Transition from prior stylesheets—Jean Charlot

Transition from prior stylesheets

Revise a document.

Differences from site_CGku.

Differences from gallery_CGku.

Differences from earlier versions.

Still need to investigate .fragmentProxy.withoutLinkInBib for references to WJCB. See also the separate stylesheet bibliography-anchors. The class used to have the message:

Entry in WJC-JMR is without an http link in text to this.

# revise a document

# begin the <html> region

Additional guidance beyond the "begin a document" guideline.

Remove: <!DOCTYPE html>.

The "doctype" has only ever been flawed contingency programming inappropriately incorporated into web browsers. The official HTML recommendation has absolutely no conditions for either with or without it. The rules in this stylesheet are independent of it.

The <title> mark.

Generally ends with "—Jean Charlot".

Remove: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">.

These styles are independent of minimum width, and has either maximum width or no need for one.

Furthermore, those viewport attribute values are an enforced decision that voids the flexibility for personal comfort that the person viewing the document normally has with resizing/reshaping the viewport. Instead, this lack of flexibility must be addressed either by the gadget makers (f.e. by means of physical controls) and computer programmers to provide unlimited viewing options (as is already provided on computers with larger displays) to the person viewing. Or a different device can be used for experiencing personal comfort (f.e. perhaps a computer, or a book).

Remove: <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">.

That really should be an option within an HTML viewer that offers (to the person viewing the document) enabling automatic linking of telephone numbers beyond the specifically marked text by the longtime existing "tel:" protocal <a href="tel:. . .">.

Update the stylesheet <link>.

Only one stylesheet is needed. The rel attribute is before the href attribute. The href attribute has a relative path, never absolute. No other attributes needed.

Rarely, a <style> mark for styles unique to the document.

Preferred rather than adding new rules to the site stylesheet. Uniquify classes or ID names by prefixing with "doc_". However, this mark is rare because this site stylesheet usually has everything already at this point.

As an alternative, use an <iframe> (with a srcdoc attribute) at the end of the document for the documentation and CSS rules. Then, just like what the website stylesheet does for itself, add a second <link> with the document itself as the additional stylesheet for itself. See the main index as an example.

Another possibility is when a document was intended as self-contained. However, a document should be fine without any changes to the default values provided by the HTML viewer. Consider using this stylesheet instead for the rules in the <style> region that are the same.

Usually a form feed ^L before the line with the <body> mark, for page/visual division in text editors.

# begin the <body> region

Conversions for the beginning of the <body> region of a document.

# revise the content

Main differences for content:

# ending the document

A document ends with links for the website. Usually preceded by a form feed ^L, for page/visual division in text editors.

No need for marking the end of either the <body> or <html> regions.

# differences from site_CGku

page-title ID removed

Removed page-title ID. Instead, the document title is simply an <h1> when it is the :first-child of the <body> region. Also, follow that with an <hr> prior the content of the document.

Restyled the document title, too.

page-relations ID removed
Removed page-relations ID. The back references are now simply the <dl> immediately after the final horizontal rule, before the paragraph with the site link and credit link.
Refactored "page" to "document", and "page-" to "doc-"

Changed "page" to "document" in documentaion, and "page-" to "doc-" in ID and class names. This is because a document is self-supportive, while a page is potentially unable to stand on its own. For example, links to other documents are supplemental rather than vital.

site-copyright-contact ID removed

Removed site-copyright-contact ID. The main index link and credit link are now simply in the paragraph after the final horizontal rule <hr> mark, a new requirement. Also removed the <nav> mark.

phrase-br class replaced

Replaced phrase-br class with the attribute f for a phrase.

named locations

Revamped "named locations and their fragment links" into "hyperlinks". Also formerly known as "fragment-proxy".

sample-list class revamped as previews class

Revamped and renamed sample-list class to previews for a list of previews.


Added to default styles. Mainly used within the descriptions of the new preview listing for initial text of scanned documents, f.e. the Correspondence section.

endnotes, footnotes, notes in general

The "notes feature" has been revamped into notes and their lists. Revised with latest version of named locations and fragment links.

image documents

Replaced single-image, multi-image, and fit-content classes with imagery class.

flexible-image class removed

Consider using the partial view approach. See Writings on Jean Charlot, Books on Jean Charlot, or Books and Booklets.

contributors class removed

Use only the <b> mark, no class.

foreign-term class removed

Use only the <i> mark, no class. Perhaps a lang attribute, too.


It is more appropriate to use three <span> marks.

references to Writings by Jean Charlot: a bibliography

Renamed WJC-JMR_ref and wjc-jmr-ref to jmr-wjcb. Renamed nonAlphanumeric to non-alphanumeric.

Removed: artwork-title, publication-title, event-title

Removed classes. Use <i> without a class. If anything at all, consider creating a data-is-title attribute, with optional values of "artwork", "publication", and "event".

Removed: unpublished-title, excerpt-title

Removed classes. These were within double quote marks, likely fancy. Be sure to change to plain double quote marks.

unmarked-list class removed

Consider using a <dl> for an introduced list.

# differences from gallery_CGku

item-list revamped into previews

Revamped item-list into a list of previews.

Removed: list-items-have-fragment, list-items-have-fragment-link

Obsolete. See hyperlinks or a list of previews.

Removed: sample class

Obsolete. See a list of previews.

photo credit

Replace <span> with a <p>. See a list of previews.

# differences from earlier versions

Changes for web documents with stylesheets prior to site_CGku.css.

Changes for artwork documents with stylesheets prior to gallery_CGku.css.

More in:
Bibliography anchors
Website guideline
Website stylesheet

Contact, copyright, credit
Jean Charlot & The Jean Charlot Foundation