Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. 1931. Jean Charlot Collection, Correspondence, "Jean Charlot to Zohmah Day Charlot". Box 1, folder 1.
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Annotated by Zohmah: "Aug 31 1931".
Text begins:
[letterhead: flag with "W", ribbon with "Ward Line"]
Dear Zohmah, Just on board. I hope
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Annotated by Zohmah: "Sept 16 1931", "to Mexico". Two sheets.
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Annotated by Zohmah: "Sept 19 1931". Three sheets.
Sheet 1 of 3. Text begins:
Until when can I write to Coyoacan? and where next?
[letterhead: Allerton House, 45 East 55th Street, New York.]
Zohmah dear. I got your nice long
Sheet 2 of 3. Text begins:
[letterhead: Allerton House, 45 East 55th Street, New York.]
kinds of interests. I found
Verso. Text begins:
I will make of it the guest-
Sheet 3 of 3. Text:
[drawing: portraits on wall, J.C. lying on bed]
My new interior decoration
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Annotated by Zohmah: "Sept 24 1931". Two sheets.
Sheet 1 of 2. Text begins:
Zohmah dear
It is 2 A. M. and I cannot sleep.
Verso. Text begins:
Everywhere I go I hear of people
Sheet 2 of 2. Text:
[drawing: Zohmah on horse, cameraman saying "Hold it!"]
Zohmah in Hollywood. Zohmah in the pullmann.
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Date from diary: September 23, 1931.
Text begins:
Zohmah dear
Please, when you come, do not come
Verso. Text begin:
I send you two photographs. Did you receive them?
[drawing: intials "J.C." on sad pig saying "Zohmah is not coming"]
[drawing: initials "J.C." on happy pig saying "Zohmah is coming"]
[drawing: J.C. in skyscraper, Zohmah in plane]
Do write, Zohmah dear.
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Annotated by Zohmah: "Sept 28 1931".
Text begins:
Dear zohmah so far away not a word from you, and all my letters
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Annotated by Zohmah: "Oct 3 1931".
Text begins:
Zohmah dear so silent
Three days without any word
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Date from diary: October 5, 1931. Annotated by Zohmah: "Oct 12 1931".
Text begins:
[written upside down]
P.S: See Creative Arts for October. There is something about me.
Zohmah dear
Your last letter showed you so
Verso. Text begins:
I would be very angry, and dislike it a lot.
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Envelope. Postmarked: New York, NY, October 7, 1931, 7:00AM.
Text begins:
Miss Z. Day
119 W. Compton Bard
Compton Cal.
[return address]
Charlot c/o Morgan 108 E.57.N.Y.C.
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot.
Text begins:
For Zohmah
from Jean.
Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Date from diary: October 16, 1931. Annotated by Zohmah: "Oct 18 1931", "To Peck Dr.".
Text begins:
Zohmah very dear
It was so good to hear of your coming
Contact, copyright, credit
Jean Charlot
Jean Charlot Foundation