Bulletin of Smith College Museum of Art, no. 17 (June 1936): 12–13. [Heavily edited.]
"A Death God in Stone." Bulletin of Smith College Museum of Art, no. 17 (June 1936): 12–13. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A32 "Painter's Insight, Public's Sight: The Critic, the Artist, and Problems of Representation"
"Painter's Insight, Public's Sight: The Critic, the Artist, and Problems of Representation." American Scholar 6, no. 2 (Spring 1937): 131–144.
"Painter's Insight, Public's Sight: The Critic, the Artist, and Problems of Representation." American Scholar 6, no. 2 (Spring 1937): 131–144. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Recitational Art." Art Digest, April 1, 1937, 13. [Comments on and quotes from "Painter's Insight, Public's Sight: The Critic, the Artist, and Problems of Representation" (1937).]
"About Our Authors." American Scholar 6, no. 2 (Spring 1937): 252. [Charlot's autobiographical notes accompanying "Painter's Insight, Public's Sight: The Critic, the Artist, and Problems of Representation."]
"About Our Authors." American Scholar 6, no. 2 (Spring 1937): 252. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"The Critic, the Artist, and Problems of Representation." AMD (1939), 117–142.
"The Critic, the Artist, and Problems of Representation." AA 1 (1972), 50–67. [Revised.]
#A33 "Surrealism—or, the Reason for Unreason"
"Surrealism—or, the Reason for Unreason." American Scholar 7, no. 2 (Spring 1938): 230–242.
"Surrealism—or, the Reason for Unreason." American Scholar 7, no. 2 (Spring 1938): 230–242. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"About Our Authors." American Scholar 7, no. 2 (Spring 1938): 256. [Charlot's autobiographical notes accompanying "Surrealism—or, the Reason for Unreason."]
"About Our Authors." American Scholar 7, no. 2 (Spring 1938): 256. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Surrealism—or, the Reason for Unreason." AMD (1939), 221–245.
"Surrealism—or the Reason for Unreason." AA 1 (1972), 86–104. [Revised.]
#A34 "A Twelfth-Century Mayan Mural"
"A Twelfth-Century Mayan Mural." Magazine of Art, November 1938, 624–629, 670.
"A Twelfth-Century Mayan Mural." Magazine of Art, November 1938, 624–629, 670. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"A Twelfth-Century Mayan Mural." AMD (1939), 26–41.
"A Twelfth-Century Mayan Mural." AA 2 (1972), 47–57. [Revised.]
#A35 "Cubism: Requiescat in Pace"
"Cubism: Requiescat in Pace." American Scholar 8, no. 1 (Winter 1938–1939): 102–114.
"Cubism: Requiescat in Pace." American Scholar 8, no. 1 (Winter 1938–1939): 102–114. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014
"Cubism: R. I. P." AMD (1939), 193–220.
#A36 "But is it Art? A Disney Disquisition"
"But is it Art? A Disney Disquisition." American Scholar 8, no. 3 (Summer 1939): 261–270.
"But is it Art? A Disney Disquisition." American Scholar 8, no. 3 (Summer 1939): 261–270. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"A Disney Disquisition." AMD (1939), 263–280.
#A37 "Edward Weston"
"Edward Weston." California Arts and Architecture 57 (April 1940): 20. [Reprinted from "Edward Weston," in B3, Art from the Mayans to Disney (1939), 168–174, a combination of B32, "An Estimate and a Tribute from a Painter," and B34, the announcement flyer for 100 Photographs: Edward Weston, Increase Robinson Galleries, Chicago, 1933.]
"Edward Weston." California Arts and Architecture 57 (April 1940): 20. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A38 "Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art"
"Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art." Magazine of Art, July 1940, 398–404, 440, 443.
"Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art." Magazine of Art, July 1940, 398–404, 440, 443. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art." AMC (1950), 29–42.
"Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art." AA 2 (1972), 12–23. [Revised.]
#A39 "Catholic Art, Its Quandaries"
"Catholic Art, Its Quandaries." Liturgical Arts 9, no. 1 (October 1940): 6–8.
"Catholic Art, Its Quandaries." Liturgical Arts 9, no. 1 (October 1940): 6–8. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Catholic Art, Its Quandaries." AMC (1950), 263–271.
"Catholic Art, Its Quandaries." AA 1 (1972), 303–310. [Revised.]
#A40 "The Painter Sees the World"
"The Painter Sees the World." American Scholar 10, no. 1 (Winter 1940–1941): 94–101.
"The Painter Sees the World." American Scholar 10, no. 1 (Winter 1940–1941): 94–101. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"The Painter Sees the World." AMC (1950), 5–17.
"The Painter Sees the World." AA 1 (1972), 38–49. [Revised.]
#A41 "All-American"
"All-American." The Nation, February 8, 1941, 165–166.
"All-American." The Nation, February 8, 1941, 165–166. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"All-American." AMC (1950), 205–212.
#A42 Review of Autobiography
Review of Autobiography, by Eric Gill. Commonweal, September 12, 1941, 498–499.
Review of Autobiography, by Eric Gill. Commonweal, September 12, 1941, 498–499. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Eric Gill." AMC (1950), 257–262.
#A43 "Public Speaking in Paint"
"Public Speaking in Paint." American Scholar 10, no. 4 (Autumn 1941): 455–468.
"Public Speaking in Paint." American Scholar 10, no. 4 (Autumn 1941): 455–468. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Public Speaking in Paint." Charlot Murals in Georgia (1945), 23–40. [Revised.]
"Public Speaking in Paint." AA 1 (1972), 105–123. [Revised.]
Public Speaking in Paint. Chicago: Public Art Workshop, 1970[?], 455–468. [Reprint. Retains original pagination.]
#A44 Letters to the Editor, Liturgical Arts
Letters to the Editor. Liturgical Arts 12, no. 2 (February 1944): 48–49. [Regarding Charlot's frontispiece for Liturgical Arts 12, no. 1, November 1943.]
Letters to the Editor. Liturgical Arts 12, no. 2 (February 1944): 48–49. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"To the Editor of Liturgical Arts." AMC (1950), 272–276.
"To the Editor of Liturgical Arts." AA 1 (1972), 298–302. [Revised.]
#A45 "How Dodd Paints Georgia"
"How Dodd Paints Georgia." Atlanta Journal Magazine, February 27, 1944, 7.
"How Dodd Paints Georgia." Atlanta Journal Magazine, February 27, 1944, 7. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"How Dodd Paints Georgia." [1944.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A46 "A Statement on the Practice of Art Courses by a Committee of the College Art Association"
Charlot, Jean, et al. "A Statement on the Practice of Art Courses by a Committee of the College Art Association." College Art Journal 4, no. 1 (November 1944): 33–38.
"College Art Teaching." [1951.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[References "A Statement on the Practice of Art Courses by a Committee of the College Art Association."]
#A47 "Fresco Murals at University of Georgia"
"Fresco Murals at University of Georgia." Design, December 1944, 7. [Also see N10, "Fine Arts Façade, Athens, Georgia" (1942) in "Newspaper" section of bibliography.]
"Fresco Murals at University of Georgia." Design, December 1944, 7. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A48 "José Guadalupe Posada: Printmaker to the Mexican People"
"José Guadalupe Posada: Printmaker to the Mexican People." Magazine of Art, January 1945, 16–21.
"José Guadalupe Posada: Printmaker to the Mexican People." Magazine of Art, January 1945, 16–21. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"José Guadalupe Posada: Printmaker to the Mexican People." AMC (1950), 65–82.
"Printmaker to the Mexican People." Massachusetts Review 3, no. 2 (Winter 1962): 377–386. [Reprint of 1945 Magazine of Art article. Correspondence and Charlot's corrections of mislabeled illustrations can be found at the JCC.]
"José Guadalupe Posada: Printmaker to the Mexican People." AA 2 (1972), 162–173. [Revised.]
#A49 "Old Masters for Tomorrow"
"Old Masters for Tomorrow." Review of Abstract and Surrealist Art in America, by Sidney Janis. Kenyon Review 7, no. 2 (Spring 1945): 318–321.
"Old Masters for Tomorrow." Review of Abstract and Surrealist Art in America, by Sidney Janis. Kenyon Review 7, no. 2 (Spring 1945): 318–321. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Old Masters for Tomorrow." AMC (1950), 228–236.
"Old Masters for Tomorrow." AA 1 (1972), 165–170. [Revised.]
#A50 "Rufino Tamayo"
"Rufino Tamayo." Magazine of Art, April 1945, 138–141.
"Rufino Tamayo." Magazine of Art, April 1945, 138–141. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Rufino Tamayo." AMC (1950), 155–166.
#A51 "Murals for Tomorrow"
"Murals for Tomorrow." Art News 44, no. 9 (July 1945): 20–23.
"Murals for Tomorrow." Art News 44, no. 9 (July 1945): 20–23. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Murals for Tomorrow." AMC (1950), 237–244.
#A52 "Juan Cordero, muralista mexicano"
"Juan Cordero, muralista mexicano." Hoy, La Revista Supergráfica (Mexico City), August 11, 1945, 48–51, 82.
"Juan Cordero, muralista mexicano." El Nacional (Mexico City), Sunday supplement, August 5, 1945, 1–2. [N17.]
Juan Cordero 1824/1884: Exposición-Homenaje, December 11, 1972–January 11, 1973, Rooms 1 and 2 of the Palacio de Bellas Artes, Unión Femenina Ibero-Americana, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, México. [Exhibition brochure.]
"Juan Cordero: A Nineteenth-Century Mexican Muralist." AA 2 (1972), 85–95. [Revised from lecture.]
"Juan Cordero, muralista mexicano." [1945.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Based on lecture given in the exhibition hall, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, September 12, 1945. See S7. Text slightly revised by Charlot with additional information from the archives of the Academy of San Carlos.]
#A53 "Lola Cueto, the Tapestries"
"Loa de Nuestra Señora, la hace, en una obra admirable de tapicería, la gran artista mexicana Lola Velázquez." Así, October 1945, 32–33.
"Lola Cueto: The Tapestries." AMC (1950), 167–171.
"Lola Cueto: The Tapestries." AA 2 (1972), 369–373.
"Exposición de Tapicería Religiosa de Lola Velásquez Cueto." [1945.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Preface for catalog for exhibition, 137 Edison Street, October 13–20, 1945.]
#A54 "The Saint Christopher of Santiago Tlatelolco"
[The Saint Christopher of Santiago Tlatelolco.] Memorias de la Academia de la Historia, vol. 4 (3 Sobretiro) in Tlatelolco a través de los tiempos, no. 5 (1945), 46–50.
"The Saint Christopher of Santiago Tlatelolco." AMC (1950), 49–56.
"The Saint Christopher of Santiago Tlatelolco." AA 2 (1972), 77–84.
"El San Cristóbal de Santiago Tlatelolco." [1945.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A55 "Pre-Hispanic Quota in Mexican Murals"
"Pre-Hispanic Quota in Mexican Murals." Kenyon Review 8, no. 1 (Winter 1946): 1–13. [Early version of Ch. 1, "Indian Roots," MMR (1963), B10.]
"Pre-Hispanic Quota in Mexican Murals." Kenyon Review 8, no. 1 (Winter 1946): 1–13. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A56 "Renaissance Revisited"
"Renaissance Revisited." Magazine of Art, February 1946, 58–62.
"Renaissance Revisited." Magazine of Art, February 1946, 58–62. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Renaissance Revisited." AMC (1950), 189–204.
"1946: Renaissance Revisited." AA 2 (1972), 385–397. [Revised.]
#A57 "Juan Cordero: A Nineteenth-Century Mexican Muralist"
"Juan Cordero: A Nineteenth-Century Mexican Muralist." Art Bulletin 28, no. 4 (December 4, 1946), 248–265. [Separate study from A52, with footnotes.]
"Juan Cordero: A Nineteenth-Century Mexican Muralist." Art Bulletin 28, no. 4 (December 4, 1946), 248–265. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Also here is scan of undated, four-page typescript of unpublished notes labeled "new material."]
#A58 Review of Mexican Heritage
Review of Mexican Heritage, by Hoyningen Huene and Alfonso Reyes. Magazine of Art, January 1947, 38–39.
Review of Mexican Heritage, by Hoyningen Huene and Alfonso Reyes. Magazine of Art, January 1947, 38–39. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Mexican Heritage." AMC (1950), 57–64.
#A59 "Xavier Guerrero, Aztec Artist"
"Xavier Guerrero, Aztec Artist." Magazine of Art, January 1947, 26–28, 34–35.
"Xavier Guerrero, Aztec Artist." Magazine of Art, January 1947, 26–28, 34–35. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Xavier Guerrero, Aztec Artist." AMC (1950), 139–154.
"Xavier Guerrero, Indian Artist." AA 2 (1972), 334–346. [Revised.]
#A60 Review of The Ancient Maya
Review of The Ancient Maya, by Sylvanus G. Morley. Magazine of Art, May 1947, 208–209.
"The Ancient Maya." AMC (1950), 43–48.
#A61 Review of The Geometry of Art and Life
Review of The Geometry of Art and Life, by Matila Ghyka. Magazine of Art, October 1947, 248.
Review of The Geometry of Art and Life, by Matila Ghyka. Magazine of Art, October 1947, 248. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"The Geometry of Art and Life." AMC (1950), 23–28.
"The Geometry of Art and Life." AA 1 (1972), 12–16. [Revised.]
#A62 "José Clemente Orozco"
"José Clemente Orozco." Magazine of Art, November 1947, 258–263.
"José Clemente Orozco." Magazine of Art, November 1947, 258–263. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"José Clemente Orozco." AMC (1950), 117–138.
#A63 "Art at FVS"
"Art at FVS." [Fountain Valley School.] FVS Alumni Bulletin (June 1948): 5–7.
"Art at FVS." [Fountain Valley School.] FVS Alumni Bulletin (June 1948): 5–7. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"A Note on Work at Fountain Valley School." [ca. 1970.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[While written at a later date, touches on similar themes.]
#A64 "The Art of the Mayas"
"The Art of the Mayas." Southwestern Lore 14, no. 2 (September 1948): 22. [Colorado Archaeological Society publication; abstract of address, S11, given July 17, 1948.]
"The Art of the Mayas." Southwestern Lore 14, no. 2 (September 1948): 22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A65 Review of Rufino Tamayo
Review of Rufino Tamayo, by Robert Goldwater. Magazine of Art, October 1948, 240.
Review of Rufino Tamayo, by Robert Goldwater. Magazine of Art, October 1948, 240. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A66 "American Printmaking, 1913–1947: A RetrospectiveExhibition Presented by the American Institute of Graphic Arts"
"American Printmaking, 1913–1947: A Retrospective Exhibition Presented by the American Institute of Graphic Arts." Print 5, no. 4 (1948): 45–51. [Reprinted from exhibition catalog, American Printmaking, 1913–1947: A Retrospective Exhibition Presented by the American Institute of Graphic Art (1947).]
"American Printmaking, 1913–1947: A Retrospective Exhibition Presented by the American Institute of Graphic Arts." Print 5, no. 4 (1948): 45–51. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A67 "Mexican Ex-Votos"
"Mexican Ex-Votos." Magazine of Art, April 1949, 139–142. [Later incorporated into B10, Ch. 3, "Popular Roots," MMR (1963).]
"Mexican Ex-Votos." Magazine of Art, April 1949, 139–142. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A68 "Mexican Prints"
"Mexican Prints." Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 8, no. 3 (November 1949): 81–90.
"Mexican Prints." Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 8, no. 3 (November 1949): 81–90. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Mexican Prints." AMC (1950), 98–116.
#A69 "Orozco's Stylistic Evolution"
"Orozco's Stylistic Evolution." College Art Journal 9, no. 2 (Winter 1949/1950): 148–157. [Written as Appendix II: "Orozco's Stylistic Evolution," for B10, MMR (1963), but cut from final version.]
