Although the subject of petroglyphs is touched upon only lightly
in the beautiful book Arte Prehispanico de Venezuela, published by the Foundation Eugenio Mendoza,[1]
it suggests possible similarities with the petroglyphs found in Hawaii. I was especially struck by the term mini-mortero applied to a small cavity often surrounded by
concentric lines.
The suggestion may point to an actual use for this small
cavity. In Hawaii there exist
similar designs. We know perhaps
more about their meaning and intended use thanks to the relatively modern age
of the petroglyphs and corroborative literary aboriginal sources.
Shared with many other cultures, the Hawaiian believed in magic
and the need for the sorcerer to take hold of parts of the human body of the
person to be harmed. These usually
would be hair, nail filings, or specifically, in the case of a newborn child,
it would be the umbilical cord discarded after birth. A great secrecy surrounded as a result the disposal of the
cord; some dried ones are still to be found deep inside the cracks of rocks,
It is quite possible that the mini-morteros that also exist in Hawaii, usually framed with
concentric lines that underline their importance, were actually used to mash
the umbilical cord of the newborn with a mini-pestle and thus destroy its
identity, putting it out of reach of potential sorcerers.
This is my personal suggestion, not as yet published or accepted
by Hawaiian archaeologists. It has
validity, however, given our knowledge of Hawaiian ways. A similar use for the Venezuelan mini-morteros could also be an explanation for their
[1] Arte
prehisp‡nico de Venezuela, Caracas:
Fundaci—n Eugenio Mendoza, 1971.
Edited by John Charlot.