John Charlot on Jean Charlot—Jean Charlot

John Charlot on Jean Charlot

All texts are copyrighted. Please do not use without acknowledgment. I, John Charlot, thank the original publishers of these articles for permission to post them on this website.

# "The Formation of the Artist: Jean Charlot's French Period". John Charlot. Thomas Klobe (ed.): Jean Charlot: A Retrospective. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Art Gallery. 1990, pp. 34–57.

# "Jean Charlot, de la France au Mexique". John Charlot. Philippe Monsel (ed): Mexique-Europe: Allers-Retours: 1910–1960. Paris: Éditions Cercle d'Art. 2004, pp. 101–110.
Catalog of exhibition at Le Musée d'Art Moderne, Lille, France. September 4, 2004–January 16, 2005.

See also:

# "Jean Charlot: From France to Mexico". John Charlot. English original.

# "Charlot, Jean". John Charlot. Michael S. Werner (ed.): Encyclopedia of Mexico: History, Society & Culture. Chicago and London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. 1997, pp. 236 f.

# "Patrocinio y libertad creativa: José Vasconcelos y sus muralistas". John Charlot. Parteaguas, Revista del Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes. Summer 2008, Year 4, Number 13, pp. 97–105.

See also:

# "Patronage and Creative Freedom: José Vasconcelos and his Muralists". John Charlot. English original.

# "El pequeño testimonio de José Vasconcelos sobre el Renacimiento Pictórico Mexicano: Escrito para Jean Charlot". John Charlot. Parteaguas, Revista del Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes. Summer 2009, Year 5, Number 17, pp. 31–34.

See also:

# "José Vasconcelos' Brief Memoir of the Mexican Pictorial Renaissance Written for Jean Charlot". John Charlot. English original.

# "El Primer Fresco de Jean Charlot: La Masacre en el Templo Mayor". John Charlot. Memoria Congreso Internacional de Muralismo: San Ildefonso, cuna del Muralismo Mexicano: reflexiones historiográficas y artísticas. Mexico City: Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso. 1999, pp. 243–279.

With appended texts by Jean Charlot, pp. 281–299:

Apéndice I: "Ideografia azteca y Gleizes". B84 U24

Apéndice II: "Respuesta a Molina". B84

Apéndice III: "Memorandum Técnico". B10 B84

Apéndice IV: "Composición de La Masacre en el Templo Mayor". B84 S4 U1

See also:

# "Jean Charlot's First Fresco: The Massacre in the Main Temple". John Charlot. Jean Charlot Collection, website. 2001.

# "A Note on Jean Charlot's View of Diego Rivera". John Charlot. Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte. 1997, Volume 60, Number 1, pp. 115–118.

# "Jean Charlot y Luz Jiménez". John Charlot. Parteaguas, Revista del Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes. Spring 2007, Year 2, Number 8, pp. 83–100.

See also:

# "Jean Charlot and Luz Jiménez". John Charlot. English original.

# "Una carta inédita de José Clemente Orozco para Jean Charlot, con extractos de cartas de Pablo O'Higgins". John Charlot. Parteaguas, Revista del Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes. Winter 2008, Year 3, Number 11, pp. 83–93.

# "Jean Charlot and Local Cultures". John Charlot. Ethel Moore (ed.): Jean Charlot: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints. Georgia Museum of Art Bulletin. Athens: The University of Georgia. 1976, Volume 2, Number 2, Fall, pp. 26–35.

# "The Theme of the Body in the Work of Jean Charlot". John Charlot. Sciences Religieuses/Studies in Religion, Revue Canadienne/A Canadian Journal. Printemps/Spring 1983, Volume 12, Number 2, pp. 211–218.

# "Jean Charlot as Paul Claudel's Ixtlilxóchitl". John Charlot. The Journal of Intercultural Studies. 1990–1991, Numbers 17 & 18, pp. 64–74.

# "The Source of Picasso's First Steps: Jean Charlot's First Steps". John Charlot. Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte. 1992, Volume 55, Number 2, pp. 275–278.

# "Jean Charlot and Classical Hawaiian Culture". John Charlot. The Journal of Pacific History. 2006, Volume 41, Number 1, pp. 61–80.

# "Jean Charlot's Nativity at the Ranch". John Charlot. February 2020. The Jean Charlot Foundation (

# "Les pièces dramatiques en langue hawaïenne de Jean Charlot". John Charlot. Journal de la Société des Océanistes. Mars–Juin 1977, 54–55, Tome XXXIII, pp. 65–75.

# "Jean Charlot's Hawaiian-Language Plays". John Charlot. Rongorongo Studies. 1998, Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 3–24. Selected Works Consulted

# "The Death and Burial of Jean Charlot, February 12, 1898–March 20, 1979". John Charlot. Honolulu Magazine. December 1979, Volume XIV, Number 6, pp. 78–82, 84, 87.

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Writings on Jean Charlot

Contact, copyright, credit
Jean Charlot & The Jean Charlot Foundation