"Orozco's Stylistic Evolution." College Art Journal 9, no. 2 (Winter 1949/1950): 148–157. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Orozco's Stylistic Evolution." AA 2 (1972), 270–288. [Revised.]
#A70 "El Greco as Mystic"
"El Greco as Mystic." Review of Three Mystics, by [Father] Bruno de J. M. [Jésus-Marie.] Sheed and Ward's Own Trumpet, no. 22 (February 1950).
"El Greco as Mystic." AMC (1950), 245–256.
#A71 Review of Renaissance in Haiti
Review of Renaissance in Haiti, by Selden Rodman. Magazine of Art 43, March 1950, 114–115.
Review of Renaissance in Haiti, by Selden Rodman. Magazine of Art 43, March 1950, 114–115. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Renaissance in Haiti." AMC (1950), 296–304.
#A72 Review of Art and 25 Nudes
Review of Art and 25 Nudes, by Eric Gill. Commonweal 53, no. 9 (December 8, 1950): 236.
Review of Art and 25 Nudes, by Eric Gill. Commonweal 53, no. 9 (December 8, 1950): 236. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A73 "Diego Rivera at the Academy of San Carlos"
"Diego Rivera at the Academy of San Carlos." College Art Journal 10, no. 1 (Fall 1950): 10–17.
"Diego Rivera at the Academy of San Carlos." College Art Journal 10, no. 1 (Fall 1950): 10–17. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Diego Rivera at the Academy of San Carlos." AA 2 (1972), 198–212. [Revised.]
#A74 "The Chinese Ink-Paintings of Tseng Yu-Ho"
"The Chinese Ink-Paintings of Tseng Yu-Ho." East and West 2 (Rome), no. 1 (April 1951): 17–22.
"The Chinese Ink-Paintings of Tseng Yu-Ho." East and West 2 (Rome), no. 1 (April 1951): 17–22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Reflections of an Occidental Painter on Chinese Ink-Painting, After Looking at the Works of Tseng Yu-Ho." AMC (1950), 279–295.
"Reflections of an Occidental Painter on Chinese Ink-Painting, After Looking at the Works of Tseng Yu-Ho." AA 1 (1972), 337–355. [Revised version based on essay in AMC (1950) and T19, "Art" column, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 13, 1966, C-1.]
"La Place de la Nature dans la Peinture Chinoise: A Propos des Peintures à l'Encre de Tseng Yu-Ho." [1950.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A75 Review of Mexico in Sculpture
Review of Mexico in Sculpture, by Elizabeth Wilder Weismann. Magazine of Art, May 1951, 200–201.
Review of Mexico in Sculpture, by Elizabeth Wilder Weismann. Magazine of Art, May 1951, 200–201. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A76 "Orozco and Siqueiros at the Academy of San Carlos"
"Orozco and Siqueiros at the Academy of San Carlos." College Art Journal 10, no. 4 (Summer 1951): 355–369.
"Orozco and Siqueiros at the Academy of San Carlos." College Art Journal 10, no. 4 (Summer 1951): 355–369. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Orozco at the Academy of San Carlos." AA 2 (1972), 256–269. [Revised.]
"Siqueiros at the Academy of San Carlos." AA 2 (1972), 321–333. [Revised.]
"El muralismo, producto de la revolución en América: Siqueiros." Crónicas, no. 8–9 (March 2001, February 2002): 197–214. [Text as published in College Art Journal, with addition of seven black-and-white photographs.]
#A77 "Painting and Revolution"
"Painting and Revolution." Saturday Review of Literature, September 15, 1951, 48–49.
"Painting and Revolution." Saturday Review of Literature, September 15, 1951, 48–49. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A78 Review of Acuarelas: 1935–1945
Review of Acuarelas: 1935–1945, by Diego Rivera, introduction by Samuel Ramos. Magazine of Art 45, March 1952, 139–140.
Review of Acuarelas: 1935–1945, by Diego Rivera, introduction by Samuel Ramos. Magazine of Art 45, March 1952, 139–140. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Diego Rivera: Watercolors." AA 2 (1972), 231–236. [Revised.]
#A79 Charlot on the Sacred Congregation of Rites document on religious art
Lavanoux, Maurice. "Editor's Diary: VII." Liturgical Arts 21, no. 1 (November 1952): 20–25 (23–24). [Extensive comments by Charlot on the Sacred Congregation of Rites document on religious art.]
Lavanoux, Maurice. "Editor's Diary: VII." Liturgical Arts 21, no. 1 (November 1952): 20–25 (23–24). Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A80 "Choris and Kamehameha"
"Choris and Kamehameha." Sixty-first Annual Report of the Hawaiian Historical Society for the Year 1952. Honolulu: The Advertiser, 1953, 20–28. [From lecture, S15, given to the Hawaiian Historical Society, February 26, 1953. Also see B7.]
"Choris and Kamehameha." Sixty-first Annual Report of the Hawaiian Historical Society for the Year 1952. Honolulu: The Advertiser, 1953, 20–28. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A81 "Diego Rivera in Italy"
"Diego Rivera in Italy." Magazine of Art, January 1953, 3–10.
"Diego Rivera in Italy." Magazine of Art, January 1953, 3–10. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Diego Rivera in Italy." AA 2 (1972), 213–230. [Revised.]
"Diego Rivera in Italy." Diego Rivera: The Italian Sketchbook 1920–1921. Mary-Anne Martin Fine Art, 2013, 61–70. [See B89, catalog for exhibition of the same title on view January 25–February 22, 2013. Reproduction of Magazine of Art article, including magazine cover. In catalog publication also see "Facsimile of The Italian Sketchbook with Diego Rivera's annotations; translations and commentary by Jean Charlot."]
#A82 "Thirty Years at It"
"Thirty Years at It." Liturgical Arts 21, no. 2 (February 1953): 36–39
"Thirty Years at It." Liturgical Arts 21, no. 2 (February 1953): 36–39 Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A83 "Exhibition of Stained Glass"
"Exhibition of Stained Glass." Paradise of the Pacific, May 1953, 27.
"Exhibition of Stained Glass." Paradise of the Pacific, May 1953, 27. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A84 "The Story of a Book: Ke Anuenue"
"The Story of a Book: Ke Anuenue." Kokua: Monthly Publication of the Honolulu Club of Printing House Craftsmen, May 1953, 2. Honolulu: Honolulu Club of Printing House Craftsmen, 1953. [See S17. Program remarks by Juliette May Fraser, Jean Charlot, Thomas Nickerson, William Ellis at event held May14, 1953.]
"The Story of a Book: Ke Anuenue." Kokua: Monthly Publication of the Honolulu Club of Printing House Craftsmen, May 1953, 2. Honolulu: Honolulu Club of Printing House Craftsmen, 1953. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A85 "Who Discovered America?"
"Who Discovered America?" Art News 52, no. 7, pt. 1 (November 1953): 30–33, 49–51.
"Who Discovered America?" Art News 52, no. 7, pt. 1 (November 1953): 30–33, 49–51. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A86 "U of H Administration Building Frescoes"
"U of H Administration Building Frescoes." Alumni News 5, no. 10 (March 1954): 10, 12.
"U of H Administration Building Frescoes." Alumni News 5, no. 10 (March 1954): 10, 12. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A87 "A 'Find' in the Art World, a New Portrait of Kamehameha"
"A 'Find' in the Art World, a New Portrait of Kamehameha." Paradise of the Pacific, Holiday Annual 1954, 34–37, 112. [Also see B7, Choris and Kamehameha (1958), and S15.]
"A 'Find' in the Art World, a New Portrait of Kamehameha." Paradise of the Pacific, Holiday Annual 1954, 34–37, 112. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A88 "Proclamation adressée au peuple hawaiien, le 26 août 1849, par l'Amiral Legoarant de Tromelin"
"Proclamation adressée au peuple hawaiien, le 26 août 1849, par l'Amiral Legoarant de Tromelin." Journal de la société des océanistes 10, no. 10, (December 1954): 175–178. [Reduced facsimile of historical document with translation from Hawaiian by Samuel H. Elbert, and commentary by Charlot.]
"Proclamation adressée au peuple hawaiien, le 26 août 1849, par l'Amiral Legoarant de Tromelin." Journal de la société des océanistes 10, no. 10, (December 1954): 175–178. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Transcription of text and scan of the historical document's facsimile.]
#A89 "Saints and Santos"
"Saints and Santos." Liturgical Arts 24, no. 3 (May 1955): 78–81. [Excerpted from work-in-progress on Charlot's MMR (1963).]
"Saints and Santos." Liturgical Arts 24, no. 3 (May 1955): 78–81. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A90 "King Kamehameha's Red Vest"
"King Kamehameha's Red Vest." Paradise of the Pacific, June 1955, 9–11. [Abridged version of Chapter 2, Choris and Kamehameha (1958), 9–14. See B7.]
"King Kamehameha's Red Vest." Paradise of the Pacific, June 1955, 9–11. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A91 "A Westerner on Japanese Art"
"A Westerner on Japanese Art." East and West 6, no. 2 (July 1955): 143–149.
"A Westerner on Japanese Art." East and West 6, no. 2 (July 1955): 143–149. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"A Westerner on Japanese Art." AA 1 (1972), 356–361. [Revised.]
#A92 "The Frescoes for the Church of the Good Shepherd"
"The Frescoes for the Church of the Good Shepherd." Good Shepherd Weekly Vigil 6, no. 26 (December 18, 1955): 1–3.
"The Frescoes for the Church of the Good Shepherd." Good Shepherd Weekly Vigil 6, no. 26 (December 18, 1955): 1–3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A93 "New Frescos at the University of Hawaii"
"New Frescos at the University of Hawaii." Paradise of the Pacific, Holiday Edition 1955, 82–83.
"New Frescos at the University of Hawaii." Paradise of the Pacific, Holiday Edition 1955, 82–83. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A94 "Choris and the Chiefess"
"Choris and the Chiefess." Paradise of the Pacific, January 1956, 16–17, 26. [With pencil corrections. Abridged version of Ch. 1, Choris and Kamehameha (1958). See S15, B7.]
"Choris and the Chiefess." Paradise of the Pacific, January 1956, 16–17, 26. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A95 "Nature and the Art of Josef Albers"
"Nature and the Art of Josef Albers." College Art Journal 15, no. 3 (Spring 1956): 190–196.
"Nature and the Art of Josef Albers." College Art Journal 15, no. 3 (Spring 1956): 190–196. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Nature and the Art of Josef Albers." AA 1 (1972), 197–205. [Revised.]
#A96 "Art, Sacred and Otherwise: Comments on a New Book"
"Art, Sacred and Otherwise: Comments on a New Book." Review of Church Building and Furnishing, by J. B. O'Connell. Liturgical Arts 24 (May 1956): 67–70.
"Art, Sacred and Otherwise: Comments on a New Book." 1956. Mimeograph. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Art, Sacred and Otherwise." AA 1 (1972), 270–282. [Revised.]
#A97 Review of Orozco, by Alma Reed
Review of Orozco, by Alma Reed. College Art Journal 16, no. 1 (Autumn 1956): 85–87. [Also see N34.]
Review of Orozco, by Alma Reed. College Art Journal 16, no. 1 (Autumn 1956): 85–87. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"A Review of Alma Reed's J. C. Orozco." AA 2 (1972), 315–319. [Revised.]
#A98 "Post-Cook Discovery in Petroglyphs"
"Post-Cook Discovery in Petroglyphs." Paradise of the Pacific, 1957 Annual, 26–29.
"Post-Cook Discovery in Petroglyphs." Paradise of the Pacific, 1957 Annual, 26–29. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"An Eighteenth-Century Hawaiian Petroglyph." AA 1 (1972), 241–249. [Revised.]
"An Eighteenth-Century Hawaiian Petroglyph." [1956.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A99 "The Indian Beneath the Skin"
"The Indian Beneath the Skin." Review of Pre-Columbian Art, by S. K. Lothrop, W. F. Foshag, and Joy Mahler; and Indian Art of Mexico and Central America, by Miguel Covarrubias. Art News 57, no. 3 (May 1958): 43, 55.
"The Indian Beneath the Skin." Review of Pre-Columbian Art, by S. K. Lothrop, W. F. Foshag, and Joy Mahler; and Indian Art of Mexico and Central America, by Miguel Covarrubias. Art News 57, no. 3 (May 1958): 43, 55. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"The Indian Beneath the Skin." AA 2 (1972), 63–68. [Revised.]
#A100 "Catholic Art in America: Debits and Credits"
"Catholic Art in America: Debits and Credits." Liturgical Arts 27, no. 1 (November 1958): 21–23.
"Catholic Art in America: Debits and Credits." Liturgical Arts 27, no. 1 (November 1958): 21–23. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Catholic Art in America: Debits and Credits." The Commonweal: A Weekly Review of Public Affairs, Literature,and the Arts, February 20, 1959, 545–546. [Excerpt.]
"Catholic Art in America: Debits and Credits." AA 1 (1972), 259–269. [Revised.]
#A101 A Report on American Culture
"Art." "A Report on American Culture." Special issue of The Critic 18, no. 1 (August/September 1959): 23–26, 79. [Also see S31.]
"Art." "A Report on American Culture." Special issue of The Critic 18, no. 1 (August/September 1959): 23–26, 79. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Art." A Report on American Culture: A Symposium Sponsored by the Thomas More Association and the Department of Library Science, Rosary College. Chicago: Thomas More Association, 1959, 63–75.
"Art." A Report on American Culture: A Symposium Sponsored by the Thomas More Association and the Department of Library Science, Rosary College. Chicago: Thomas More Association, 1959, 63–75. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"American Art Today (1959): A Survey." AA 1 (1972), 135–150. [Revised.]
#A102 "Orozco in New York"
"Orozco in New York." College Art Journal 19, no. 1 (Fall 1959): 40–53. [Based on Orozco's letters to Charlot. Also see B18, The Artist in New York: Letters to Jean Charlot and Unpublished Writings, 1925–1929 (1974).]
"Orozco in New York." College Art Journal 19, no. 1 (Fall 1959): 40–53. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A103 Review of Approach to Christian Sculpture
Review of Approach to Christian Sculpture, by Dom Hubert van Zeller, O. S. B. Liturgical Arts 28, no. l (November 1959): 22.
Review of Approach to Christian Sculpture, by Dom Hubert van Zeller, O. S. B. Liturgical Arts 28, no. l (November 1959): 22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A104 Review of The Responsibility of the Artist
Review of The Responsibility of the Artist, by Jacques Maritain. Liturgical Arts 28, no. 4 (August 1960): 111–112.
Review of The Responsibility of the Artist, by Jacques Maritain. Liturgical Arts 28, no. 4 (August 1960): 111–112. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A105 Review of Christianity in Art
Review of Christianity in Art, by Frank and Dorothy Getlein. Liturgical Arts 28, no. 4 (August 1960): 113.
Review of Christianity in Art, by Frank and Dorothy Getlein. Liturgical Arts 28, no. 4 (August 1960): 113. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A106 "Fresco in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington"
"Fresco in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington." The Parish Bulletin of Our Lady of Sorrows Church 11, no. 39 (September 24, 1961): 1, 3. [Also see L14, letter to Architect Charles D. Hannan, and N41.]
"Fresco in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington." The Parish Bulletin of Our Lady of Sorrows Church 11, no. 39 (September 24, 1961): 1, 3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Fresco in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington." Our Lady of Sorrows: 1927–1977. South Hackensack, NJ: Custombook, Inc., 1977, 22. [Abridged.]
#A107 Review of Angels over the Altar
Review of Angels over the Altar: Christian Folk Art in Hawaii and the South Seas, by Alfred Frankenstein with photography by Norman Carlson. Liturgical Arts 30, no. 1 (November 1961): 50–52.
