Murals, sculpture, and tiles by Jean Charlot, 1957, The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, 4956 Kāhala Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
Darren Bradley's photos are copyright by Darren Bradley. Originally from Modernist Architecture: "The Jean Charlot Residence". Used with permission.
photo: Darren Bradley
photo: Darren Bradley
photo: Darren Bradley
entry foyer
photo: Darren Bradley
photo: Darren Bradley
dining room
photo: Darren Bradley
dining room
photo: Darren Bradley
dining room
photo: Darren Bradley
living room
photo: Darren Bradley
living room
photo: Darren Bradley
first lanai, from living room
photo: Darren Bradley
second lanai, from living room
photo: Darren Bradley
second lanai
photo: Darren Bradley
first and second lanai, along canal
photo: Darren Bradley
first and second lanai
photo: Philip Spalding III
first lanai
photo: Philip Spalding III
second lanai
photo: Philip Spalding III
second lanai
photo: Philip Spalding III
second lanai and dining room extension
photo: Philip Spalding III
dining room extension
photo: Philip Spalding III
dining room extension
photo: Philip Spalding III
photo: Philip Spalding III
Tropical Foliage.
Jean Charlot. August 17–October 20, 1957. Fresco. 12 ft wide × 12 ft high. The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. (JCC: ART: MU 37)
photo: Philip Spalding III
Chinese Rock.
Jean Charlot. 1969. Ceramic statue. 7 ft high. Garden, The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. (JCC: ART: MU 63)
photo: Philip Spalding III
Jean Charlot. Garden, The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
photo: Philip Spalding III
God Images.
Jean Charlot. The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
photo: Philip Spalding III
Jean Charlot. The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
photo: Philip Spalding III
Tiles of the first lanai.
Jean Charlot. First lanai, The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
photo: Philip Spalding III
Tiles of the second lanai.
Jean Charlot. Second lanai, The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
photo: Philip Spalding III
Tiles of the dining room extension.
Jean Charlot. Dining room extension, The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
photo: Philip Spalding III
Tiles of the kitchen.
Jean Charlot. Kitchen, The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
photo: Philip Spalding III
Tiles of the south bathroom.
Jean Charlot. South bathroom, The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
photo: Philip Spalding III
Sacred Heart.
Jean Charlot. 1957. Ceramic tile mural. Front door, The Jean and Zohmah Charlot House, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
Contact, copyright, credit
Jean Charlot
Jean Charlot Foundation