New entries, new materials, and additional photos regarding the works and writings of Jean Charlot added to the website during the year 2018.
Twelve watercolors of rooftops and skyscapes. New page with 12 new entries and photos. completed
Sketches in Pablo Picasso. New entry with photos of relevant book pages. completed
Line drawings of Jarabe, national dance of Mexico. New entry with 5 photos. completed
Juvenilia 1904. 23 photos for its remaining pages. completed
Polychrome wood sculpture. New page with 3 new entries and 6 new photos. completed
Carrying cross. New entry with photo. completed
The Relation of Man and Nature in Old Hawaiʻi. 1974. Leeward Community College, Pearl City, Hawaiʻi. New page with 9 photos. completed
Shield of the National University of Mexico, with Eagle and Condor. 1924. Salón Iberoamericano, Ciudad de México. New page with 3 photos. completed
Shield of the National University of Mexico, with Eagle and Condor. 1923. Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso. New photo. completed
Revamped whole section. completed
Head of Christ Ascending. New entry with photo. completed
Luz standing, hands forwards. New photo. completed
Revamped whole section. Sample images for each entry. New pages for each entry, with 121 images extracted from PDFs. completed
Calligrammes. New entry with 4 photos. completed
New "Addenda" section.
"Carlos Merida y la pintura". Contemporáneos. November 1928. Number 6, pp. 262–272. completed
"José Clemente Orozco: Frescos". Contemporáneos. January 1929. Volume 3, Number 8, pp. 24–32. completed
1931 diary. Zohmah Charlot. February 21–September 19, 1931. Transcribed from the shorthand by Zohmah Charlot. Transcription not dated. Previously unpublished. completed
"The Work of Jean Charlot". Lois Schumacher. Today. March 1949, pp. 8–9. completed
"Motivos: Antologia de Jean Charlot: Obras de Jean Charlot: Poemas de Jean Charlot". Bernardo Ortiz de Montellano. Contemporáneos. June 1931, Year 4, No. 37, pp. 211–215, 263–271. completed
"Jean Charlot's Shield of the National University of Mexico". Sivia N. Garza P. Photography: Miguel and Isabella Zuñiga. 2018. Previously unpublished. Copyright Ph.D. Sivia N. Garza P. MA 2018. completed
First Steps from the Periphery: The Work of Jean Charlot as a Source for Picasso's First Steps. Elizabeth Casey. Senior thesis, Yale University, 2018. Previously unpublished. With permission. completed
"Le fantôme d'un chef-d'œuvre absent. Au milieu des vitraux de l'Apocalypse et les illustrations de Jean Charlot". Nina Hellerstein. Bulletin de la Société Paul Claudel: Le Livre. 2018-1, Number 224, pp. 55–72. completed
Contact, copyright, credit
Jean Charlot
Jean Charlot Foundation