Review of Angels over the Altar: Christian Folk Art in Hawaii and the South Seas, by Alfred Frankenstein with photography by Norman Carlson. Liturgical Arts 30, no. 1 (November 1961): 50–52. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A108 "Charlot at St. Mary's"
"Charlot at St. Mary's." Christian Art: A Monthly Review of Art Made for God's Greater Glory, August 1963, 5–7. [Excerpts from B55, The Charlot Frescoes, Moreau Hall, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana (1956).]
#A109 "Two Lonos"
"Two Lonos." Paradise of the Pacific, November–December 1965, 68–76. [Early version of B14, Two Lonos [Na Lono Elua] (1965).]
"Two Lonos." Paradise of the Pacific, November–December 1965, 68–76. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A110 "Charlot Talks about Himself and his Mural"
"Charlot Talks about Himself and his Mural." Banker: Published for the Employees of First National Bank, December 1966. [Unnumbered. Also see B52, Jean Charlot's Fresco Mural: Early Cultural Exchanges Between Hawaii and the Outer World.]
"Charlot Talks about Himself and his Mural." Banker: Published for the Employees of First National Bank, December 1966. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A111 "Black Mountain College: A Diary"
"Black Mountain College: A Diary." Form, no. 6 (December 1967): 26–28. [Also see S9, "Class Notes from Black Mountain College, 1942–1945," by Katharine Frankforter.]
"Black Mountain College: A Diary." Form, no. 6 (December 1967): 26–28. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Black Mountain College: A Diary." [1967.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A112 ["Hulaʻulala"]
["Hulaʻulala."] "Hawaiian Loanwords in English," by Stanley M. Tsuzaki and Samuel H. Elbert. General Linguistics 9, no. 1 (1969): 22–40. [See P19.]
#A113 "Le Journal du Picpucien Louis Maigret, 1804–1882, Evêqued'Arathie et Vicaire Apostolique des Iles Sandwich"
"Le Journal du Picpucien Louis Maigret, 1804–1882, Evêque d'Arathie et Vicaire Apostolique des Iles Sandwich. Notes et analyses." Journal de la Société des Océanistes: Les Missions dans le Pacifique 25 (décembre 1969): 320–335.
"Le Journal du Picpucien Louis Maigret, 1804–1882, Evêque d'Arathie et Vicaire Apostolique des Iles Sandwich. Notes et analyses." [1969?] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Based on text of Journal de la Société des Océanistes: Les Missions dans le Pacifique article (1969), with changes and corrections by Charlot and others.]
"Diaries of Désiré Louis Maigret, Picpus Father, Bishop of Arathia in partibus infidelium, Apostolic Vicar for the Sandwich Islands." 1969. Typescript. JCC. [Basis for 1969 article in Journal de la Société des Océanistes: Les Missions dans le Pacifique (above). Also see 1969 lecture, S49, and A119.]
"Diaries of Désiré Louis Maigret, Picpus Father, Bishop of Arathia in partibus infidelium, Apostolic Vicar for the Sandwich Islands." [1969.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Compte-rendu du journal de Désiré Louis Maigret, Picpucien, Evêque d'Arathie et Vicaire Apostolique aux Iles Sandwich." 1969. Typescript. JCC.
"Texts by Jean Charlot Supplementing His Transcription of the Journal of Désiré [Louis] Maigret." 1974. Typescript. JCC. [In French, with a cover letter in English suggesting one piece would be used as a preface, another as the foreword for proposed Maigret publication.]
[Notes by Jean Charlot Supplementing His Transcription of the Journal de Désiré [Louis] Maigret.] 1977. Typescript. JCC.
#A114 "An 1849 Hawaiian Broadside"
"An 1849 Hawaiian Broadside." Hawaiian Journal of History 4 (1970): 96–104. [See A88.]
"An 1849 Hawaiian Broadside." Hawaiian Journal of History 4 (1970): 96–104. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A115 "Carlos Mérida"
"Carlos Mérida." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 19 (July 1971): 2. [See B36.]
"Carlos Mérida, Coloso del Arte Mexicano." [1971.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A116 "Jean Charlot y sus recuerdos acerca de Xavier Guerrero"
"Jean Charlot y sus recuerdos acerca de Xavier Guerrero." Época: México en la Cultura (Mexico City), February 27, 1972, 5–7.
"Elogio de Xavier Guerrero." Excélsior, diorama de la cultura (Mexico City), January 16, 1972, 2. [Condensed newspaper version. See N88.]
Xavier Guerrero y su obra. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, January 4–28, 1972. [Exhibition catalog (1972), contains three paragraphs from "Elogio de Xavier Guerrero." See B68.]
"La Época Xavier Guerrero." [1972.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[First publication of the complete text.]
#A117 "Why Start a Claudel Society…?"
"Why Start a Claudel Society…?" Paul Claudel in the Pacific 1, no. 1 (May 1975): 1–4. [Also see L19.]
"Why Start a Claudel Society…?" Paul Claudel in the Pacific 1, no. 1 (May 1975): 1–4. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A118 "Notes on Posada"
"Notes on Posada." Print Review 7 (1977): 5–27.
"Notes on Posada." Print Review 7 (1977): 5–27. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A119 "Introduction au 'Journal' de Mgr. Maigret, cinq ansmissionnaire aux îles Gambier, 1835–1840"
"Introduction au 'Journal' de Mgr. Maigret, cinq ans missionnaire aux îles Gambier, 1835–1840." Société des etudes océaniennes, Bulletin 17, no. 2 (December 1977): 43–56. [Also see A113, S49.]
"Journal de Désiré Louis Maigret. Première partie: Les Gambiers, 1834 à 1840." 1970. Typescript. JCC. [Charlot's transcription of portions of Bishop Maigret's diary.]
"Introduction au Journal de Désiré Louis Maigret." [1977.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[With scan of daguerreotype portrait of Bishop Maigret.]
"Liste des dieux de Mangareva." 1977. Typescript. JCC.
[Notes by Jean Charlot Supplementing His Transcription of the Journal de Désiré [Louis] Maigret.] 1977. Typescript. JCC.
#A120 Letter to Editor, Honolulu magazine
Jean Charlot to editor, Honolulu magazine. Honolulu, January 1978, 7. [Charlot describes his collaboration with Alan Wilkinson on the frame for Theodore Wores' The Lei Maker (1901).]
Jean Charlot to editor, Honolulu magazine. Honolulu, January 1978, 7. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A121 "Message from Jean Charlot"
"Message from Jean Charlot." National Murals Network Newsletter, 1978, 30–31.
"Message from Jean Charlot." National Murals Network Newsletter, 1978, 30–31. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A122 "Los Peregrinos de Chalma"
"Los Peregrinos de Chalma." El Centavo 17, [no. 179?] (June 1994): 30–34. [See B17.]
"Mowentihke Chalman/Los Peregrinos de Chalma/Pieza para Muñecos." [1946?] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Tri-lingual puppet play in Náhuatl–Spanish–English, presented in 1948 in a traveling show through Mexican villages. Also see B17. Commentary on this work may be found in "Apéndice: Mowentike Chalman/Los Peregrinos de Chalma by Jean Charlot," by Frances Karttunen. [2000.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#A123 "O aruncatura de ochi peste opera lui Brancusi printr-o varietate de culturi"
"O aruncatura de ochi peste opera lui Brancusi printr-o varietate de culturi ["A Man for Four Seasons."] Trivium 2–3(7/8) (2006): 90–94. [Rumanian translation of Charlot's English text by University of Hawaiʻi professor, Stefan Baciu.]
"O aruncatura de ochi peste opera lui Brancusi printr-o varietate de culturi ["A Man for Four Seasons."] Trivium 2–3(7/8) (2006): 90–94. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"A Man for Four Seasons." [1977.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Submitted to Art News in 1977, but rejected.]
#N1 "'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur"
"La jeune ècole catholique." Le Petit Messager des Arts et des Artistes, et des Industries d'Art, 2e Série de Guerre, no. 39, February 10–March 1, 1917. [Includes abridged version of lecture to Notre-Dame Liturgical Art Society, "'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur."]
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." La Gilde [Notre-Dame Liturgical Art Society newsletter], no. 1, [October 25, 1917?], 4.
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." La Gilde, no. 3, December 25, 1917, 4.
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." La Gilde, no. 4, January 1918, 3–4.
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." La Gilde, no. 5, [February 25, 1918?] 19.
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." La Gilde, no. 6, March 25, 1918, 4.
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." [November 1916.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N2 "Los grabados estridentistas de Jean Charlot"
"Los grabados estridentistas de Jean Charlot." El Universal (Mexico City), September 28, 1922.
#N3 "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México"
Hernández Araujo, Juan [pseudo.] [Siqueiros, David Alfaro, and Jean Charlot.] "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México." El Demócrata (Mexico City), July 11, 1923. [Part 1 of a five part series.]
Hernández Araujo, Juan [pseudo.] [Siqueiros, David Alfaro, and Jean Charlot.] "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México." El Demócrata (Mexico City), July 11, 1923. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"El Movimiento actual de la pintura en México." "Antología de Textos de Jean Charlot," selected and annotated by John Charlot and Peter Morse, in B83, Mexico en la Obra de Jean Charlot (1994), 46–55. [One of four essays by Charlot reprinted in this volume. Otherwise unpublished since 1923, fragments of the newspaper series also appear in MMR.]
"El Movimiento actual de la pintura en México." "Antología de Textos de Jean Charlot," selected and annotated by John Charlot and Peter Morse, in Mexico en la Obra de Jean Charlot (1994), 46–55. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"El Movimiento actual de la pintura en México." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Illustrated with scans of original newspaper.]
#N3a "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México. El Egoísmo Individualista"
Hernández Araujo, Juan [pseudo.] [Siqueiros, David Alfaro, and Jean Charlot.] "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México. El Egoísmo Individualista." El Demócrata, July 19, 1923, 3. [Part 2.]
Hernández Araujo, Juan [pseudo.] [Siqueiros, David Alfaro, and Jean Charlot.] "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México. El Egoísmo Individualista." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Illustrated with scans of original newspaper.]
#N3b "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México. Los Retardatarios.—El Clasicismo.—El Academismo y sus Falsas Glorias.—La Anarquía.—El Nacimiento del 'Mexicanismo'"
Hernández Araujo, Juan [pseudo.] [Siqueiros, David Alfaro, and Jean Charlot.] "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México. Los Retardatarios.—El Clasicismo.—El Academismo y sus Falsas Glorias.—La Anarquía.—El Nacimiento del 'Mexicanismo.'" El Demócrata July 26, 1923, 3. [Part 3.]
Hernández Araujo, Juan [pseudo.] [Siqueiros, David Alfaro, and Jean Charlot.] "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México. Los Retardatarios.—El Clasicismo.—El Academismo y sus Falsas Glorias.—La Anarquía.—El Nacimiento del 'Mexicanismo.'" Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Illustrated with scans of original newspaper.]
#N3c "Aspectos Comparativos de la Orientación al Clasicismo de la Moderna Pintura Europea y Mexicana: Primer Cuadro Gráfico por el Ingeniero Juan Hernández Araujo"
Hernández Araujo, Juan [pseudo.] [Siqueiros, David Alfaro, and Jean Charlot.] "Aspectos Comparativos de la Orientación al Clasicismo de la Moderna Pintura Europea y Mexicana: Primer Cuadro Gráfico por el Ingeniero Juan Hernández Araujo." El Demócrata, July 29, 1923, 3. [Part 4. Consists of pictures and captions.]
Hernández Araujo, Juan [pseudo.] [Siqueiros, David Alfaro, and Jean Charlot.] "Aspectos Comparativos de la Orientación al Clasicismo de la Moderna Pintura Europea y Mexicana: Primer Cuadro Gráfico por el Ingeniero Juan Hernández Araujo." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Illustrated with scans of original newspaper.]
#N3d "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México. La Influencia Benéfica de la Revolución sobre las Artes Plásticas. El 'Nacionalismo' como Orientación Pictórica Intelectual"
Hernández Araujo, Juan [pseudo.] [Siqueiros, David Alfaro, and Jean Charlot.] "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México. La Influencia Benéfica de la Revolución sobre las Artes Plásticas. El 'Nacionalismo' como Orientación Pictórica Intelectual." El Demócrata, August 2, 1923, 3. [Part 5.]
Hernández Araujo, Juan [pseudo.] [Siqueiros, David Alfaro, and Jean Charlot.] "El Movimiento Actual de la Pintura en México. La Influencia Benéfica de la Revolución sobre las Artes Plásticas. El 'Nacionalismo' como Orientación Pictórica Intelectual." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Illustrated with scans of original newspaper.]
#N4 "Un Escultor: Manuel Martínez Pintao"
"Un Escultor: Manuel Martínez Pintao." El Demócrata, August 5, 1923, 5.
"Un Escultor: Manuel Martínez Pintao." [1923.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Illustrated with scan from original publication.]
"Martinez Pintao." AMD (1939), 94–99.
#N5 "Las pinturas de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria"
"Las pinturas de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria." Eureka (Mexico), August 1924, 5. [Written for the Preparatoria School's student newspaper in response to attack by poet Salvador Novo in El Universal Ilustrado, July 3, 1924.]
"Las pinturas de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria." El Artista en Nueva York (1971),145-149. [B18.]
"Postscript to a Destruction of Frescoes." AMD (1939), 71-75.
"The Preparatoria Riot." MMR (1963), 280–293. [B10.]
"Postscript to a Destruction of Frescoes." AA 2 (1972), 193–197.
"Las pinturas de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria." "Antología de Textos de Jean Charlot," selected and annotated by John Charlot and Peter Morse, in Mexico en la Obra de Jean Charlot (1994), 46–55. [Reprints four essays by Charlot.]
"Las pinturas de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria." "Antología de Textos de Jean Charlot," selected and annotated by John Charlot and Peter Morse, in Mexico en la Obra de Jean Charlot (1994), 46–55. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Sur la destruction des peintures." [1924.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Las pinturas de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria." [1924.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N6 "La estética de las danzas indígenas"
"La estética de las danzas indígenas." La Epoca (Guatemala), September 3, 1925. [See A5.]
#N7 "American Art off to Sweden—Orozco Exhibits"
"American Art off to Sweden—Orozco Exhibits." New York Times, February 9, 1930, sec. 8. [Article quotes from a letter written by Charlot to an unidentified recipient regarding Charlot's family background and his relationship to Mexico. See L10.]
"American Art off to Sweden—Orozco Exhibits." New York Times, February 9, 1930, sec. 8. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N8 "The Artist as Copyist"
"The Artist as Copyist." The League 11, no. 4 (April 1940): 4–6.
"The Artist as Copyist." The League 11, no. 4 (April 1940): 4–6. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"The Artist as Copyist." AMC (1950), 1–4.
#N9 "Abstract vs. Concrete"
"Abstract vs. Concrete." The League 12, no. 3 (April 1941): 2–3.
"Abstract vs. Concrete." The League 12, no. 3 (April 1941): 2–3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Abstract vs. Concrete." AMC (1950), 18–22.
#N10 "Fine Arts Façade, Athens, Georgia"
"Fine Arts Façade, Athens, Georgia." Athens Banner-Herald (Georgia), May 10, 1942. [Abridged.]
"Fine Arts Façade, Athens, Georgia. Charlot Mural on Fine Arts Building." Introduction by Harmon W. Caldwell, Georgia Alumni Record, May–June 1942, 138–139. [Abridged.]
"Fine Arts Façade, Athens, Georgia." Charlot Murals in Georgia (1945), 71–113. [On Visual Arts, Drama, Music, 1942, 9 X 46 ft., antebellum façade, Fine Arts Building, University of Georgia, Athens, partially integrates Charlot's 1942 essay of same title listed below.]
"Description of Athens Fine Arts Building Fresco, 1942." Jean Charlot: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints: An Exhibition, edited by Ethel Moore. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1977, 39–43. [Exhibition catalog, October 31–December 5, 1976. On title page is Georgia Museum of Art Bulletin 2, no. 2, Fall 1976.]
