Guerre 1918

Guerre 1918. Jean Charlot. 1918. Paper: 3 3/4 in wide × 6 in high. Notepad, probably army issued, used as a sketchbook during World War I.

The sketchbook has its original cover with Guerre written on it and was rebound in Hawaiʻi with the same title and added date. Jean Charlot was using Guerre simultaneously with Notebook 1918; the latter more for poems and notes, and the former more for drawings. Texts from this sketchbook are transcribed in Jean Charlot, Textes Français : Ecrits Autobiographiques et Religieux : Guerre 1918 [U5]. Texts from Notebook 1918 are posted, e.g., in Textes Français : 44. Notes Religieuses [U7]. See Bibliographie : 44.C. Charité.

Page 4, page 5, and page 6 have sketches for Chemin de Croix (Morse numbers 11–25). The contest for a Way of the Cross sponsored by the Société St. Jean was announced in La Gilde of January 25, 1918. Charlot might also have heard about it when he was in Paris in early January.