Escritos Sobre Arte Mexicano |
Libros de Jean Charlot sobre Arte
Earl H. Morris, Jean Charlot, y Ann Axtell Morris: The Temple of the Warriors at Chichén Itzá, Yucatan. Washington, D.C., Carnegie Institute of Washington (Publicación núméro 406), 1931. 2 vols.
J. Eric Thompson, Harry E.D. Pollock, y Jean Charlot: A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Coba, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Washington, D.C., Carnegie Institute of Washington, 1932. Publicación número 424.
Jean Charlot, Catalogue of Prints. New York, Albert Carman, 1936.
Art from the Mayans to Disney. New York, Sheed & Ward, 1939. Reimpresiones: Ann Arbor, Michigan, University Microfilms Library Service, 1967; y Freeport, New York, Books for Libraries Press, 1969.
Charlot Murals in Georgia. Introducción de Lamar Dodd, Comentarios por Jean Charlot. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 1945.
100 Woodcuts/Grabados en Madera by/por José Guadalupe Posada. Prefacio de Jean Charlot. México, Arsacio Vanegas Arroyo, 1946.
Art-Making from Mexico to China. New York, Sheed & Ward, 1950.
The Dance of Death: 50 Drawings and Captions. New York, Sheed & Ward, 1951.
Choris and Kanehameha. Honolulu, Bishop Museum Press, 1958.
Mexican Art and the Academy of San Carlos, 1785-1915. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1962.
The Mexican Mural Renaissance, 1920-1925. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1963. Reimpresión: New York, Hacker Art Books, 1979. Traducción al español: El renacimiento del muralismo mexicano, 1920-1925. México, Editorial Domés, 1985.
Posada's Dance of Death. New York, Pratt Graphic Arts Center, 1964.
José Clemente Orozco, el Artista en Nueva York; Cartas a Jean Charlot y Textos Inéditos, 1925-1929. Apéndices de Jean Charlot. México, Siglo Veintiuno, 1971.
An Artist On Art: Collected Essays of Jean Charlot. Honolulu, University Press of Hawaii, 1972. 2 vols.
Doors to Many Mansions. Comentarios de Jean Charlot. Honolulu, Punahou School, 1973.
José Clemente Orozco, the Artist in New York: Letters to Jean Charlot and Unpublished Writings, 1925-1929. Prefacio y notas de Jean Charlot. Cartas y escritos traducidos por Ruth L.C. Sims. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1974.
Cartoons Catholic: Mirth and Meditation from the Brush and Brain of Jean Charlot. Con comentario de F.J. Sheed. Huntington, Indiana, 1978.
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Apéndice 1: Frances Kartunen: Mowentike Chalman/Los Peregrinos de Chalma de Jean Charlot |