"Fine Arts Façade, Athens, Georgia." [1942.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[From the 4 page typescript at the JCC.]
#N11 "Beauty of Athens Enhanced by Series of Mural Decorations"
"Beauty of Athens Enhanced by Series of Mural Decorations Athens Banner-Herald, November 1, 1942, A: 6.
"Beauty of Athens Enhanced by Series of Mural Decorations Athens Banner-Herald, November 1, 1942, A: 6. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N12 "Eugene Payor Exhibit Praised: Continues Until December 6"
"Eugene Payor Exhibit Praised: Continues Until December 6." Athens Banner-Herald, November 22, 1943, 3.
"Eugene Payor Exhibit Praised: Continues Until December 6." Athens Banner-Herald, November 22, 1943, 3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Eugene Payor Exhibit Praised." [1943.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N13 "Interesting Display of Mexican Art Now at Michael's"
"Interesting Display of Mexican Art Now at Michael's." Athens Banner-Herald, February 3, 1943, 1, col. 5; p. 3, col. 1.
"Interesting Display of Mexican Art Now at Michael's." Athens Banner-Herald, February 3, 1943, 1, col. 5; p. 3, col. 1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N14 "Musings of the Muralist"
"Musings of the Muralist." The Twisted Tube, 2, no. 1 (November 1943): 2. [Art Students League, University of Georgia publication.]
"Musings of the Muralist." The Twisted Tube, 2, no. 1 (November 1943): 2. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N15 "On Dodd"
"On Dodd." The Twisted Tube 2, no. 2 (January 1944): 1–2.
"On Dodd." The Twisted Tube 2, no. 2 (January 1944): 1–2. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N16 "One of the Most Important Art Shows Ever to Come to Athens is Now Underway at the Fine Arts Building"
"One of the Most Important Art Shows Ever to Come to Athens is Now Underway at the Fine Arts Building." Athens Banner-Herald, April 12, 1944, 3.
"One of the Most Important Art Shows Ever to Come to Athens is Now Underway at the Fine Arts Building." Athens Banner-Herald, April 12, 1944, 3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N17 "Juan Cordero, muralista mexicano"
"Juan Cordero, muralista mexicano." El Nacional (Mexico City), Sunday supplement, August 5, 1945, 1–2. [See A52, S7.]
#N18 "Los Papeles 'Picados' de Lola Cueto"
"Los Papeles 'Picados' de Lola Cueto." El Nacional (Mexico City) May 9, 1946, 3, 7. [See B47, Exposicíón de Grabados y Papeles de Lola Cueto.]
#N19 "Artists of Hawaii Exhibit at Art Academy Impressive"
"Artists of Hawaii Exhibit at Art Academy Impressive." Honolulu Advertiser, February 5, 1950, sec. 2, p.9.
"Artists of Hawaii Exhibit at Art Academy Impressive." Honolulu Advertiser, February 5, 1950, sec. 2, p.9. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N20 "Tradition, Individual Style in Tseng Yu-Ho's Works"
"Tradition, Individual Style in Tseng Yu-Ho's Works." Honolulu Advertiser, April 2, 1950, sec. 2, p.10. [See A74.]
"Tradition, Individual Style in Tseng Yu-Ho's Works." Honolulu Advertiser, April 2, 1950, sec. 2, p.10. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N21 "Jean Charlot Reviews Art Academy Shows"
"Jean Charlot Reviews Art Academy Shows." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 9, 1950, 19. [Juanita Vitousek, Shirley Russell.]
"Jean Charlot Reviews Art Academy Shows." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 9, 1950, 19. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N22 "One-Man Shows at Art Academy"
"One-Man Shows at Art Academy." Honolulu Advertiser, September 10, 1950, sec. 2, p.4. [Shirley Russell, Juanita Vitousek, Robert Lee Eskridge.]
"One-Man Shows at Art Academy." Honolulu Advertiser, September 10, 1950, sec. 2, p.4. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N23 "Art Show Will Open Tomorrow"
"Art Show Will Open Tomorrow." Honolulu Advertiser, June 17, 1951, sec. 2, p. 8. [Adele Sommerfeld, Robert Drew.]
"Art Show Will Open Tomorrow." Honolulu Advertiser, June 17, 1951, sec. 2, p. 8. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N24 "Art Exhibit Continues"
"Art Exhibit Continues." Honolulu Advertiser, June 24, 1951, sec. 2, p.8. [Tseng Yu-Ho. Signed "J. F."—a typographical error—should be "J. C."]
"Art Exhibit Continues." Honolulu Advertiser, June 24, 1951, sec. 2, p.8. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N25 "Ernst-Tanning Show Hailed As a 'Must'"
"Ernst-Tanning Show Hailed As a 'Must.'" Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 5, 1952, B-3.
"Ernst-Tanning Show Hailed As a 'Must.'" Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 5, 1952, B-3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N26 Art with Your Supper"
"Art with Your Supper." Hawaii Weekly and Polynesian, November 29, 1953. [Sunday magazine insert, Honolulu Advertiser. Article depicts and discusses Charlot's fresco paintings for the College Inn restaurant, Honolulu.]
#N27 "Stained Glass on Exhibition at Art Gallery"
"Stained Glass on Exhibition at Art Gallery." Honolulu Advertiser, April 5, 1953, sec. 4, 6.
"Stained Glass on Exhibition at Art Gallery." Honolulu Advertiser, April 5, 1953, sec. 4, 6. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N28 "An Artist Writes. . . On Today's Art Critic"
"An Artist Writes. . . On Today's Art Critic." Ka Leo o Hawaii, December 18, 1953, 3. [Student newspaper, University of Hawaiʻi.]
"An Artist Writes. . . On Today's Art Critic." Ka Leo o Hawaii, December 18, 1953, 3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N29 Untitled [on Charlot's clothes]
Untitled [on Charlot's clothes]. [Ka Leo? ca. 1954.]
Untitled [on Charlot's clothes]. [Ka Leo? ca. 1954.] Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N30 "Albers' Selfless, Explicit Paintings Grip Viewers"
"Albers' Selfless, Explicit Paintings Grip Viewers." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 5, 1954, B-1. [Edited version.]
"Albers' Selfless, Explicit Paintings Grip Viewers." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 5, 1954, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Albers' Selfless, Explicit Paintings Grip Viewers." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 6, 1954, A-6. [Complete version.]
"Albers' Selfless, Explicit Paintings Grip Viewers." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 6, 1954, A-6. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N31 "Restraint, Humility Keynote Karawina's Stained Glass"
"Restraint, Humility Keynote Karawina's Stained Glass." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 31, 1954, Hawaiian Life magazine section, 19.
"Restraint, Humility Keynote Karawina's Stained Glass." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 31, 1954, Hawaiian Life magazine section, 19. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N32 "New Willis Mural at Palama"
"New Willis Mural at Palama." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 7, 1954, 23.
"New Willis Mural at Palama." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 7, 1954, 23. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N33 "Frustrated Non-Readers"
"Frustrated Non-Readers." Honolulu Advertiser, May 6, 1955, sec. A-4. [Letter to the editor signed "Mr. and Mrs. Jean Charlot."]
"Frustrated Non-Readers." Honolulu Advertiser, May 6, 1955, sec. A-4. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N34 "Orozco at Close Range: From Cartoonist to Master"
"Orozco at Close Range: From Cartoonist to Master." Review of Orozco, by Alma Reed. New York Herald Tribune, July 22, 1956, sec. 6, p. 6. [Also see A97.]
"Orozco at Close Range: From Cartoonist to Master." Review of Orozco, by Alma Reed. New York Herald Tribune, July 22, 1956, sec. 6, p. 6. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N35 "Variety Keynotes Art Academy Show"
"Variety Keynotes Art Academy Show." Honolulu Advertiser, September 23, 1956, F-6. [S. Kimura, M. Fujita, B. Miller, H. Baldwin, Meltzer, Kamelgaarns, Griessler.]
"Variety Keynotes Art Academy Show." Honolulu Advertiser, September 23, 1956, F-6. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N36 "Print Show Offers Study of Abstraction, Reality"
"Print Show Offers Study of Abstraction, Reality." Honolulu Advertiser, November 11, 1956, D-7. [Barbara Wolfgang, John Kjargaard, Joseph Feher, Juliette May Fraser.]
"Print Show Offers Study of Abstraction, Reality." Honolulu Advertiser, November 11, 1956, D-7. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N37 "Young Isle Artists' Exodus Hurts Hawaii, Charlot Says"
"Young Isle Artists' Exodus Hurts Hawaii, Charlot Says." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 19, 1957, 21:1.
#N38 "Few Abstractions in Academy Show"
"Few Abstractions in Academy Show." Honolulu Advertiser, November 9, 1957, A-9. [E. Brownlee, Ochikubo, Fredda Holt, Tseng Yu-Ho, Juliette May Fraser, Louis Pohl.]
"Few Abstractions in Academy Show." Honolulu Advertiser, November 9, 1957, A-9. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N39 "Print Makers Hold Exhibition"
"Print Makers Hold Exhibition." Honolulu Advertiser, November 9, 1958, D-8. [B. Wolfgang, R. Guinsburg, S. Baylor, Sister A. Pierre, L. G. van Loon, E. Karawina, T. Roberts, M. Harris, S. Kimura, J. M. Fraser.]
"Print Makers Hold Exhibition." Honolulu Advertiser, November 9, 1958, D-8. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N40 "Foreign Ways Near Fatal to Old Art"
"Foreign Ways Near Fatal to Old Art." Honolulu Advertiser, June 23, 1959, sec. II, 12. [Statehood edition.]
"Foreign Ways Near Fatal to Old Art." Honolulu Advertiser, June 23, 1959, sec. II, 12. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N41 "The Artist and His Angels"
"The Artist and His Angels." Honolulu Advertiser TV Weekly, August 13, 1961, 10. [Excerpts from Charlot's diary on work for his fresco at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic church, Farmington, Michigan. See A106.]
"The Artist and His Angels." Honolulu Advertiser TV Weekly, August 13, 1961, 10. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N42 "Deep Material Noted in Sueko Kimura Show"
"Deep Material Noted in Sueko Kimura Show." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 14, 1963, 42.
"Deep Material Noted in Sueko Kimura Show." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 14, 1963, 42. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N43 "Ukiyo-e, Art Loaded with Human Values"
"Ukiyo-e, Art Loaded with Human Values." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 19, 1963, 23.
"Ukiyo-e, Art Loaded with Human Values." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 19, 1963, 23. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N44 "Artist Reveals Visionary World"
"Artist Reveals Visionary World." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 6, 1963, 43. [Louis Pohl.]
"Artist Reveals Visionary World." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 6, 1963, 43. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N45 "Lots of Art Displayed in Show at City Hall"
"Lots of Art Displayed in Show at City Hall." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 7, 1963, 12. [Association of Honolulu Artists: Winnifred Hudson, Joe Pimentel, Franz Griessler.]
"Lots of Art Displayed in Show at City Hall." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 7, 1963, 12. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N46 "Artist Biller Hugs Objective World"
"Artist Biller Hugs Objective World." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 8, 1963, 19. [Leslie Biller.]
"Artist Biller Hugs Objective World." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 8, 1963, 19. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N47 "Clare Loring's Ar [sic, Art] Gallery Opens"
"Clare Loring's Ar [sic, Art] Gallery Opens." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 15, 1963, 18.
"Clare Loring's Ar [sic, Art] Gallery Opens." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 15, 1963, 18. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N48 "Paintings by Joan Gima Shown in Storm's Shop"
"Paintings by Joan Gima Shown in Storm's Shop." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 22, 1963, 11.
"Paintings by Joan Gima Shown in Storm's Shop." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 22, 1963, 11. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N49 "Gini Cutler's Paintings Show Potential Unfilled"
"Gini Cutler's Paintings Show Potential Unfilled." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 23, 1963, 57.
"Gini Cutler's Paintings Show Potential Unfilled." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 23, 1963, 57. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N50 "Juror Frankenstein Reveals Catholicity of Taste in Ala Moana Art Show Awards"
"Juror Frankenstein Reveals Catholicity of Taste in Ala Moana Art Awards." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 3, 1963, 20.
"Juror Frankenstein Reveals Catholicity of Taste in Ala Moana Art Awards." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 3, 1963, 20. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N51 "Matsuoka Opens One-Man Show"
"Matsuoka Opens One-Man Show." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 4, 1963, 22.
"Matsuoka Opens One-Man Show." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 4, 1963, 22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N52 "Madge Tennent's Hawaii on Display at Academy"
"Madge Tennent's Hawaii on Display at Academy." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 5, 1963, 17.
"Madge Tennent's Hawaii on Display at Academy." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 5, 1963, 17. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N53 "Prints by Margaret Durr at Library Called Charming"
"Prints by Margaret Durr at Library Called Charming." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 29, 1963, 31.
"Prints by Margaret Durr at Library Called Charming." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 29, 1963, 31. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N54 "Academy's Exhibit of School Art Reflects Story of Human Growth"
"Academy's Exhibit of School Art Reflects Story of Human Growth." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 7, 1963, 41.
"Academy's Exhibit of School Art Reflects Story of Human Growth." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 7, 1963, 41. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N55 "Islamic Crafts Shown at Academy of Arts"
"Islamic Crafts Shown at Academy of Arts. Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 16, 1963, 29.
"Islamic Crafts Shown at Academy of Arts. Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 16, 1963, 29. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N56 "Exhibit Likened to Tour of a Curious Planet"
"Exhibit Likened to Tour of a Curious Planet." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 17, 1963, 10. [Noche Crist.]
"Exhibit Likened to Tour of a Curious Planet." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 17, 1963, 10. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N57 "New Artist's Group Holds Initial Show"
"New Artist's Group Holds Initial Show." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 5, 1963, 16. [Hawaiian Watercolor and Serigraph Society: Nena Takacs, Ida Tollinger, Marjorie Hee.]
"New Artist's Group Holds Initial Show." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 5, 1963, 16. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N58 "Oils by Ryk Burgess Exhibited at Library"
"Oils by Ryk Burgess Exhibited at Library." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 20, 1963, 21.
"Oils by Ryk Burgess Exhibited at Library." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 20, 1963, 21. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N59 "New Gallery's First Exhibit Wins Praise"
"New Gallery's First Exhibit Wins Praise." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 13, 1963, 13. [Collectors' Gallery, Arthur K. Trask.]
"New Gallery's First Exhibit Wins Praise." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 13, 1963, 13. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N60 "Languid Grace Captured in Kelly Art Works"
"Languid Grace Captured in Kelly Art Works." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 14, 1963, 13. [John M. Kelly.]
"Languid Grace Captured in Kelly Art Works." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 14, 1963, 13. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N61 "Gima to Show 10 Paintings by Schuman"
"Gima to Show 10 Paintings by Schuman." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 19, 1963, 19. [Robert Schuman.]
"Gima to Show 10 Paintings by Schuman." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 19, 1963, 19. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N62 "Lanterman Watercolors Subtle and Evanescent"
"Lanterman Watercolors Subtle and Evanescent." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 20, 1963, 13. [Ray Lanterman.]
"Lanterman Watercolors Subtle and Evanescent." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 20, 1963, 13. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N63 "Art Middle Road Gets Good Result"
"Art Middle Road Gets Good Result." Honolulu Advertiser, September 2, 1963, B-7. [Myron van Brundt; children's art.]
"Art Middle Road Gets Good Result." Honolulu Advertiser, September 2, 1963, B-7. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N64 "Children's Liturgical Art Wins Praise"
"Children's Liturgical Art Wins Praise." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 24, 1964, 3. [Sacred Hearts Convent at Nuuanu.]
"Children's Liturgical Art Wins Praise." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 24, 1964, 3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N65 "Shirley Russel's [sic, Russell's] Paintings Praised"
"Shirley Russel's [sic, Russell's] Paintings Praised." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 6, 1964, 24.
