Correspondence with Zohmah. Jean Charlot. Date from diary: June 10, 1965. Two sheets.
Sheet 1 of 2. Text begins:
Mrs. Robert T. Hatt
28 Academy Way
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013
Sue Hatt came for me this morning. They leave at Cranbrook Academy. Bob Hatt is director of the Scientific Foundation there. They live in the house of Carl Milles, who did the monumental sculpture on the grounds before going back to Sweden.
Sheet 2 of 2. Text begins:
Mrs. Robert T. Hatt
28 Academy Way
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013
Saw the invitation for tomorrow's dinner. Says I will speak on "Art and Democracy"! They are both coming. Have arranged with Fr Torzewsky to take me to Lincoln Park after
Contact, copyright, credit
Jean Charlot
Jean Charlot Foundation