Books on Jean Charlot—Jean Charlot

Books on Jean Charlot

Life of St. Bridget.  Jean Charlot.  1939.  Boat on left side.
Life of St. Bridget. 1939.

# Jean Charlot. Paul Claudel. (Peintres Nouveaux.) Paris: nrf, 1931. Second edition. B31

# Jean Charlot: México68 Programa Cultural de la XIX Olimpiada, Del 28 de marzo al 28 de abril. Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Museo de Arte Moderno, 1968.

# obra pictorica de Jean Charlot. Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Museo de Arte Moderno, 1968.

# Jean Charlot: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints: An Exhibition organized by the Georgia Museum of Art, October 31 to December 5, 1976. Ethel Moore, editor. Georgia Museum of Art Bulletin. Athens: The University of Georgia, Fall 1976, Volume 2, Number 2. Portions of this book are posted here with the kind permission of the Bulletin of the Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia, which has granted rights of reproduction to the Jean Charlot Foundation for this website only. B74

# Jean Charlot: Estridentista Silencioso. Stefan Baciu. Presentación: Manuel Maples Arce; Poema: Germán List Arzubide; Portada: Alfredo Zalce. Mexico: Editorial “El Café de Nadie,” 1982 (Segunda Edicion Ampliada).

# Jean Charlot: A Retrospective. Thomas Klobe, editor. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Art Gallery, 1990.

# México en la Obra de Jean Charlot. Milena Koprivitza and Blanca Garduño Pulido, editors. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, 1994. B40 B83 A4 N3 N5

# Painting Paradise for a Post-Colonial Pacific: The Fijian Frescoes of Jean Charlot. Caroline Klarr. PhD dissertation. The Florida State University School of Visual Arts and Dance, 2005.

# Evelyn Giddings: an oral history about her work with Jean Charlot. Eight interviews December 23, 2014–August 27, 2015. Evelyn Giddings. Interviewer Lila Gardner, editor Bronwen Solyom. Honolulu, Hawaiʻi: The Jean Charlot Foundation, 2017.

# Jean Charlot: Life and Work. John Charlot. DRAFT, 2017.

# Jean Charlot: Life and Work. Volume 1: France, 1898 to 1921

# 1. Foreword

# 2. Family Background

# 3. Childhood and Youth: 1898–1914

# 4. Poetry

# 5. The Death of Henri—La Gilde

# 6. World War I

# 7. The Occupation

# 8. Postwar Paris and Mexico

# 9. Bibliography for volumes 1 and 2

# Jean Charlot: Life and Work. Volume 2: Mexico, 1921 to 1928

# Preface and Acknowledgments

# 1. Historiographer

# 2. The Mexican Mural Renaissance

# 3. Mexicanidad: Study and Influence

# 4. Subject and Style

# 5. Religion and Romance

# 6. Jean Charlot’s Mexican Transition

# 7. 1921–1922

# 8. 1923–1925

# 9. 1926–1928

# Bibliography for volumes 1 and 2

Contact, copyright, credit
Jean Charlot & The Jean Charlot Foundation