"Shirley Russel's [sic, Russell's] Paintings Praised." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 6, 1964, 24. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N66 "Photography as an Art Shown in U. H. Exhibit"
"Photography as an Art Shown in U. H. Exhibit." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 10, 1964, 12. [Francis Haar and his students.]
"Photography as an Art Shown in U. H. Exhibit." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 10, 1964, 12. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N67 "Painting by 4 at Library"
"Painting by 4 at Library." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 11, 1964, 19. [Hawaii Painters and Sculptors League: Judith Nelson, Barbara Engle, Thomas Okimoto, Web Anderson.]
"Painting by 4 at Library." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 11, 1964, 19. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N68 "Art Trend Toward Nature"
"Art Trend Toward Nature." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 13, 1964, 30. [Willson Stamper.]
"Art Trend Toward Nature." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 13, 1964, 30. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N69 "Juliette May Fraser, Artist, Ambassador"
"Juliette May Fraser, Artist, Ambassador." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 20, 1964, 24. [See B67, Statement, Juliette May Fraser: A Retrospective Honoring the Artist's 85th Year.]
"Juliette May Fraser, Artist, Ambassador." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 20, 1964, 24. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N70 "A French Artist Matures"
"A French Artist Matures." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 28, 1964, 16. [Guy Buffet.]
"A French Artist Matures." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 28, 1964, 16. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N71 "Artist Paints the Majestic, the Minute"
"Artist Paints the Majestic, the Minute." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 1, 1964, 23. [Marjorie Hee.]
"Artist Paints the Majestic, the Minute." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 1, 1964, 23. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N72 "India's Contemporary Artists Speak with Refreshing Accent"
"India's Contemporary Artists Speak with Refreshing Accent." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 8, 1964, 17. [Watamull Foundation, East-West Center, "Ten Contemporary Painters from India."]
"India's Contemporary Artists Speak with Refreshing Accent." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 8, 1964, 17. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N73 "Wit and Tactile Beauty"
"Wit and Tactile Beauty." Chinese World, September 11, 1964, 1. [Marjorie Yu-lien Hee.]
"Wit and Tactile Beauty." Chinese World, September 11, 1964, 1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N74 "Group Show at Gima's"
"Group Show at Gima's." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 11, 1964, 11. ["Assemblages," collage.]
"Group Show at Gima's." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 11, 1964, 11. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N75 "The History of Isle Art Hangs Briefly at Center"
"The History of Isle Art Hangs Briefly at Center." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 16, 1964, 21. [Exhibitions for dedication of Honolulu International Center.]
"The History of Isle Art Hangs Briefly at Center." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 16, 1964, 21. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N76 "'Suggests' Critic as Judge"
"'Suggests' Critic as Judge." Honolulu Advertiser, April 13, 1965, B-3. [Letter to the editor regarding Web Anderson.]
"'Suggests' Critic as Judge." Honolulu Advertiser, April 13, 1965, B-3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N77 "Waikiki"
"Waikiki." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 14, 1967, B-1. [Signed "Palani," features poem, "Hulaʻulala." See bibliography index for cross-references.]
#N78 "Jean Charlot Visits Damien Sculptress"
"Jean Charlot Visits Damien Sculptress." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 22, 1967, A-1, 3. [Marisol.]
"Jean Charlot Visits Damien Sculptress." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 22, 1967, A-1, 3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N79 "Dynamic, Ancient Beauty of India Overwhelms Touring Artist Jean Charlot"
"Dynamic, Ancient Beauty of India Overwhelms Touring Artist Jean Charlot." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 12, 1968, E-2.
"Dynamic, Ancient Beauty of India Overwhelms Touring Artist Jean Charlot." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 12, 1968, E-2. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N80 "Recuerdo de Leopoldo Méndez"
"Recuerdo de Leopoldo Méndez." El Día (Mexico City), May 20, 1969. [See L15.]
"Recuerdo de Leopoldo Méndez." [1969.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N81 "From Objective Sight to Subjective Vision; '…Many Means and Many Styles…'"
"From Objective Sight to Subjective Vision; '…Many Means and Many Styles….'" Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 4, 1969, C-2. [Francis Haar.]
"From Objective Sight to Subjective Vision; '…Many Means and Many Styles….'" Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 4, 1969, C-2. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N82 "Academy's Show Focuses on Master Painter Leger"
"Academy's Show Focuses on Master Painter Leger." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 25, 1969, D-22.
"Academy's Show Focuses on Master Painter Leger." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 25, 1969, D-22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N83 "Sculpture by Tony Smith"
"Sculpture by Tony Smith." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 14, 1969, E-12.
"Sculpture by Tony Smith." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 14, 1969, E-12. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N84 "Ben Norris Exhibit Spans 30-Year Period"
"Ben Norris Exhibit Spans 30-Year Period." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 30, 1969, D-20.
"Ben Norris Exhibit Spans 30-Year Period." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 30, 1969, D-20. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N85 "Watercolors by Juanita Vitousek"
"Watercolors by Juanita Vitousek." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 12, 1970, D-4. [Extracted from T75, Charlot's November 8, 1967 "Art" column, Honolulu Star-Bulletin.]
"Watercolors by Juanita Vitousek." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 12, 1970, D-4. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N86 "Pule o ke ano hoʻoilo"
"Pule o ke ano hoʻoilo." Transl. of "December Prayer," by Web Anderson. Honolulu Star-Bulletin and Advertiser [Sunday edition], December 27, 1970, TV Aloha section, 34–35.
"Pule o ke ano hoʻoilo." Transl. of "December Prayer," by Web Anderson. Honolulu Star-Bulletin and Advertiser [Sunday edition], December 27, 1970, TV Aloha section, 34–35. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N87 "Carlos Mérida, Coloso del Arte Mexicano"
"Carlos Mérida, Coloso del Arte Mexicano." El Universal: Revista de la Semana, December 5, 1971, 9. [See A115, T100.]
"Carlos Mérida, Coloso del Arte Mexicano." El Universal: Revista de la Semana, December 5, 1971, 9. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N88 "Elogio de Xavier Guerrero"
"Elogio de Xavier Guerrero." Excélsior, diorama de la cultura (Mexico City), January 16, 1972, 2. [Condensed. See A116, "Jean Charlot y sus recuerdos acerca de Xavier Guerrero," and B68.]
#N89 "Enduring Value in Art Programs"
"Enduring Value in Art Programs." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 8, 1973, A-23. [Letter to the editor.]
"Enduring Value in Art Programs." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 8, 1973, A-23. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Government & Art." Honolulu Advertiser, August 10, 1973, A-25. [Same letter as above.]
"Government & Art." Honolulu Advertiser, August 10, 1973, A-25. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N90 "Critic corrected"
"Critic corrected." Honolulu Advertiser, November 21, 1973, A-11. [Letter to the editor.]
"Critic corrected." Honolulu Advertiser, November 21, 1973, A-11. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N91 "Comment on Cezanne Sale"
"Comment on Cezanne Sale." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 4, 1974, C-4. [Letter to the editor.]
"Comment on Cezanne Sale." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 4, 1974, C-4. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Art Sale Deplored." July 8, 1974. The Honolulu Advertiser, A-13. [Same letter as above.]
"Art Sale Deplored." July 8, 1974. The Honolulu Advertiser, A-13. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#N92 "Shinichi Takahashi's Visions of Hell"
"Shinichi Takahashi's Visions of Hell." Hawaii Hochi, October 10, 1975, 2. [In Japanese.]
"Shinichi Takahashi's Visions of Hell." Hawaii Hochi, October 10, 1975, 2. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Shinichi Takahashi's Visions of Hell." 1975. Manuscript. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[In Japanese.]
#T1 "Art" [Bolivian Artist, Benjamin Mendoza]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 9, 1966, sec. B-3.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 9, 1966, sec. B-3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T2 "Art" [Juliette May Fraser; David Asherman]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 16, 1966, C-2.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 16, 1966, C-2. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T3 "Art" [Charles Higa; Joseph Van Ramp; petroglyph rubbings]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 23, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 23, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T4 "Art" [Windward Artists Guild; Stephen Longstreet]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 30, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 30, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T5 "Art" [Charlot's retrospective; Charlot on Charlot]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 6, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 6, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T6 "Art" [Hawaii Painters and Sculptors League: Sato, Pohl, Vitousek, Baldwin, Doi]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 13, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 13, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T7 "Art" [Flora Pacifica exhibition]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 20, 1966, H-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 20, 1966, H-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T8 "Art" [New Churches in Hawaiʻi by Preis and Rothwell; Bro. James Roberts, Fr. John MacDonald]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 4, 1966, H-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 4, 1966, H-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T9 "Art" [Judith Nelson; Japanese block printing]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 4, 1966, H-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 4, 1966, H-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T10 "Art" [Helene Cailliet; UH exhibition; originals and reproductions]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 11, 1966, G-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 11, 1966, G-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T11 "Art" [Keichi Kimura; Charlot on modern art]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 18, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 18, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T12 "Art" [UH Press book exhibit]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 25, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 25, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T13 "Art" [Charlton Heston as Michelangelo; Eli Marozzi]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 1, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T14 "Art" [Hawaiʻi's beauty and art; art dealers; disrespectful art; José Guadalupe Posada; Diego Rivera]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 8, 1966, H-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 8, 1966, H-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T15 "Art" [James Rosen; Charlot on teaching art]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 15, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 15, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T16 "Art" [Franz Griessler; children's art, psychology]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 22, 1966, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 22, 1966, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T17 "Art" [Charlot's commission for the submarine, Kamehameha]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 29, 1966, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 29, 1966, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T18 "Art" [50th State Fair; genius, madness and art]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 6, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 6, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T19 "Art" [Tseng Yu-Ho]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 13, 1966, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 13, 1966, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T20 "Art" [Edward M. Brownlee; Ruthadell Anderson; kahuna stones]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 20, 1966, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 20, 1966, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T21 "Art" [Adele Sommerfeld; U. S. art market; "pop" art]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 27, 1966, H-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 27, 1966, H-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T22 "Art" [Drawings at the Academy; medieval cathedrals]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 3, 1966, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 3, 1966, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T23 "Art" [Hanalei Art Festival]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 10, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 10, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T24 "Art" [Louis Pohl; government art patronage]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 17, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 17, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T25 "Art" [Originals and reproductions; Van Gogh's ear]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 24, 1966, D-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 24, 1966, D-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T26 "Art" [Fresco removal; Chichén Itzá]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 31, 1966, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 31, 1966, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T27 "Art" [Hawaiian quilts]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 7, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 7, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T28 "Art" [Children's art; commercial art]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 14, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 14, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T29 "Art" [Local artists' pictures of Spain and Portugal]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 21, 1966, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 21, 1966, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T30 "Art" [Governor's Conference on Culture and the Arts; the hungry artist, Eilshemius]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 28, 1966, G-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 28, 1966, G-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T31 "Art" [Governor's Conference on Culture and the Arts; Artists of Hawaii exhibition; Robert Griffing, Jr., speech on art as aristocratic; masterpieces sold by Academy]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 5, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 5, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T32 "Art" [The three essentials; Lloyd Sexton; Halley Cox]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 12, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 12, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T33 "Art" [Maui County Fair; W. M. Robinson]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 19, 1966, D-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 19, 1966, D-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T34 "Art" [Nudity in art]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 26, 1966, H-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 26, 1966, H-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T35 "Art" [Hiroshi Tagami]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 2, 1966, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 2, 1966, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T36 "Art" [Hawaiʻi's historic architecture; new State Capitol]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 10, 1966, E-5.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 10, 1966, E-5. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T37 "Art" [Art show at the Bishop Museum Planetarium]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 16, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 16, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T38 "Art" [Nesta Obermer]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 23, 1966, B-3.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 23, 1966, B-3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T39 "Art" [Isami Doi]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 30, 1966, B-1. [B71.]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 30, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T40 "Art" [Chapel of Our Lady, Mystical Rose Chapel, Chaminade; Bro. James Roberts and Guy Rothwell; Isami Enomoto; Charlot tabernacle design]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 8, 1966, D-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 8, 1966, D-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T41 "Art" [Supporting artists; women artists and nudes—Paula Modersohn and Mary Cassatt; sophistication and spontaneity; Rivera's Rockefeller mural; recreation of First National Bank mural]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 14, 1966, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 14, 1966, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T42 "Art" [Edward Stasack]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 21, 1966, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 21, 1966, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T43 "Art" [Two Hawaiian Madonnas by Juliette May Fraser and Nancy Lane]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 28, 1966, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 28, 1966, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T44 "Art" [Lam Oi]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 4, 1967, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 4, 1967, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T45 "Art" [Marisol sculpture of Father Damien]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 5, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 5, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T46 "Art" [Marisol; portraits of Kamehameha]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 12, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 12, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T47 "Art" [Arthur Murray collection]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 19, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 19, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T48 "Art" [Painters and Sculptors League; European visit]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 26, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 26, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T49 "Art" [B. and Prabha Vithal]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 3, 1967, E-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 3, 1967, E-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T50 "Art" [Kamehameha statue]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 10, 1967, C-1, 4.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 10, 1967, C-1, 4. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T51 "Art" [Ozenfant; German Expressionists]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 17, 1967, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 17, 1967, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T52 "Art" [Photography]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 24, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 24, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T53 "Art" [Winnifred Hudson; George Bennett]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 31, 1967, D-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 31, 1967, D-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T54 "Art" [Money and the artist; Charlot's Guggenheim; ugly in art]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 7, 1967, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 7, 1967, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T55 "Art" ["Arts of the Pacific" exhibition at Bishop Museum]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 14, 1967, D-1, 6.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 14, 1967, D-1, 6. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T56 "Art" [Schofield Barracks (Army) exhibition; Orozco]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 21, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 21, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T57 "Art" [Academy's Whistler purchase; Hazen Collection]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 28, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 28, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T58 "Art" [50th State Fair]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 5, 1967, C-1, 3.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 5, 1967, C-1, 3. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T59 "Art" [Madge Tennent]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 12, 1967, B-1. [See B64.]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 12, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T60 "Art" [UH, "Festival of the Arts of this Century"]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 19, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 19, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T61 "Art" [Duncan Stuart; Chiang Yee]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 26, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 26, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T62 "Art" [Erica Karawina]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 2, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 2, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T63 "Art" [Affandi exhibition at East-West Center]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 9, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 9, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T64 "Art" [Japan Art Festival; Diego Rivera and peyote]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 16, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 16, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T65 "Art" [Edward Brownlee's sculptures]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 23, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 23, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T66 "Art" [Blown glass and textiles by Claude Horan; Suzie Pleyte; Jerome Wallace]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 30, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 30, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T67 "Art" [John Wisnosky]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 13, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 13, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T68 "Art" [Advertising Art and Design exhibition; Affandi and Charlot murals at East-West Center]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 20, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 20, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T69 "Art" [Aloha Week; Hawaiian art]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 27, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 27, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T70 "Art" [Artists of Hawaii annual exhibition]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 4, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 4, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T71 "Art" [Shirley Russell]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 11, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 11, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T72 "Art" [Hawaii Craftsmen exhibition; architecture: State Capitol, Castle and Cooke Tower]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 18, 1967, F-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 18, 1967, F-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T73 "Art" [Armed Forces Art Show]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 25, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 25, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T74 "Art" [James Whistler prints]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 1, 1967, E-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 1, 1967, E-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T75 "Art" [Juanita Vitousek]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 8, 1967, C-1. [See N85, "Watercolors by Juanita Vitousek," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 12, 1970, D-4, in "Newspaper" section of bibliography.]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 8, 1967, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T76 "Art" [Pottery show by Sam Uyehara]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 23, 1967, C-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 23, 1967, C-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T77 "Art" [The Ring of Fire: Polynesian Art, by Edward Dodd]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 29, 1967, B-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 29, 1967, B-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T78 "Art" [Hawaii Painters and Sculptors League, part 1]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 13, 1969, E-8.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 13, 1969, E-8. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T79 "Art" [Hawaii Painters and Sculptors League, part 2]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 27, 1969, D-20.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 27, 1969, D-20. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Correction on Art Work." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 1, 1969, A-14. [Correction of November 27, 1969 article.]
"Correction on Art Work." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 1, 1969, A-14. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T80 "Art" [TILT exhibition; light sculpture]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 18, 1969, E-22.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 18, 1969, E-22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T81 "Art" [Juliette May Fraser mural]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 7, 1970, D-14.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 7, 1970, D-14. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T82 "Art" [Honolulu Printmakers exhibition]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 2, 1970, D-16.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 2, 1970, D-16. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T83 "Art" [Hawaii Painters and Sculptors League exhibition]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 12, 1970, D-18.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 12, 1970, D-18. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T84 "Art" [Kauai Art Group]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 5, 1970, D-20.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 5, 1970, D-20. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T85 "Art" [Ron Kowalke]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 25, 1970, E-16.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 25, 1970, E-16. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T86 "Art" [Loraine Kuck on Japanese gardens]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 9, 1970, C-18.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 9, 1970, C-18. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T87 "Art" [Lahainaluna prints]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 5, 1970, D-20.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 5, 1970, D-20. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T88 "Art" [Mike Cantrell and Hunt Johnsen]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 21, 1970. D-24.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 21, 1970. D-24. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T89 "Art" [Academy of Arts' new print acquisitions]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 9, 1970, D-16.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 9, 1970, D-16. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T90 "Art" [Local private collections; Tony Smith]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 25, 1970, D-20.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 25, 1970, D-20. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T91 "Art" [Jacques Lipschitz; Harold Tovish]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 16, 1970, E-1.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 16, 1970, E-1. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T92 "Art" [Balinese art; Cuna natives of Panama]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 5, 1970, D-18.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 5, 1970, D-18. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T93 "Art" [Corita, Sven Lukin, Ben Shahn, Jean Dubuffet at Gallery II]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 27, 1970, D-22.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 27, 1970, D-22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T94 "Art" [Philip Bonham]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 17, 1970, D-22.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 17, 1970, D-22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T95 "Art" [Cox and Stasack on petroglyphs; Kaeppler on tapa]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 1, 1970, D-22.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 1, 1970, D-22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T96 "Art" [Camera Club Council; Ray Jerome Baker]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 23, 1970, B-6.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 23, 1970, B-6. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T97 "Art" [Maori Wood Sculpture of New Zealand, by Terry Barrow]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 26, 1970, E-22.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, November 26, 1970, E-22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T98 "Art" [Review of 1970, part 1]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 17, 1970, E-24.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 17, 1970, E-24. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T99 "Art" [Review of 1970, part 2]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 12, 1971, E-4.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 12, 1971, E-4. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T100 "Art" [Carlos Mérida]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 28, 1971, D-18.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 28, 1971, D-18. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T101 "Art" [Mira Cantor]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 3, 1971, B-16.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 3, 1971, B-16. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T102 "Art" [Marcia-Maris]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 17, 1971, D-24.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 17, 1971, D-24. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T103 "Art" [Osaka Exchange Exhibition of Chinese art]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 6, 1971, B-2.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 6, 1971, B-2. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T104 "Art" [Theodore Wores]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 29, 1971, D-26.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April 29, 1971, D-26. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T105 "Art" [Robert Wenkam]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 20, 1971, D-22.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 20, 1971, D-22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T106 "Art" [Leighton Liu and Hobby Norton]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 10, 1971, D-20.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 10, 1971, D-20. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T107 "Art" [Fifth Moon Group; John Wisnosky]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 1, 1971, D-26.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 1, 1971, D-26. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T108 "Art"[Contemporary Arts Center: Mirella Belshe, Francis Haar]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 22, 1971, D-22.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 22, 1971, D-22. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T109 "Art" [Alfredo Zalce]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 5, 1971, D-24.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 5, 1971, D-24. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T110 "Art" [Captain Cook; Native Hawaiians]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 19, 1971, D-20.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 19, 1971, D-20. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T111 "Art" [Louis Pohl]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 9, 1971, D-16.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, September 9, 1971, D-16. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#T112 "Art" [Timothy Cole]
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 7, 1971, D-24.
"Art." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, October 7, 1971, D-24. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S1 "'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur"
"La jeune ècole catholique." Le Petit Messager des Arts et des Artistes, et des Industries d'Art, 2e Série de Guerre, no. 39, February 10–March 1, 1917. [Includes abridged version of lecture to Notre-Dame Liturgical Art Society, "'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur."]
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." La Gilde [Notre-Dame Liturgical Art Society newsletter], no. 1, [October 25, 1917?], 4.
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." La Gilde, no. 3, December 25, 1917, 4.
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." La Gilde, no. 4, January 1918, 3–4.
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." La Gilde, no. 5, [February 25, 1918?] 19.
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." La Gilde, no. 6, March 25, 1918, 4.
"'Nous les Jeunes !' Conférence de M. Charlot, artiste décorateur." [November 1916.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S2 "La Probité Artistique"
"La Probité Artistique." [March–April 1917.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Speech noted in La Gilde, no. 4, January 25, 1918, 1–2.]
#S3 "Des Leçons de la Guerre"
"Des Leçons de la Guerre" [1919.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Reconstruction of a talk to Gilde Notre-Dame, ca. March 1919.]
#S4 "Pictures and Picture Making: A Series of Lectures"
"Pictures and Picture Making: A Series of Lectures." 1938. Mimeograph. JCC. [Lectures on the theory of art and animation taken in shorthand and mimeographed by Walt Disney Studios, Hollywood, California. See U1.]
"Composición de La masacre en el Templo Mayor. Extracto de Pictures and Picture Making, Ponencia VI, martes, 24 de may 1938." Apéndice IV "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 288–299.
"Composición de La masacre en el Templo Mayor. Extracto de Pictures and Picture Making, Ponencia VI, martes, 24 de mayo 1938." Apéndice IV, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 288–299. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S5 "Interview of Jean Charlot and Walter Heil by Eric Boden"
"Interview of Jean Charlot and Walter Heil by Eric Boden." [July 25, 1942.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Pacific House of San Francisco, Radio KFRC.]
#S6 "Art and Archaeology"
"Art and Archaeology." 1945. [Conference paper, May 28, 1945. See B50, Studies in Latin American Art; Proceedings of a Conference (1949).]
#S7 "Juan Cordero, muralista mexicano"
"Juan Cordero, muralista mexicano." [1945.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Based on lecture given in the exhibition hall, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, September 12, 1945. Slightly revised text by Charlot with additional information from the archives of the Academy of San Carlos. See N17, A52.]
"Juan Cordero: A Nineteenth-Century Mexican Muralist." AA 2 (1972), 85–95. [Revised from lecture.]
#S8 "Entrevista en la estación de radio XED, Mexico"
"Entrevista en la estación de radio XED, Mexico." [September 14, 1945.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Provides biographical information on Charlot's life unavailable elsewhere.]
#S9 Class Notes from Black Mountain College, 1942–1945
Frankforter, Katherine [sic, Katharine]. Class Notes from Black Mountain College, 1942–1945. Getty Research Institute Library, Special Collections. Accessed 2014.
[Katharine Frankforter's student notes quote directly from lectures by various instructors, including Charlot. Also see Charlot on Black Mountain College in A111, "Articles" section of bibliography.]
#S10 "Education in the Arts: Theory and Practice"
"Education in the Arts: Theory and Practice." [1947.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Lecture, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 1947.]
#S11 "The Art of the Mayas"
"The Art of the Mayas." [1948.] [Address, annual meeting Colorado Archaeological Society, July 17, 1948. See A64 for abstract.]
#S12 "Entretien Amédée Ozenfant et Jean Charlot"
"Entretien Amédée Ozenfant et Jean Charlot." January 11, 1949. Typescript. JCC. [With emendations by Charlot.]
"Entretien Amédée Ozenfant et Jean Charlot." [1949.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Edited by John Charlot and Marie-José Fassiotto. Also posted here is an article by Ozenfant (publication name and date unknown) titled "Les Arts," which draws on the interview. Source for "Les Arts" is at JCC.]
#S13 "Reformation of the Teaching of Art"
"Reformation of the Teaching of Art." [1951.] [Paper prepared for the meeting of the College Art Association, Washington, DC, January 1951.]
#S14 Address to the Social Science Association of Honolulu
Address to the Social Science Association of Honolulu. 1952. Typescript. JCC. [Talk on mural painting delivered February 4, 1952, at the residence of Judge A. E. Steadman.]
Address to the Social Science Association of Honolulu. 1952. Reproduction of typescript. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S15 "Choris and Kamehameha"
"Choris and Kamehameha." 1953. [Talk with slides given to Hawaiian Historical Society, February 26, 1953. See B7, A80.]
#S16 Fresco Painting with Jean Charlot
Fresco Painting with Jean Charlot. Directed by George Tahara, with William Davenport. 1953. Honolulu: Cine-Pic Hawaii, 1986. [16 mm film copied from U-matic to VHS.]
#S17 "The Story of a Book: Ke Anuenue"
"The Story of a Book: Ke Anuenue." Kokua: Monthly Publication of the Honolulu Club of Printing House Craftsmen, May 1953, 2. [Program remarks by guests of honor Juliette May Fraser, Jean Charlot, Thomas Nickerson, and William Ellis at event held May 14, 1953. Copy of Kokua with remarks may be found in folio editions of Ke Anuenue (1952) at JCC and at UH Mānoa Hamilton Library. Also see B51, A84.]
"The Story of a Book: Ke Anuenue." Kokua: Monthly Publication of the Honolulu Club of Printing House Craftsmen, May 1953, 2. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S18 Talk to Childhood Education Association
Talk to Childhood Education Association. [1954.] [Program speaker, Association for Childhood Education, University Elementary School Auditorium, March 11,1954.]
#S19 Talk at 45th Annual Exhibit of Children's Books
Talk at 45th Annual Exhibit of Children's Books. [1955.] [New York Public Library. Regarding background context, Charlot reports in the 1956 "University of Hawaii Faculty Bibliography" that he gave twenty-nine lectures between June 1955 and September 1956. JCC.]
#S20 Radio Interview with Peter Gravino, WNYC
Radio Interview with Peter Gravino, WNYC. [1955.] [NewYork City, December 1955.]
#S21 "Fresco Painting"
"Fresco Painting." [1956.] [Notre-Dame University, 3 lectures on fresco painting, with showing of 1953 film, Fresco Painting with Jean Charlot.]
#S22 Talk to Liturgical Arts Society
Talk to Liturgical Arts Society. [1956.] [Annual membership meeting.]
#S23 "Mexican Art"
"Mexican Art." [1956.] [Lecture, Metropolitan Museum of Art.]
#S24 "Hawaiian Petroglyphs"
"Hawaiian Petroglyphs." [1956.] [Lecture, Art Department, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.]
#S25 Television Appearance, Des Moines, Iowa
#S26 "Mary and Art"
"Mary and Art." 1958. Typescript. JCC. [Lecture series on Marian iconography, Chaminade College, Honolulu, February–May 1958, with slide list. See U2.]
#S27 "Ancient Hawaiian Culture"
"Ancient Hawaiian Culture." [1958.] [Lecture to Librarians of Hawaii, November 8, 1958.]
#S28 "Adventures in Yucatan"
"Adventures in Yucatan." [1958.] [Lecture on Mexican archaeology to the Adventurer's Club, Honolulu, October 10, 1958.]
#S29 "Mexican Art"
"Mexican Art." [1959?] [Lecture in Spanish given to the University of Hawaiʻi Language Department.]
#S30 "Lives of the Old Masters"
"Lives of the Old Masters." [1959.] [Lecture to Navy Officers' Wives Club, Pearl Harbor, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi.]
#S31 "A Survey of Art in Present Day United States"
"A Survey of Art in Present Day United States." 1959. [Lecture given at "A Report on American Culture, a Symposium Sponsored by the Thomas More Association and the Department of Library Science, Rosary College, River Forest, Illinois, June 13–14, 1959." See B56, A101.]
#S32 Lecture, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts
Lecture, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts. [Summer 1959.]
#S33 Lecture, Emmanuel College, Boston, Massachusetts
Lecture, Emmanuel College, Boston, Massachusetts. [Summer 1959.]
#S34 Lecture, Mount Holyoke, South Hadley, Massachusetts
Lecture, Mount Holyoke, South Hadley, Massachusetts. [Summer 1959.]
#S35 Lecture, Seton Hall College, Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Lecture, Seton Hall College, Greensburg, Pennsylvania. [Summer 1959.]
#S36 Lecture, St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania
Lecture, St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. [Summer 1959.]
#S37 Lecture, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
Lecture, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. [Summer 1959.]
#S38 "The Mexican Renaissance"
"The Mexican Renaissance." [1960.] Typescript. JCC. [Tape recorded lecture for the Art Department, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, May 11, 1960. One of a series of lectures given at the University of Texas.]
"The Mexican Renaissance." [1960.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S39 "Cultural Roots of the Mexican Renaissance"
"Cultural Roots of the Mexican Renaissance." [1960.] [Lecture given under the auspices of the Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas, Austin, Summer 1960.]
#S40 "Village Fiesta"
"Village Fiesta." 1960. [Lecture for dedication ceremonies for the fresco, Village Fiesta, held June 10, 1960 at the dining hall of Shaw Dormitory, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. A film was made of the Charlot mural project by the university's Motion Picture Department, Center for Instructional Communication. Also see B58.]
#S41 "A Visit with Jean Charlot"
Rago, Louise Elliott. "A Visit with Jean Charlot." School Arts, June 1960, 35–36
Rago, Louise Elliott. "A Visit with Jean Charlot." School Arts, June 1960, 35–36. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S42 Petroglyphs of Hawaii
Petroglyphs of Hawaii. Directed and photographed by George Tahara, narration by Jean Charlot. Honolulu: Cine-Pic Hawaii, 1960. [Produced as a motion picture, later transferred to VHS, then to DVD.]
Petroglyphs of Hawaii. [1960?] Typescript. JCC. [May be the revised version written for AA 1.]
#S43 "Oral History Interview with Jean Charlot, 1961 August 18" [Detroit Institute of Arts]
"Oral History Interview with Jean Charlot, 1961 August 18." Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. [Interview at the Detroit Institute of Arts, original transcription with errors uncorrected is posted at Archives of American Art. Accessed 2014.
"Miriam L. Lesley and Alice W. Hollis (Archives of American Art), Interview with Jean Charlot at the Detroit Institute of Arts, August 18, 1961." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[With corrections by Jean Charlot, editing by John Charlot.]
#S44 "Jean Charlot Interview" and "Conversation with Zohmah Charlot"
"Jean Charlot Interview," and "Conversation with Zohmah Charlot." [ca. early 1960s.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S45 Laukiamanuikahiki: Snare that Lures a Farflung Bird
Laukiamanuikahiki: Snare that Lures a Farflung Bird. [1964?] Audiocassette. JCC. [Reading of Hawaiian-language play with English commentary. See B12, B21.]
#S46 "Art and Communication: The Example of José Guadalupe Posada"
"Art and Communication: The Example of José Guadalupe Posada." [1965.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Lecture, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, June 9, 1965.]
#S47 "Charlot Talks about Himself and his Mural"
"Charlot Talks about Himself and his Mural." Banker: Published for the Employees of First National Bank, December 1966. [See B52.]
"Charlot Talks about Himself and his Mural." Banker: Published for the Employees of First National Bank, December 1966. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S48 "A Westerner's Approach to Chinese Painting: Comparisons, East and West"
"A Westerner's Approach to Chinese Painting: Comparisons, East and West." 1968. Typescript. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Notes and slide list for talk at the National Palace Museum, Wai-shuang-hsi, Shih-lin, Taipei, Taiwan, December 1968.]
"A Westerner's Approach to Chinese Painting: Comparisons, East and West." 1969. Typescript. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Brief summary of talk at the National Palace Museum, Wai-shuang-hsi, Shih-lin, Taipei, Taiwan, January 29, 1969.]
#S49 "Diaries of Désiré Louis Maigret, Picpus Father, Bishop of Arathia in partibus infidelium, Apostolic Vicar for the Sandwich Islands"
"Diaries of Désiré Louis Maigret, Picpus Father, Bishop of Arathia in partibus infidelium, Apostolic Vicar for the Sandwich Islands." 1969. Photocopy of typescript. JCC. [Lecture, Hawaiian Historical Society membership meeting, Central Union Church, Honolulu, October16, 1969. Charlot had planned an English edition of Maigret's journal for which he made transcriptions, gathered materials, and wrote essays. See A113, A119.]
#S50 "Interview with Jean Charlot"
"Interview with Jean Charlot." [1971.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Transcription of recorded interview with unidentified newspaper reporter soon after the completion of the Way of the Cross mural, Mililani, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi. See L17.]
#S51 "Interviews with Jean Charlot, 1970–1971"
"Interviews with Jean Charlot, 1970–1971." Audiocassettes. [Twenty-six interviews on fourteen audiocassettes with a focus on Charlot's artistic philosophy and work in France and Mexico. Includes interview with Edith Sternfeld on Charlot at University of Iowa, with notes on artist Grant Wood. Also see S64, "Interviews with Jean Charlot on his Work in Hawaii."]
"Jean Charlot Interviews with John Charlot 1970–1978." 2010. Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Transcriptions for S51 and S64.]
"Notes on Conversations with Jean Charlot, 1960–1979." [2011.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[From John Charlot's handwritten records of conversations, later transcribed and arranged by chronology and topic. Edited by John Charlot and Janine Richardson.]
#S52 "Talk of Jean Charlot July 11, 1971 at Kawaiahaʻo Church on the formal acceptance of Charlot's symbol by the Ad Hoc Committee for a Hawaiian Trustee of the Bishop Estate"
"Talk of Jean Charlot July 11, 1971 at Kawaiahaʻo Church on the formal acceptance of Charlot's symbol by the Ad Hoc Committee for a Hawaiian Trustee of the Bishop Estate." Edited reconstruction. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S53 "An Artist Looks Back"
"An Artist Looks Back." [1972.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Lecture with slide list, Honolulu Academy of Arts, March 8, 1972.]
#S54 "Interviews with Mira Baciu on the Illustrations of Claudel's Apocalypse"
"Interviews with Mira Baciu on the Illustrations of Claudel's Apocalypse." 1972. Photocopy of manuscript. JCC.
#S55 "Diego Rivera's Italian Notebook"
"Diego Rivera's Italian Notebook." 1973. Audiocassette. JCC. [Lecture describes Rivera's 1921 visit to Italy as turning point of Rivera's artistic career. See A81.]
#S56 "Jean Charlot Reading French Poetry"
"Jean Charlot Reading French Poetry." 1974. Audiocassette. JCC. [Poems by du Bellay, de Ronsard, de Vigny, Villon.]
#S57 "Jean Charlot Lecture on Western and Oriental Art"
"Jean Charlot Lecture on Western and Oriental Art." 1974. Audiocassette. JCC. [For University of Hawaiʻi French Club, Mira Baciu, Faculty Advisor, recorded February 21, 1974.]
"The Relation of Western and Eastern Art: A Slide Lecture." [1974.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S58 Jean Charlot and the Relation of Man and Nature in Old Hawaii
Jean Charlot and the Relation of Man and Nature in Old Hawaii. Produced by Marcia Linville and Norman Shapiro. 1975. VHS tape. [20 minute film in color with black and white sequences. Charlot discusses his mural at Leeward Community College, Pearl City, Oʻahu, Hawaii.]
#S59 "Talk to Mrs. Violet Young's Club, Alpha Delta Kappa, Beta Chapter, February 15, 1975"
"Talk to Mrs. Violet Young's Club, Alpha Delta Kappa, Beta Chapter, February 15, 1975." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2016.
[Reconstruction by John Charlot of informal talk to public school teachers given at the Charlot home. Compare with preface in Two Hawaiian Plays (1976).]
#S60 Hawaii Now Special, "The Charlot Family"
Martin, Nino J., moderator. Hawaii Now Special, "The Charlot Family." 1975. Television broadcast. [Aired July 1975, KHET, Hawaii Public Television.]
#S61 [Interview with Dody Thompson]
"Interview with Jean Charlot, his wife Zohmah Charlot, and their son John Charlot at the Charlot home in Honolulu." [1975.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Interview with Dody Thompson August 18, 1975.]
#S62 "The Unveiling of Mataumu Toelupe Alisa's Ceramic Tile Mural Makahiki-Paʻani Hoʻoikaika o Molokaʻi"
"The Unveiling of Mataumu Toelupe Alisa's Ceramic Tile Mural Makahiki-Paʻani Hoʻoikaika o Molokaʻi." 1975. [Brochure for program December 12, 1975 at Molokaʻi High and Intermediate School gymnasium, Hoʻolehua, Molokaʻi.]
"The Unveiling of Mataumu Toelupe Alisa's Ceramic Tile Mural Makahiki-Paʻani Hoʻoikaika o Molokaʻi." 1975. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S63 "Apports of Hawaii to Western Culture"
"Apports of Hawaii to Western Culture." [1977.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Summary of talk for workshop on Hawaiian Religion, Kamehameha Schools, Honolulu.]
#S64 "Interviews with Jean Charlot on his Work in Hawaii"
"Interviews with Jean Charlot on his Work in Hawaii." 1978. Audiocassette. JCC. [With John Charlot's interview notes.]
"Jean Charlot Interviews with John Charlot 1970–1978." 2010. Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Transcriptions for S51 and S64.]
"Notes on Conversations with Jean Charlot, 1960–1979." 2011. Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[From John Charlot's handwritten records of conversations, later transcribed and arranged by chronology and topic. Edited by John Charlot and Janine Richardson.]
#S65 "Ron Tyler: Conversation with Jean Charlot and Peter Morse"
"Ron Tyler: Conversation with Jean Charlot and Peter Morse, Honolulu, July 6, 1978." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#S66 "On Edward Weston"
"On Edward Weston." [1978?] [Interview with Jean Charlot and unidentified "K. N.," January 14, 1978? Not able to locate at this time.]
#S67 "Interview with Jean Charlot Concerning Charlot's Father Damien Statue"
"Interview with Jean Charlot Concerning Charlot's Father Damien Statue." [ca. 1978, 1979.] Audiocassette. JCC. [Includes remarks on the 1967 statue competition and Marisol's winning entry for the Hawaiʻi State Capitol and National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol, Washington, DC. Also discusses Charlot's 1977 Damien statue at St. Anthony's Church, Wailuku. With John Charlot's interview notes.]
#S68 "Jean Charlot Interview on Radio"
"Jean Charlot Interview on Radio." [ca. 1978, 1979.] Audiocassette. JCC. [With Mike Mallory, on the religious aspects of art and creativity, traditional Hawaiian religion, and the art scene in Hawaiʻi.]
#S69 "Interview"
"Interview." 1979. Audiocassette. JCC. [Interview with journalist Beverly Creamer, notes by John Charlot.]
#P1 "De 14 à 16 ans"
"De 14 à 16 ans." [1912–1915.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems.]
#P2 "Chanson folklorique de Bretagne"
"Chanson folklorique de Bretagne." [1915.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems.]
#P3 "16 ans à 18 ans: à partir d'Août 1914 (retour d'Allemagne)"
"16 ans à 18 ans: à partir d'Août 1914 (retour d'Allemagne)." [1916.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems, 1914–1916.]
#P4 "1916–1917 Carnet La Grace"
"1916–1917 Carnet La Grace." [1917.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems.]
#P5 "D'un Art Pauvre"
"D'un Art Pauvre." La Gilde [February 25, 1918?]
"D'un Art Pauvre." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 8, no. 23 (March 1973).
"D'un Art Pauvre." [1918.] Edited transcription. See "Poèmes Choisis par Jean Charlot." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P6 "Poèmes Ecphrastiques"
"Poèmes Ecphrastiques." [1918.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems.]
#P7 "Le Manuscrit Brun"
"Le Manuscrit Brun." [1919.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems.]
#P8 "Vers Pèriode Militaire 1917–1920"
"Vers Pèriode Militaire 1917–1920." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems.]
#P9 "D'Autres Poèmes"
"D'Autres Poèmes." [1911–1922.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems.]
#P10 "XX proses suivant la Psychoplastie de D. M. Rivera à l'usage des Aveugles et des Gens du Monde"
"XX proses suivant la Psychoplastie de D. M. Rivera à l'usage des Aveugles et des Gens du Monde." [1923.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems.]
#P11 "Civil. Paris–Mexico"
"Civil. Paris–Mexico." [1920–1924.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems.]
#P12 "Poèmes Choisis par Jean Charlot"
"Poèmes Choisis par Jean Charlot." [1916–1925]. Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Fourteen poems.]
#P13 "1925" [Selected Poems]
"1925" [Selected Poems]. Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P14 "1926–1928" [Selected Poems]
"1926–1928" [Selected Poems]. Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P15 "Poemas de Jean Charlot"
"Poemas de Jean Charlot." "Antologia de Jean Charlot," by Bernard Ortiz de Montellano. Contemporáneos 4, no. 37 (June 1931): 263–271. [Charlot's poems appear on pages 266–270.]
"Poemas de Jean Charlot." [1916–1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Fourteen poems.]
#P16 Translation of a Hawaiian chant
Translation of a Hawaiian chant. Selections from Fornander's Hawaiian Antiquities and Folk-Lore, edited by Samuel H. Elbert, illustrated by Jean Charlot. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1959, 3. [From the Legend of Halemano.]
"Translation of a Hawaiian chant." Edited transcription. See "Derniers Poèmes, 1949–1979." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P17 "The Old Warrior Briefs Two Young Chiefs"
"The Old Warrior Briefs Two Young Chiefs." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 2 (March 1966). [Based on Act II of Na Lono Elua.]
#P18 "La Grâce"
"La Grâce." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 4 (August 1966).
"La Grâce." [1916.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Two versions, see "1916–1917 Carnet La Grace," and "Poèmes Choisis par Jean Charlot."]
#P19 ["Hulaʻulala"] "Waikiki"
["Hulaʻulala"] "Waikiki." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 14, 1967, B-1. [Signed "Palani." Also see A112.]
"HulaʻUlala." Music by P. W. Lovinger. ca. 1967. JCC. [Sheet music for a comic hula, with December 2, 1967 letter from Lovinger to Charlot.]
"Hulaʻulala." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 12 (June 1969). [In Hawaiian, with English translation by Stanley M. Tsuzaki.]
"Hulaʻulala." Manna-Mana, edited by Leonard Lueras. Honolulu: Lueras, 1973, 21, 167.
"HulaʻUlala." [1967.] Edited transcription. See "Derniers Poèmes, 1949–1979." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P20 "L'ouvrier"
"L'ouvrier." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesia, no. 6 (May 1967).
"L'ouvrier." [1916.] Edited transcription. See "Poèmes Choisis par Jean Charlot." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P21 "J'étais l'indolent témoin de mon enfance"
"J'étais l'indolent témoin de mon enfance." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 7 (December 1967).
"J'étais l'indolent témoin de mon enfance." [1925.] Edited transcription. See "Poèmes Choisis par Jean Charlot." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P22 "Sonnet du 2ème canonnìer"
"Sonnet du 2ème canonnìer." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 7 (December 1967). [See U6.]
"Sonnet du 2ème canonnìer." [1918.] Edited transcription. See "Poèmes Choisis par Jean Charlot." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P23 "Bois taillé et peint. Eglise de Grand Fresnoy"
"Bois taillé et peint. Eglise de Grand Fresnoy." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 10 (November 1968), 20.
"Bois taillé et peint. Eglise de Grand Fresnoy." [1918.] Edited transcription. See "Poèmes Ecphrastiques." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Eglise de Grandfresnoy.]
#P24 "Comment l'ange delivera St. Pierre de prison"
"Comment l'ange delivera St. Pierre de prison." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 10 (November 1968).
"Comment l'ange delivera St. Pierre de prison." [1918.] Edited transcription. See "Poèmes Ecphrastiques." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P25 "Le St. Sébastien de Sézanne"
"Le St. Sébastien de Sézanne." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 11 (March 1969).
"Le St. Sébastien de Sézanne." [1918] Edited transcription. See "Poèmes Ecphrastiques." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P26 "Sainte Barbe"
"Sainte Barbe." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 14 (April 1970).
"Sainte Barbe." [1918.] Edited transcription. See "Poèmes Ecphrastiques." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P27 "Pule o ke ano hoʻoilo"
"Pule o ke ano hoʻoilo." Translation of "December Prayer," by Web Anderson. Honolulu Star-Bulletin and Advertiser [Sunday edition], December 27, 1970, TV Aloha section, 34–35.
"Pule o ke ano hoʻoilo." Translation of "December Prayer," by Web Anderson. [1970.] Reproduction. See "Addendum." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P28 "Góngora: A la Fable de Phaeton, que composa le comte de Villamediana"
"Góngora: A la Fable de Phaeton, que composa le comte de Villamediana." Mele: Carta International de Poesía, no. 17 (February 1971).
"Traduit du Góngora." [1922.] Edited transcription. See "Poèmes Choisis par Jean Charlot." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P29 "Fiesta Headdress," "Idol," "Washerwomen," "Luz"
"Fiesta Headdress," "Idol," "Washerwomen," "Luz." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía, no. 20 (November 1971). [4 poems, English and French, with illustrations. See P33.]
"Fiesta Head-Dress," "Idol," "Woman Washing," and "Luz." [ca. 1933.] Edited transcription. See "Inscriptions pour Picture Book." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P30 "He Kaha Manaʻo"
"He Kaha Manaʻo." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 7, no. 21 (March 1972). [Translation into Hawaiian of Manolo Cuadra's "Perfil."]
"He Kaha Manaʻo." [1972?] Edited transcription. See "Derniers Poèmes, 1949–1979." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P31 "Hommage à Michel"
"Hommage à Michel." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 8, no. 23 (March 1973).
"Hommage à Michel." [1972.] Edited transcription. See "Derniers Poèmes, 1949–1979." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P32 "Traductions de l'espagnol de Jorge Carrera Andrade"
"Traductions de l'espagnol de Jorge Carrera Andrade." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 8, no. 24 (June 1973).
"Traductions de l'espagnol de Jorge Carrera Andrade." [1973.] Edited transcription. See "Derniers Poèmes, 1949–1979." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P33 Picture Book: Images and Verses by Jean Charlot
Picture Book: Images and Verses by Jean Charlot. Preface by Lynton Kistler. Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1974. [Miniature reproduction with new plates of Picture Book: Thirty-Two Original Lithographs, inscriptions by Paul Claudel, translation by Elise Cavanna, illustrations by Jean Charlot (New York: Becker, 1933). This 1974 edition uses Charlot's previously unpublished 1933 inscriptions. See B20.]
"Inscriptions pour Picture Book." [ca. 1933, 1973.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P34 "Rocking Chair," "In Church" ["Mestiza"]
"Rocking Chair," "In Church" [or, "Mestiza"]. Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 9, no. 26 (March 1974). [In English and French, with illustrations.]
"Rocking Chair." [ca. 1933.] Edited transcription. See "Inscriptions pour Picture Book." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P35 "Jean Charlot Reading French Poetry"
"Jean Charlot Reading French Poetry." 1974. Audiocassette. JCC. [Charlot reading poems by du Bellay, de Ronsard, de Vigny, and Villon.]
#P36 "Coiffure," "Tondo I: Playing Bunny," "Burden Bearer" ["Cargador"]
"Coiffure," "Tondo I: Playing Bunny," "Burden Bearer." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 10, no. 30 (March 1975), 17. [In English and French with illustrations.]
"Coiffure," "Tondo I: Playing Bunny," "Cargador" ["Burden Bearer"]. [ca. 1933.] Edited transcription. See "Inscriptions pour Picture Book." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P37 "Tortillera," "Procession, Chalma," "Glass Ball," "Water Carrier"
"Tortillera," "Procession, Chalma," "Glass Ball," "Water Carrier." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 11, no. 35 (November 1976), 17–18. [In English and French with illustrations.]
"Tortillera," "Procession, Chalma," "Glass Ball," and "Water Carrier." [ca. 1973.] Edited transcriptions. See "Inscriptions pour Picture Book." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P38 "Autoportrait dans le café"
"Autoportrait dans le café." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 12, no. 37 (May 1977), 12. [Translation of "Autorretrato en el Bar," by Francisco Amighetti. With illustrations.]
"Autoportrait dans le café." [1977.] Edited transcription. See "Derniers Poèmes, 1949–1979." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P39 "Plaza," "Dance at Dawn," "Tortillera," and "Delousing"
"Plaza," "Dance at Dawn," "Tortillera," and "Delousing." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 13, no. 40 (February 1978). [In English and French with illustrations.]
"Plaza," "Dance at Dawn," "Tortillera," and "Delousing." [ca. 1933, 1973.] Edited transcription. See "Inscriptions pour Picture Book." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P40 "L'enfant va partir"
"L'enfant va partir." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 13, no. 40 (February 1978). [English translation by Ernest Jackson, Jr.]
"La mort acceptée." [1917.] Edited transcription. See "Poèmes Choisis par Jean Charlot." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P41 "Pour Mira Baciu"
"Pour Mira Baciu." Mele: Carta Internacional de Poesía 14, no. 44 (March 1979).
"Pour Mira Baciu." Trivium, 2–3(7/8) (2006): 95.
"Pour Mira Baciu." [1979.] Edited transcription. See "Derniers Poèmes, 1949–1979." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#P42 "Derniers Poèmes, 1949–1979"
"Derniers Poèmes 1949–1979." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Collected poems.]
#L1 "Lettre à sa Mère et devoirs d'ecolé"
"Lettre à sa Mère et devoirs d'ecolé." [ca. 1904.] Edited transcription. See "Lettres Choisies." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L2 "À son Père Henri Charlot: Lettre du 8 juillet 1909"
"À son Père Henri Charlot: Lettre du 8 juillet 1909 envoyée sous forme de rébus." Edited transcription. See "Lettres Choisies." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L3 "À la Bibliothèque Nationale demandant l'accès à la collection Aubin-Goupil"
"À la Bibliothèque Nationale, demandant l'accès à la collection Aubin-Goupil." [17 novembre 1914.] Edited transcription. See "Lettres Choisies." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L4 "Ebauche d'une lettre d'affaire"
"Ebauche d'une lettre d'affaire." [ca. 1914–1917.] Edited transcription. See "Lettres Choisies." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L5 "Brouillon inachevé d'une lettre à M. Cheneau"
"Brouillon inachevé d'une lettre à M. Cheneau." [ca. 1918.] Edited transcription. See "Lettres Choisies." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L6 "À sa Mère, 10 juin 1918"
"À sa Mère, 10 juin 1918." Edited transcription. See "Lettres Choisies." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L7 "À sa Mère, 8 janvier 1919"
"À sa Mère, 8 janvier 1919." Edited transcription. See "Lettres Choisies." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L8 "Deux lettres à sa Mère du 1 et du 24 septembre 1919"
"Deux lettres à sa Mère du 1 et du 24 septembre 1919." Edited transcription. See "Lettres Choisies." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L9 Letters from Jean Charlot to Walter Pach
Letters from Jean Charlot to Walter Pach. [ca. 1920–1925.] Walter Pach papers, 1957–1980. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
"Lettres de Jean Charlot à Walter Pach." [ca. 1920–1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Edited by John Charlot and Marie-José Fassiotto from the Walter Pach papers, 1957–1980. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.]
#L10 "Letter to W. Alanson Bryan on his Nationality"
"Letter to W. Alanson Bryan on his Nationality." [1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Bryan was director of the Los Angeles Museum of History, Science, and Art. Compare with N7, Edward Alden, "American Art off to Sweden—Orozco Exhibits," New York Times, February 9, 1930.]
#L11 "À Arlette Bouvier"
"À Arlette Bouvier." [ca. 1926–1928.] Edited transcription. See "Lettres Choisies." Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L12 "Dos cartas"
"Dos cartas." 1945–1946. Transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Letters dated October 30, 1945 and April 5, 1946 to Mexican government officials regarding Charlot's petition for residency during his 1945–1947 research for The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920–1925 (1963). Charlot became a United States citizen in 1940.]
#L13 Letter to President Laurence H. Snyder, University of Hawaii
Letter to President Laurence H. Snyder, University of Hawaii, September 12, 1960. Carbon copy. JCC. [Activities report, 1959–1960.]
"Letter to President Laurence H. Snyder, University of Hawaiʻi, Reporting on his Activities 1959–1960." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L14 "Letter on Plan for the Fresco in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington, Michigan"
"Letter on Plan for the Fresco in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington, Michigan." [March 12, 1961.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Letter to architect Charles D. Hannan.]
#L15 "Carta a Alberto Beltrán"
"Carta a Alberto Beltrán." [17 de abril 1969.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Published in El Día on the death of Leopoldo Méndez. See N80.]
#L16 "Letter to Jacob Adler on the Statue of Kamehameha"
"Letter to Jacob Adler on the Statue of Kamehameha by Thomas R. Gould." [ca. July 1969.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[With bibliography, photograph, and notes by John Charlot.]
#L17 "The Way of the Cross in the Church of St. John Apostle and Evangelist, Mililani, Hawaiʻi"
"The Way of the Cross in the Church of St. John Apostle and Evangelist, Mililani, Hawaiʻi, February 4, 1971." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Letter to Fr. Anthony Pascale.]
#L18 Letter to Dr. Ernest Jackson
Letter to Dr. Ernest Jackson on Mira Baciu's work on Paul Claudel. [1972]. Trivium 2–3 (7/8) (2006): 96–97.
Letter to Dr. Ernest Jackson on Mira Baciu's work on Paul Claudel. [1972]. Trivium 2–3 (7/8) (2006): 96–97. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#L19 "Paul Claudel Correspondence—Jean Charlot"
"Paul Claudel Correspondence—Jean Charlot, [Letters numbered 1–4]." Paul Claudel in the Pacific 1, no. 1 (May 1975): 49–51. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
Correspondence between Paul Claudel and Jean Charlot, 1929–1954. Photocopies. JCC. [Originals at the Claudel Institute, Paris.]
#L20 "Carta a Helga Prignitz"
"Carta a Helga Prignitz." [July 1978.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Used by Prignitz in her 1981 dissertation, "TGP" (Taller de Gráfica Popular), Freie University, Berlin.]
#L21 "Carta a Carmen Barreda"
"Carta a Carmen Barreda." January 22, 1979. Transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U1 "Pictures and Picture Making: A Series of Lectures"
"Pictures and Picture Making: A Series of Lectures." 1938. Mimeograph. JCC. [Lectures on theory of art and animation taken in shorthand and mimeographed by Disney Studios, Hollywood. See S4.]
"Composición de La masacre en el Templo Mayor. Extracto de Pictures and Picture Making, Ponencia VI, martes, 24 de mayo 1938." Apéndice IV, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 288–299.
"Composición de La masacre en el Templo Mayor. Extracto de Pictures and Picture Making, Ponencia VI, martes, 24 de mayo 1938." Apéndice IV, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 288–299. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U2 "Mary and Art"
"Mary and Art." 1958. Manuscript. JCC. [Series of lectures, S26, given at Chaminade College, Honolulu, February–May 1958, with list of accompanying slides.]
#U3 "Checklist of Paintings, 1911–1978"
"Checklist of Paintings, 1911–1978." 1911–1978. Typescript. JCC.
#U4 "Notes sur la Collection Aubin-Goupil à la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris"
"Notes sur la Collection Aubin-Goupil à la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris." [1914–1915.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Part 1: "Notes pour un catalogue raisonné des manuscrits anciens préhispaniques à la collection Aubin-Goupil." Part 2: "Notes pour un catalogue raisonné des anciens manuscrits dans la collection d'Eugène Goupil à la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris." With later corrections and additions in 1972 by Charlot.]
#U5 "Guerre 1918"
"Guerre 1918." [1918.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U6 "Journal autour de la bataille du Matz"
"Journal autour de la bataille du Matz." [1918.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[See P22.]
#U7 "Notes Religieuses"
"Notes Religieuses." [1917–1918.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U8 "Historique de la 15e Btt du V/101"
"Historique de la 15e Btt du V/101." [1919.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[History of the 15th Battalion, Moroccan Division.]
#U9 "Méditations Pendant l'Occupation"
"Méditations Pendant l'Occupation." [1919.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U10 "Note bibliographique sur une édition de Les Orientales de Victor Hugo"
"Note bibliographique sur une édition de Les Orientales de Victor Hugo." [ca. 1917–1919.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Attached to Charlot's personal copy.]
#U11 "Notebook C : Notes Religieuses et Personnelles"
"Notebook C : Notes Religieuses et Personnelles." [ca. 1918–1919.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U12 "Notes détachées faites pendant la guerre et l'occupation"
"Notes détachées faites pendant la guerre et l'occupation." [1917–1920.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U13 "Notes sur l'Autel de Isenheimer de Matthias Grünewald"
"Notes sur l'Autel de Isenheimer de Matthias Grünewald." [1919–1920.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Hand-crafted notebook attached to Charlot's copy of Matthias Grünewald: Das wunder des Isenheimer altars, by Hugo Kehrer (Munich: Hugo Schmidt Verlag, 1919).]
#U14 "Les Arrivées au Mexique"
"Les Arrivées au Mexique." [1921.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U15 "Félibien : Entretiens sur la vie des peintres 1690"
"Félibien: Entretiens sur la vie des peintres 1690." [1921.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U16 "Note sur l'art hollandais"
"Note sur l'art hollandais." [1921.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U17 "Note sur l'atelier de Desportes"
"Note sur l'atelier de Desportes." [1921.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U18 "Notes détachées sur ses propres œuvres"
"Notes détachées sur ses propres œuvres." [1917–1921.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U19 "De la critique et des peintres"
"De la critique et des peintres." [1922.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U20 "Des diverses sortes de mauvais peintres"
"Des diverses sortes de mauvais peintres." [1922.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U21 "Notes sur des artistes grecs"
"Notes sur des artistes grecs." [ca. 1921–1922.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U22 "Traité de peinture"
"Traité de peinture." [1920–1922.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U23 "Notas sobre la conversación con Doña Carmen Rubio de Vanegas Arroyo"
"Notas sobre la conversación con Doña Carmen Rubio de Vanegas Arroyo." [ca. 1923.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U24 "Notebook C: Notes sur l'art"
"Notebook C: Notes sur l'art." [1918–1923.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
"Ideografía azteca y Gleizes." Apéndice I, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 280–281. [Extracted from "Notebook C: Notes sur l'art."]
"Ideografía azteca y Gleizes." Apéndice I, "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor," by John Charlot. Memoria Congreso (1999), 280–281. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U25 "Notes détachées sur l'art"
"Notes détachées sur l'art." [1922–1923.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U26 "Ludwigshafen Notebook"
"Ludwigshafen Notebook." [1919–1925.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[In two parts.]
#U27 "Ebauche d'un essai sur la religion populaire indo-américaine"
"Ebauche d'un essai sur la religion populaire indo-américaine." [ca. 1925–1926.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U28 "Prólogo: José Guadalupe Posada"
"Prólogo: José Guadalupe Posada." [1926.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[For proposed Vanegas Arroyo catalogue raisonné of Posada's work.]
#U29 "Voyage à Cobá"
"Voyage à Cobá." [1926.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Also see B2, A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Cobá, Quintana Roo, Mexico (1932).]
#U30 "Modelado"
"Modelado." [1927.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U31 "Notes détachées au Mexique"
"Notes détachées au Mexique." [1923–1927.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U32 "José Guadalupe Posada, grabador mexicano"
"José Guadalupe Posada, grabador mexicano." [1928.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Written for proposed publication in Forma: Revista de Artes Plasticas.]
#U33 "Notes sur l'art dans Sketchbook 1933"
"Notes sur l'art dans Sketchbook 1933." Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U34 "Description of The Art Contribution to Civilization of All Nations and Countries"
"Description of The Art Contribution to Civilization of All Nations and Countries." [1935.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[On Charlot's mural at Straubenmüller Textile High School, New York City.]
#U35 "Art Book"
"Art Book." [1932–1938.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U36 "Notes on the Theory of Art"
"Notes on the Theory of Art." [ca. 1932–1938.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U37 "Note sur Les Joueurs de Cartes de Cézanne"
"Note sur Les Joueurs de Cartes de Cézanne." [1939.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U38 "Foreword to an Exhibition on Art Techniques"
"Foreword to an Exhibition on Art Techniques." [1941.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Written for exhibition on techniques, Penthouse Gallery, Museum of Modern Art, New York City.]
#U39 "Galo Galecio, Grabador Ecuatoriano"
"Galo Galecio, Grabador Ecuatoriano." [1946.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Unpublished review of Bajo la línea del Ecuador: 30 grabados de Galo Galecio, by Galo Galecio, with a foreword by Leopoldo Méndez (Mexico City: Estampa Mexicana, 1946).]
#U40 "Man's Wisdom Subdues the Aggressive Forces of Nature"
"Man's Wisdom Subdues the Aggressive Forces of Nature." [ca. 1951.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U41 "Three Interviews of Josef Albers"
"Three Interviews of Josef Albers." [1946, 1953, 1954.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U42 "Fresco: Calvary for St. Leonard Friary"
"Fresco: Calvary for St. Leonard Friary." [1958.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U43 "Jean Charlot's Fresco-Mural in the Church of Our Lady & St. Philip, Rock Hill, South Carolina"
"Jean Charlot's Fresco-Mural in the Church of Our Lady & St. Philip, Rock Hill, South Carolina." [November 1959.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U44 "Report on Stay at East-West Center as Senior Specialist"
"Report on Stay at East-West Center as Senior Specialist." [September 26, 1967.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U45 "The Unknown God"
"The Unknown God." [ca. 1970.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Review of The Unknown God, by István Rácz (New York: Sheed & Ward, 1970).]
#U46 "A Suggested Parallel between Venezuelan and Hawaiian Petroglyphs"
"A Suggested Parallel between Venezuelan and Hawaiian Petroglyphs." [February 8, 1972.] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
#U47 "Flight into Egypt"
"Flight into Egypt." [1976] Edited transcription. Jean Charlot Foundation. Accessed 2014.
[Charlot's remarks on his 1976 painting, Flight into Egypt.]
#U48 Diaries, 1922–1979
Diaries, 1922–1979. Manuscript. JCC. [In French, Spanish, English, and (possibly) Aimé Paris shorthand.]
#U49 "Hawaiian Grammar" [draft]
"Hawaiian Grammar" [draft], by Samuel H. Elbert and Mary Kawena Pukui. [1978?] Typescript. UH Mānoa Hamilton Library, Hawaiian Collection. [With insertions and annotations by Charlot and others. Book later published by University of Hawaii Press, 1979.]
0–9 A "Art" column B C D E F G H I J K L Letters from Jean Charlot M N O P Q R Reviews S T U V W X Y
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Jean Charlot
Jean Charlot Foundation